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Unit 1-2 2/23/2018

_____________ 1. The system should be a_______. (這制度應該要廢除)

_____________ 2. They a__________the ship. (他們棄船)
_____________ 3. I am afraid to a__________ about the matter. (我害怕與他接洽此事)
_____________ 4. He arrived in the m_______ of the typhoon. (他在颱風時刻到來)
_____________ 5. He is a_________ of himself. (他為自己感到羞恥)
_____________ 6. B________ are very small organisms. (細菌是非常小的生物體)
_____________ 7. He is f_____ u___ with country life. ( 他已厭倦了鄉下生活)
_____________ 8. Those who are u________ are unwilling to change. (固執的人是不願意改變)
_____________ 9. On an a_________, he studies five hours a day. (平均而言 他一天讀書 5 個小時)
_____________ 10. It is an a_________ door. (這是自動門)
_____________ 11. At this price this camera is b_________. (這個價錢的相機很便宜)
_____________ 12. A child a_______. (虐待兒童者)
_____________ 13. The tree b_________. (這棵樹開花了)
_____________ 14. A c_______ is a person whose job is making and repairing wooden things. (木
_____________ 15. He raises money for c_______. (他為慈善而付款)
_____________ 16. He b_______ the ball against the wall. (他把球打在牆壁上而彈回)
_____________ 17. He is a b_______ murder. (他是個殘忍的兇手)
_____________ 18. They c_____ to work. (他們停止工作)
_____________ 19. The bird c______ loudly. (鳥叫的好大聲)
_____________ 20. They c_______ with the police. (他們和警方產生衝突)

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