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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Natividad, Guagua, Pampanga
English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP)
1st Semester 1st Quarter Summative Test 1
SY 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________Grade Level/Track: ________________Score: ______

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices and write the letter of
your choice on your answer sheet.

1. What do you call with the method of human communication consisting the use of words in a structured
and conventional way.
a. Academic b. Language c. Texts d. Vocabulary

2. It is defined as critical, objective, specialized texts and relatively formal in structure and style.
a. Academic Text b. Comprehension c. Language d. Structure

3. This is used in explaining unfamiliar terms either to explain or to convince.

a. Agrumentative b. Definition c. Informational d. Objective

4. Which of the following listsed characteristics of language is NOT true?

a. Arbitrary b.Artistic c. Conventional d. Systematic

5. Identify which of the following functions of language is not included below.

a. Communication b. Emotional release c. Expression of identity d. Respiration

6. Identify in which of the research articles written mainly for a specialist audience and other researchers,
academics and postgraduate students usually contain the following parts:
a. Research Article b. Research Paper c. Research Studies d. Thesis

7. It describe that academic text is usually written by _____________

a. Anonymous Individual b. Experts or Professional in a given field c. Poet d. Well-Known Official

8. Identify the academic language includes language used in _____________

a. Classrooms b Each discipline c. Elsewhere d. Text Books

9. It is use in showing patterns of organization where a dilemma is explained either through a solution or a
dilemma is explained and a solution/s is/are given.
a. Cause and Effect b. Chronological c. Problem Solution d. Standard Definition

10. Identify which is true about thesis statements?

a. It is arguable. . b. It is a fact. c. It is an announcement d. It is a question.

11. Which of the lists are specifically designed to help the learners for specific subjects or disciplines.
a. Essay b. Reports c. Narrative d. Textbook
12. Identify below choices which does not mean the report that you usually do in front of your classmates.
a. Case Studies b. Essay c. Research articles d. Reports
13. Describe as a rules in spelling, grammar and other writing mechanics need not be followed by none
academic writers.
a. Blog Article b. Magazines c. News Paper d. Rule Breaker

14. Identify which refers to the summary comes before the citation
a. Formatting b.Heading c. Date Heading Format d. Heading
15. Which of the lists is the basic structure that writers use in presenting ideas and inform through
illustration and anecdotes, entertain readers through stories, predict what will happen next or explain
how something works or happens.
a. Agrumentative b. Narrative c. Objective d. Subjective

16. Locate the characteristics of academic text that is not included whith the below choices.
a. Exact b. Direct c. Figurative d. Research
17. Identify which academic texts is included with the lists below:
a. Critique b. Research Paper c. Reviews d. Singing Competition .

18. You are reading an article discussing the events that led up to the Bataan March and the results of that
event. Which text structure is this?
a. Cause and Effect b. Compare and Contrast c. Description d. Problem and Solution
19. It use to explain why things happen, and the results of a certain phenomenon.
a. Cause and Effect b.Classification c. Problem Solution d. Description
20. It define to develop ideas using techniques to present details and well-chosen sequences.
a. Agrumentative b. Informational c. Definition d. Text
21. Describe the main idea of an essay that often a point you want to argue or support in an essay.
a. Research Article b. Reading Paper c. Thesis Paper d. Thesis Statement
22. Define a language may be used as ______________
a. Spoken b. Spoken Written c. Written d. None of the Above
23. Identify in which a thesis statement is about Angel Locsin?
a. Angel Locsin should receive an award for her charity and humanitarian efforts.
b. Angel Locsin is a respected actress in showbiz.
c. Not just a film and television actress, Angel Locsin is also a commercial model and fashion designer.
d. What makes Angel Locsin a real-life Darna?
24. Which of the following choices is the author’s name/s comes/come first that the summary.
a . Author Heading Format b. Classification c. Date Heading Format d. Subjective

25. This examines how sexual identity influences the creation and reception of the subject.
a. Gender Criticism b. Historical criticism c. Psychological Criticism d. Sociological Criticism
26. Define the structure presents arguments which are logical, well-reasoned and which are supported by
a. Argumentative b. Chronological c. Description d. Narration

