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Multimodality – Using more than one semiotic mode in meaning-making, communication,

and representation generally, or in a specific situation.


Write summary of the second video on Moodle but don’t sign the paper

In this TED talk Julian Treasure shares the tips on how to speak so that people will want to
listen. He begins with listing the seven deadly sins of speaking, which are: gossiping, judging,
negativity, complaining, excuses, exaggeration and dogmatism. The speaker gives his
audience many examples of how the sins may sound like throughout the listing. He then
introduces four basic but really important rules, that can make our speech powerful. Treasure
explains them by putting them in a one word: HAIL, that stands for honesty, authenticity,
integrity and love. Those four things are said to help improve the power of our speech. He
then lists the tools that may be used to put emotions in what we are saying, to emphasize
certain things and gain our audience’s attention. These tools are: register, timbre, prosody,
pace, pitch, volume; Julian Treasure explains their usage and importance by giving many
examples of how to take advantage from them. At the end of his speech, Treasure shows in
practice a few exercises to warm up before giving a speech. Whole video is very easy to
watch, which shows that the speaker for sure knows what he is talking about.


Gestalt principles (learn more about gestalt psychology)

We have to be able to show that we are here; to explain our claim.

Body language during a presentation: open gestures, emotions, pauses

Summary evaluation:

Not a summary but an outline; we have a title but no topic, no process of the ted talk is
shown; it is good that explanations are given to the seven deadly sins; it looks more like a
note to study than a summary of a ted talk; missing part about the warm-up (2/5 features of a
good summary)


The title of the presentation

The author of the presentation

The sentence that clearly indicates without details what exactly the presentation is about

At least 2 sentences that illustrate the point of the author (in details)

Comparison of the two videos we watched:

Paralinguistic Different factors mentioned
features In the first video there is more focus on paralinguistic features
Interaction with the centred around body language, whereas in the second video
audience paralinguistic features centre around speech


Prepare notes so that you are able to give oral summary of the video next week

Evaluate: what you like and don’t like about the video

Title: how to avoid death by PowerPoint

Author: David JP Phillips

The main aim: The importance of the structure of PowerPoint presentation in remembering
details given in it.
The main aim of the video "How to avoid death By PowerPoint" by David JP Phillips is to
provide practical insights and tips on how to create engaging and effective presentations using
PowerPoint. The video highlights the importance of understanding the audience's attention
span and the cognitive processes involved in processing information, and provides strategies
to design and deliver presentations that capture and maintain the audience's attention.
Ultimately, the goal is to help presenters create more impactful presentations that effectively
communicate their message and inspire action.


In this video titled ”How to avoid death by PowerPoint”, David JP Phillips shares his insights
on how to avoid creating boring and ineffective presentations using PowerPoint. He argues
that the key to creating engaging presentations is to understand how the human brain
processes information and to use that knowledge to design presentations that capture and
maintain the audience's attention. Phillips suggests that presenters should focus on telling
stories, using visuals to support their message, and avoiding bullet-point slides. He also
emphasizes the importance of practicing and rehearsing presentations to ensure that they are
delivered smoothly and effectively. Overall, Phillips offers practical tips and strategies to help
presenters create more effective and engaging PowerPoint presentations.


The video is really helpful and I enjoyed and understood everything perfectly. The one thing I
did not like is the background lights that make it hard to focus properly and are making my
eyes tired

After this section I should be able to define Multimodality, a mode, be able to apply good
feature concerning a good presentation.


A strategy used to engage the public and point their attention to one thing.
1.1 /50
What is an eco-city?
A city which is planned to have low energy use and low emissions.
Where is it?
When did the project start?
Why was it planned that way?
To limit emissions of fossil fuels and promote low energy usage.
How does it work?
It is planned to have low energy use and low emissions.
Evaluation: how influential is it?

Will it be effective or not?

Presentation 1: main points Presentation 1: Presentation 2: main points

signalling phrases
What modern A completely new city, an
emerging cleantech cluster
Where a little outside the main city, Middle east, near Abu Dhabi
When 2007 2006
Why Lack of food and energy To not use oil
How Found land, detoxicated it,
made a lot of plans,
Evaluation It’s a fairly new project but has Still too early, already very
a lot of positive sides succesful

Political support
Clear aims
A plan how to achieve these aims
A little outside the main city

Hedges – a passive aggressive way to academically disagree with someone

What is an eco-city?
A planned structure that uses sustainable and renewable resources
Replacement of certain methods (cars)
The goal is to have impact on hoe to save the environment
Sustainable yet efficient
New environmentally based companies
Transforming damaged lands in order to prevent destroying nature
Solar power
Cars > public transport
Not using the amount of oil they already have
Fully working city with society, companies

Watch the video on moodle and make notes to be able to discuss the topic the speaker presents
Blue table on page 51 (ex5)

Glossary word for 3/04: note taking methods

5 17/04/2023
Social media – my definition:
Chanel of communication, which allows us to reach to people that are even far away from us and
check on every subject we are interested in

Correct form of the academic claim/thesis: remember that you have to be open minded

Despite the fact that the general concept of social media can be seen as positive due to its
accessibility, it’s disadvantages are much more visible nowadays.
1. Firstly I am going to talk about social media’s negative effect on our mental health and self-
- Social media gives people possibility to create a perfect and unreal life that we are
constantly comparing to ours,

NEXT MEETING: explore world globalisation – is it good, bad?

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