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Unit 1-3

____________1. Many children favor ice cream c_____. (好多小孩喜歡吃蛋捲冰淇淋)

____________2. A s_______ of great movies. (一系列很棒的電影)
____________3. France’s c_________. (法國的殖名地)
____________4. He has no c________ evidence. (他沒有具體的證據)
____________5. It is an armored v_________. (這是裝甲車)
____________6. He will c_______ the message to you. (他將把訊息傳達給你)
____________7. A student c_______. (學生會議)
____________8. She r________ herself with her fate. (他安於他自己的命運)
____________9. A camera c______. (一組攝影人員)
____________10. It was r______ of her to do that. (他這麼做很魯莽)
____________11. The movie d_______ the lives of Chinese peasants in the 1930s. (電影描述 1930 年代中
____________12. He is a c_______. (他像小丑一樣)
____________13. He g_______ these fragments together. (他把碎片年起來)
____________14. She s______ him across the face. (她摑他的臉)
____________15. He c______ the love for her. (他很珍惜對他的愛)
____________16. She c______ up the bananas. (她把香蕉切成一塊一塊)
____________17. C________ can make your body and mind more active. (咖啡因會使身體或頭腦更興奮)
____________18. The tune is c________. (這首歌簡單易記)
____________19. B________ was the founder of Buddhism. (佛陀是佛教的創始者)
____________20. He goes beyond the b_______ of convention. (他超越傳統的界線)
____________21. Please fill in/out the b_______ on the questionnaire. (請在問卷上填空)
____________22. He b_______ the wire to the right angle. (他把電線彎成直角)
____________23. Minors should not drink alcoholic b________. (未成年不應該喝酒精性飲料)
____________24. He has a b______. (他肚子凸出了)
____________25. Who is in a________? (誰負責此事?)
____________26. The noise a_______ me. (這噪音令我惱怒)
____________27. His monthly income a__________ 50 thousand dollars. (他的收入接近 5 萬元)
____________28. He is a_______ the tree. (他在樹林之中)
____________29. She a________ her child. (她流產了)
____________30. He has an a__________ fear of worms. (他對蟲子有著超乎尋常的恐懼)

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