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Clothes Make The Man

"I arrest you! I arrest you in the name of the law!" Clothes make the man is
all about the three robbers. One of them is Tango acts like a policeman to be a
guard while the other two rob a house. At first, he refused to act like it, but
later on, he liked having a flashy whistle like a real policeman, which made him
feel like one. His perspective began to shift. He arrested his comrades in the
end. A realization that clothes do make a man. How can clothes make a man?
And what is the message of the story?

In the story where Tango is amused with himself in the mirror when he puts
on the policeman uniform because he looks good and is admired by his
comrades but snapped by the boss, the man already changed his mind about
not feeling like wearing the uniform because he didn't feel right walking with
it. In that part of the story, I thought he would change his character and be a
good guy because of his admiration for himself for wearing a policeman
uniform. Indeed the man changed after the tension he experienced facing real
police, but after he saluted, he felt good. He helped the old lady across the
street and captured a drunk man. He likes the feeling of helping someone. The
gratitude and admiration he receives and imprisoned unpleasant attitude. He
adopted the viewpoint that the police should have because he likes being
police. As a result, he arrested his comrades for being bad guys. It implies that
a person's clothing defines them since they reflect their career and social
standing. People's principles and views can be seen in their clothing. A being
can show their personality and establish a distinctive personal image by
dressing as they like. We can tell about a man based on his appearance. We
can only learn general information about a man's character from his clothing.
A man who wears an expensive dress is unavoidably a man of extravagant
habits. But, a man who wears ragged clothing may not always be the miserly
one. He may do so only due to his financial limitations. Yet, it is true that a
man's character can sometimes be discerned from his attire.

In conclusion, clothing can make a man because of his profession and

social standing. It reveals a person's values and worldview. We can express
our personality and create a distinctive image by wearing whatever we like. By
our appearance, someone can tell us about ourselves. Basically, the message
of this story is to let us know that physical appearance matters, and our
clothing matters because it can say our social standing. And with deep
admiration for ourselves wearing someone's attire or something that resides in
a career, we will pursue to be like one.

Edgardo A. Sampaga Jr.

Grade 10 - Tulip

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