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Learning a Machine With a Human Thinking Approach

Mahmoud Alimoradi

The background to learning seems to be the existence of galaxies and the existence
of life . If we investigate a little bit about this, we see that this background reaches
infinity, which means that it is so far away that human science does not have the
ability to understand it and maybe in the real sense of infinity, even though this
infinity can not be understood. a.
It's about six billion years from the life of this rock that we now know as the Earth's
name . Considering this as a living creature, from the very first day of this large rock,
which is a corner of a much larger star, has been learning .
The first concept was developed during the Qajar Persian language, which is a
Persian word revolution. The theory inherited from Darwin and is still being developed
. But is evolution correct?
If we look a bit around ourselves, we see that this trend has not always been true .
Consider that widespread migration has caused racial segregation, and the
adaptations that living organisms have taken with particular climates and
environmental conditions has undergone a change . For example, a greasy skin may
have been created for cold and dry weather . But it causes difficulty and difficulty in
hot weather . Here we have two phenomena that are interesting . One is Earth and
Life is smart . Because of changes, it changes itself to adapt to it, which requires an
inbuilt intelligence . But why does not this intelligence predict the future?
Now let's look at humans a little . Humans have a common apes with monkeys .
Probably something about 60 million years ago, our common cause with the
orangutans is separated, and the new branch we call them "primitive humans" has
originated . Of course, this change has not happened overnight, and includes
millions of years .
If you look good, we will see that no extinction has taken place . It's just another
way to adapt to the new conditions . We are from the same single-cellularity of the
seas that later shaped the fish, and ahead of the great age of creatures called the
dinosaur . Climate and climate changes have shaped smaller creatures, including
birds, and so on . Is something complete? No !
So it was better to see this process as evolution meaning better . Of course, all of
these changes have been going on from generation to generation . An example of
collective learning throughout history? Yes . Language. Language is a striking
example of the process we inherited from our predecessors .
This learning with intelligence has created today's civilization . We are the most
intelligent inventory we know . We are now thinking of creating intelligent beings to
cover our weaknesses, and perhaps we can make ourselves stronger in the future
and maybe reach for the immortal life and conquer the universe .
There are two general types of learning . Human learning and thinking in the sense
that it is thought of as human, and then imitates its action . Another reason to think
and act, in this way, was the first human consideration . The human approach gave
way to mathematics and logic because of the lack of complete recognition of
ourselves . Today, these two approaches are being studied and have created
different branches of artificial intelligence . DARPA has stated that the current
approach should probably change so that we can meet our demands in this science .
Man is an evolutionary product of billions of years old . There are, of course, theories
that suggest that this change is suspicious only a few thousand years ago, and even
ideas such as the theory of ancient astronauts and the theory of the destruction of
previous civilizations have also been formed .
But let's see what are the barriers to the human approach .
Human learning is formed during his growth and continues from birth to adulthood
to death . Man learns from others . This is learning with supervision . She faces
challenges to her face-to-face, and this learning is unobtrusive . If he does it right,
he will be hilarious and, on the contrary, will give himself a negative score and this
is a gain in learning . We can do the same to hundreds of other categories . But
artificial intelligence does not have a human-like growth trend . And now human
beings are seeking to fix it and maybe one day it will do it .
Two major problems are ahead of us . Problems related to the data, and the other
problems that exist in the field of machine learning . The fundamental difference
between machines and humans today is that the machine can not recognize a
pattern like a human being . We know it by seeing the pineapple stem . But probably
the machine should see the whole fruit, so it might be able to sort it . But on the
other hand, the machine is much faster in terms of computing speed than humans .
There is a basic need for machine learning . There is a huge amount of data needed
to reach your goals . But this data is not always available . There are several reasons
for this limitation . The lack of this information is due to privacy, or financial and
security reasons, which must be found to be appropriate solutions to it, for example,
one of the solutions utilized by artificial and simulated data .
Here are some of the shortcomings in the data area :
Target Society : In many studies and data collection, statistical statistics are not
uniform and of all ages . Consider the specific disease data . Depending on the
outbreak of that particular age-related illness , the rest of the data is low . Of
course, information may be lacking at the same age category .
Correctness of data : In addition to clearing data, it's impossible to get the right data
for some reason like privacy . That is, the foundation and the root of the data are not
always correct and complete .
Variety of Actions : We do not have the right data for all . For example, to run, walk .
Gravity and many other examples that give little or no data . For these types of
obstacles, which are usually intuitive, simulated and simulated data can be used . Of
course, the information that is on YouTube can also be used .
Data size : Not always enough for a large statistical society . There may be millions of
training data needed to train the machine correctly . This data volume is very
expensive .
Subject variation : In many cases, it is necessary to observe a person from the
statistical community . Now consider a statistical community that is supposed to
include all the information of each individual, such as running, walking, health
status, etc. in our learning .
Viewing angles ( facies ): In learning about machine vision, in many cases, we need
a perfect view of the environment and objects we are studying . Consider, we want
to check a person exposed to a stroke, one of the parameters is falling person . If
there is a front desk, this is a problem in this area .
Viewing Angle Sensors : The angle of view of the sensors is important to us . For
example, what corners a camera should cover is one of the issues ahead of us .
These are just a few of the issues we are facing . The correct data leads to a proper
and desirable learning .
But on the learning side of the car, we face some obstacles . Here are some of these
problems :
Good Learning, Good Data : By increasing the efficiency of deep learning, we have
an increasing need in the data field . Data must also be cleared and repaired . These
are usually hand-crafted and hand-crafted . This route is costly and time-
consuming .
Feature Selection : Hand-crafted work is also done in this area . The feature selection
for a particular job must be done by an expert . If our problem changes over time,
we need to change the features we want .
Classification and Integrated Approach : Classifier can not analyze all of the items .
With physical changes and practices, the machine is no longer able to respond
appropriately . For example, if the way of walking changes, the system becomes
confused .
In nature, which is the mother of all inspirations of mankind, we see learning . We
see, for example, birds that, in the course of their lives, experience a better nest
experience . Or monkeys can be seen which can benefit from the tools and can be
taught them . And many other things that can be seen in the minds of the creatures
in terms of the brain power of learning and learning .
To get a good car, and to give it the right answer, we need to have the right data .
The more emphasis in this way is the data that relates to machine vision . Data on
walking, fighting, throwing and so on can help with simulators . Of course,
simulators can not always get the right data . What is clear is that we are the first to
reach the goal .
Different branches in artificial intelligence are all looking to be completed . That the
car can understand feelings and determine who is about to bypass him is an ideal .
It's a dream that one day one can make an artificial brain that works even better
than the human brain . The dream is achievable . But it may be possible to change
the approach earlier and avoid insisting on previous certainty .
Mahmoud Almoradi

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