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Advocating for Equality and Acceptance for the LGBTQIA+ Community

In the society that we live in where people find what they don’t understand, odd, different,
unusual and strange, where only those who fit in the boxes and their standard of normalcy are the
only ones deserving of respect, let us be the change that we wish to see. The queer community
has face backlash, discrimination, and been condemned over and over for being who they are and
loving who they love. Today, we are taking a step and joining their fight for equality.

We want to help the LGBTQIA+ Community have the chance to be included and feel unity with
no tolerance but pure and genuine acceptance.

To make all of this possible the first thing that we need to do is to LISTEN. To listen is to
understand, to make it be known that we hear and we have seen their struggles and we are here to
offer a helping hand. We know how hard and tragic it is to have to go to wars to defend yourself
and not change a thing about how you perceive your own being in the process. Their resilience,
boldness, and capability to endure everything is what drives us to join them in their fight for
acceptance and equality, hand in hand we will surpass the obstacles as one.

In joining this pageant, we aspire to be role models for kindness and inclusivity, we value the
Queer community and their unique qualities. We are committed to implement gender inclusivity
and we are giving this the utmost importance because we believe in the essence and significance
of transparency. To see to it that no member of the LGBTQIA+ Community should feel ashamed
and have the need to hide their true selves in fear of rejection or in fear of not being accepted and
loved for who they really are, not only will we strive for their acceptance in other people but also
for the closeted individuals or member in the queer community who have not yet acknowledged
themselves for they were made to believe that it isn’t right, we want them to see that they don’t
need fixing for there was nothing wrong with them to begin with.

The Paragon of Virtue for us is the very essence of who we are, what morals lies within our
hearts and what we stand and believe in. It is embedded within us to be protectors to those at
risk, we believe that all of us can play a part in instilling hope for those that have been outcasted
and banished for flaunting their identity. We want to achieve a lot of things in this pageant but
what matters to us most is to become hope, to become someone’s light at the end of a dark
tunnel, because it is our main purpose, to become someone’s chance at a better tomorrow.

Let us be a channel of hope and prosperity that will leave a mark in humanity.

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