27. Define as an analysis on the formal feature of the subject not on the profile of the creator
a. Formal Criticism b. Chronological c. Comparison and Contrast d. Description

28. What is a thesis statement?

a. It expresses the author’s opinion in a text. b. It is one’s claim on a given topic.
c. It is the author’s comment on an issue. d. All of the above

29. It is an analysis of social, cultural & intellectual context surrounding the text.
a. Formalist Criticism b. Historical Criticism c. Gender Criticism d. Biographical Criticism

30. Known for an essay about weather patterns follow this structure.
a. Cause and Effect b. Chronological c. Comparison and Contrast d. Description
31. Identify which is a thesis statement with below choices.
a. Which is better, desktops or laptops?
b. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education
c. Most Filipino students prefer modular learning to online learning.
d. The key to defeat this pandemic is discipline and self-control.
32. What is the use of critiquing?
a. to understand an essay
b. to respond an essay in a critical manner
c. to develop an opinion based from theory or practice
d. to evaluate a theory or practice in a detailed and critical way
33. What are the parts of a critique?
a. introduction, body and conclusion b. introduction, arguments and conclusion
c. introduction, arguments, reaction and conclusion d. introduction, arguments, facts, reaction and
34. In which part of a critique should one describe the main argument or purpose of the work?
a. Body b. Reaction c. Conclusion d. Introduction
35. It is an analysis of any form of academic piece of writing.
a. Essay b. Critique c. Editorial d. Creative
36. A critique must be done________based on observations of the text.
a. Subjectively b.Objectively c. Psychologically d. opinion

37. What criteria to assess the characteristic of an effective critique shows pointing out what the creator or
author of the work being evaluated has done well and what s/he has not?
a. Objectivity b. Balance c. Relevance d. Emphasis

38. This define the investigate the creative process of the artist and nature of Literacy genius.
a. Psychological Criticism b. Informal Criticism c. Formal Criticism d. Formalist Criticism

39. How long should a thesis statement be in terms of writing?

a. One word b. One Sentence c. One Paragraph d. One Text

40. It is an academic writing that clarifies the meaning of a concept or a term. Central to developing concept
papers is writing definitions.
a. Reaction Paper b. Critic paper c. Concept Paper d. Academic Text
41. What are the alternative in the conclusion of a final paper.
a. Summarizig the Paper b. Summarizing the Strenght and Weakness
c. Focus on the Conclusion d. Find the meaning

42. How would you explain the formal sentence definions?

a. with the use of three column (Term,Class/Genus,Distinguishing features)
b. with the use of two column (Term and Class)
c. without using column
d. All of the above

43. Can you fill the box using the illustration of Formal Sentence Definition?

44. How would you explain informal sentence definitions and extended definition using the Venn diagram?
Draw/Illustrate it below.

45. How would you write mainly a concept paper through?

a. clarify the meaning of a concept.
b. identify the examples of a concept.
c. distinguish between the old and new meaning of a word/concept.
d. trace the development of a word from its old form to its new one.

46. The following are the parts of the formal definition, EXCEPT:
a. Class/Genus b. Differentia c. Level d. Term
47. In writing an informal definition, you should NOT include _________
a. Class/Genus b. Differentia c. Term d. All of the above
48. How will you clarify the concept word similarty of etymology? By What?
a. the original form of the concept
b. the changes in the meaning of the word
c. the origin and development of the word/concept
d. the development of a word from its old form to its new one

49. Compare and contrast the three writing of Rection/Review and Critique Paper. Use the space below:

50. Draw a semantic web mapping and write words into its section using Text structure as your topic. .

Prepared By: Checked By: Noted By:

Rowena C. Hontanosas Ma. Aurora C. Lugtu Girly L. Pangilinan

Subject Teacher Curriculum Head, MTll Principal lll

Answer in No. 43
Term Class/Genus Distinguishing Feaures/Diferrentia

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