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Spelling Games as an Intervention in Improving the Spelling Ability of Grade-7 Hela Students in
University of Antique Laboratory High School

I. Introduction
II. Research Questions
This study aims to improve the spelling ability of grade-7 students through the use of spelling
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the spelling ability of students before and after the use of spelling games?
2. Is there a significant difference in the spelling ability before and after the use of spelling
3. How did the spelling games improve the students’ spelling ability?
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

Definition of Spelling
Michel (2008) claims that spelling is a code that employs letter combinations to express
certain words that have a pronunciation and meaning that are connected in the mind. According to
Hornby (1974), spelling is the process of correctly constructing words out of their individual
letters. On the other hand, Smedley (1983) believes that spelling and punctuation are only
relevant for written English, which is a derivation of spoken English (Smedley, 1983).

The Problem of Spelling

English word spelling can be challenging. One of the primary causes of this is the English
language's uneven use of phonemes (speech sounds) and graphemes (written symbols). To put it
another way, many English words are not written exactly as they sound. There is a lot of
confusion due to this difference between pronunciation and spelling. Smedley (1983) believes
that there are numerous reasons why students could have poor spelling or spelling mistakes. First,
students may not be able to represent or break down a word's sound into its component pieces due
to insufficient auditory skills. These learners will commit "unphonetic" errors. Second, students
might not be able to connect letters and sounds. Third, students could be able to connect
phonemes and graphemes through virtual memories but unable to picture how the word should
appear in their heads. This will result in a "phonetic" misspelling. Next, students might not
incorrectly know those alternate graphemes. Lastly, while actually writing down a word, students
could run into motor problems.

The function and importance of spelling games

Spelling is more than just learning how to correctly spell words, it also helps people read
and write more effectively. According to Fearn and Farnan (2001), the students' spelling needs
are influenced by the abilities they are acquiring. If the students are learning to write, all they
need are the basic reading and editing abilities. Learners are influenced by spelling and spelling

promotes literacy and reading. It is closely related that reading ability obtained from the spelling
competence (Qamariah & Wahyuni, 2021).

Playing spelling games gives students a better understanding of the alphabet and how it is
used in reading, which improves their reading abilities. Students can learn more effectively in the
classroom if spelling games are used. Moreover, they may attempt, fail, and try again without
worrying about the consequences when they practice spelling in a game-like manner.
Additionally, because playing games is so much fun, players are more inclined to keep trying,
even after failing (Nagar, 2021). There are many different types of spelling games, in this study,
Spelling Bee, Crossword Puzzle, Missing Letters and Spelling Scavenger Hunt will be employed.
Spelling Bee, it is a game where players are asked to spell a wide variety of words, which
typically with various degrees of difficulty. The winner will be the one who can spell most words
correctly in a given time. Crossword puzzles, in this game, players should fill the white squares
with letters to create words or phrases by solving hints that point them in the right answer.
Missing Letters, the only goal in this game is for players to identify which letter is missing from
each word. And Spelling Scavenger Hunt, this spelling game is a modernized version of the
traditional scavenger hunt. Instead of hunting for things, players will be given a list of scrambled
words, and they will correctly decode before searching for the words. The game is won by the
person who correctly spelled the most words they found.

These games promote friendly competition and the desire to learn from mistakes, which
makes them even more thrilling for the players. Whether they win or lose, it is a fun learning
experience. Teaching children to spell is an essential component of developing their reading,
writing, and other abilities. The only other alternative for students who find classroom activities
boring and who lack focus and motivation to study is to play spelling games. However, spelling
games are a form of medium that teachers may use to improve their students' moods, spelling
interests, and motivation to study as well as to better hold their attention (Qamariah & Wahyuni,

IV. Methodology
a. Participants
The participants of this study are the 32 Grade-7 Hela students of University of Antique
Laboratory High School.
b. Data Gathering Methods
The researchers will administer a pre-spelling test to grade 7 Hela students to assess their
spelling ability and a post-spelling test after the intervention to assess their spelling improvement.
Mean was used to assess the spelling ability of grade 7 Hela students by collecting their pre and
post spelling test scores.
The pre and post spelling test scores were calculated by adding the numerical equivalents
of the options chosen in computing the mean. The mean was transformed into a numerical scale
with a corresponding verbal description, as shown below.

Weight Mean Description

1 1.00-5.00 Poor
2 5.01-10.00 Developing
3 10.01-15.00 Good
4 15.01-20.00 Very Good

c. Ethical Issues
Before conducting the study, the researchers obtained written permission from the
principal of University of Antique Laboratory High School and provided a copy of the letter to
the adviser. After the permission was granted, the researchers implemented an intervention
program that engaged students in spelling games every Friday for four weeks. Data was collected,
tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted.
d. Data Analysis Plan
The data collected in this study was analyzed and interpreted using mean, standard
deviation, and T-test for dependent samples as descriptive statistical tools in pre and post spelling
tests as interventions in research problems one, two, and three to determine students' spelling
ability before and after the intervention.
V. Discussion of Results and Interpretation
VI. Summary, Finding and Conclusion

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