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Unit 1-4

____________1. She a______ her child. (她流產了)

____________2. He a______ me to the dangers of smoking. (他提醒我抽菸的危險)
____________3. A monthly a_______. (一月的零用金)
____________4. The suit is a__________ for you. (這套西裝很適合你)
____________5. He has no s______. (他毫無羞恥心)
____________6. The speech a_______ their anger. (這場演講激起他們的憤怒)
____________7. He drives an a________. (他開著車)
____________8. He has a b_______. (他肚子凸出了)
____________9. He b_____ a wire into a right angle. (他把電線彎成直角)
____________10. Snow b______ the land. (白雪覆蓋大地)
____________11. The flower b______. (這朵花盛開著)
____________12. The economic recession is b______ to happen. (經濟蕭條一定會
____________13. The children are playing with b______ and spades. (小孩們拿著水
____________14. He is a B_____. (他是個佛教徒)
____________15. C______ can make your body and mind more active. (咖啡因會使
____________16. The car is e______ for two persons. (這部車是兩人座的)
____________17. This is an educational e_______. (這是個教育性的公司)
____________18. The dress e________ her bosom. (這件衣服讓他胸部變得更大)
____________19. She is e______ of him. (她很羨慕他)
____________20. They e_____ their guests. (他們款待他們的客人)
____________21. An e_______ band. (橡皮筋)
____________22. It is a l______ damage. (這是永久的傷害)
____________23. The boy d______. (這男孩淹死了)
____________24. I d______ to think of that. (我很怕去想到那件事)
____________25. The war is a d_____ punishment. (這場戰爭是神明的處罰)
____________26. He d______ how to use it. (他向我們示範如何使用它)
____________27. She had a s______ headache. (她的頭有點痛)
____________28. He d______ the champion boxer. (他打敗了冠軍拳擊手)
____________29. It is r_____ of her to do that. (她這麼做很魯莽)
____________30. The man is c______. (這個人很狡猾)

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