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Students will design their own website/E-Portfolio using

Signing Up-
● 1. Sign up using your Magnolia email accounts.
PART 1: Signing Up
● 1. Sign up using your Magnolia email accounts.
Choosing the type of website.
● 1. Select ‘I just need a website’.
You are choosing the free website.
● 2.Close out of the box that asks you to choose a domain.
Personalizing your website portfolio.
● 3.Select a theme. Make it look nice!
Personalizing your website portfolio.
● 4.Select ‘Start Editing’.
1st Deadline- Sign-Up & Homepage
1. Home Page:
○ About Me-= Give a brief description of who you are,
where you are from and an interesting facts about you.
2. Hobbies and Extracurriculars
● Make sure to welcome “visitors” to your page. You
never know who may come across your art….and like
it! Take your time.
■ 1st Deadline (Part 1): Due Tuesday 9/6/2022
Part 3- Publishing

At the top of your website:

!Click ‘Publish’ to generate a URL link for Google


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