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Unit 1

______________1. He has an a_______ fear of worm. (他對蟲⼦有著超乎尋常的恐懼)

______________2. She a________ the plan. (她終⽌了這個計畫)

______________3. He a_________ the car. (他走近這部⾞)

______________4. He is a_______ of himself. (他為⾃⼰感到羞愧)

______________5. Who is in a_________?(誰負責此事?)

______________6. Women seem to know how to b_______ better than men. (女⼈似乎比男⼈

______________7. He b_____ds the wire into the right angle. (他把電線彎成直⾓)

______________8. Minor should not drink alcoholic b_____. (未成年不應該喝含酒精性飲料)

______________9. B______ are very small organisms. (細菌是非常⼩的⽣物體)

______________10. He is f____ u__ with country life. (他已厭倦鄉下⽣活)

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