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I’m going to talk about Money

I don't really know what to say about if I am a spender or a saver, because I

like to save money and spend it later. What I like to spend money on the
most is traveling with my family. But in general I think that I am rather a
saver.I always try to live on a tight budget and save money for emergencies.
I don't like being short of money. I like to live within my means and make
ends meet.

In the future I would like to be able to buy a flat on the beach, It would be
amazing to spend there every weekend.. I love summer nights by the sea and
long walks along the promenade. Although I think it is an impossible goal
because a flat on the beach is worth a fortune.

Other things I would like to buy more affordable are a smartwatch and an
unexpensive car for my daughter who will soon have a driver's license.

The most expensive things I have ever bought have been the house, for
which I still pay a mortgage to the bank, and the car. Two things that I
bought because they are really necessary I do not like to buy things and owe
money, but it was really necessary

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