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Universitatea de Vest Timișoara

Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie

Asistență socială
Anul II ID

TC 2 – Oscar and Lady Pink

Drinovan Delia Petronela

Oscar is a 10 year old boy with leucemia and he lives in a palliative hospice care for
children. Lady Pink is the nurse who is taking care of Oscar. She tells Oscar to write everyday
a letter to God in which he can put all his thoughts and he can ask for one different thing
every day, but only spiritual things. Firstly Oscar denies his family and God and his furious
with the whole world, so Lady Pink tells him a story about wrestling, the moral of the story is
that there is always a solution and he has to write to God because God is stronger than
anybody else. This way she starts guiding Oscar to spiritual activities. Lady Pink tells Oscar
the legend of the twelve magical months in which each day values ten years. So, Oscar keeps
his mind busy and thinks that he is getting through all stages of life in just 12 days. Lady Pink
explains Oscar that everyone is going to die one day sooner or later and finally Oscar finds
peace for himself, reconciles with his family and passes away with peace of mind.
Writing therapy posits that writing one’s feeling gradually eases feelings of emotional
Lady Pink is telling Oscar the truth about his disease when he asks about and she succeed in
bringing him to acceptance by telling him different stories about wrestling that keeps Oscar’s
mind busy.
It is important to offer the patient a daily purpose, an activity that decreases his pain and
fury and slowly brings them courage and peace.

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