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cube 3rd layer formula pdf

How to solve cube 3rd layer formula. How to solve rubik's cube 3rd layer fish. Rubik's cube 3rd layer formula. How to solve rubik's cube 3rd layer step by step. Easy rubik's cube 3rd layer formula.

1 list three types of elements. Depending on their position in the ankle, there are three types of elements on Rubik's Cube: [1] The central elements are in the middle of each wall, surrounded by eight other elements. They only have a visible face and don't move. The corner elements can be found in the corners of the cube. Each of them has three
visible faces. The edge elements are located between the corner elements. Each of them has two visible faces. Note - farmers can never change to another type. The corner element will always be in the corner. 2 Learn to talk about six faces. Rubik's Cube has six walls (pages), each of which has a different color. For example, a "red wall" is a wall with
a red center, even if other red elements are found elsewhere. However, it is often more useful to talk about faces, based on where you are in relation to the face you are looking at. Here are the terms that we will use in this guide: [2] f (front), keep the cube at eye level. You look directly at the front wall. B (back) - face to precise, opposite (invisible). U
(above) - upstairs, to the ceiling d (down) - directed downwards, to the floor r (right) - directed according to law l (left) - advertising, which is directed to the left 3rd understanding of the rotation according to the movement of Instructions clock and clockwise. The terms "clockwise" and "clock guidelines" always assume that they look directly at the
face they are working on. In this sense, a uniform instruction (like L) means turning this face around 90º after movement of clockwise (a fourth round). A letter plus apostroph (like L ') means turning this face 90 ° in the opposite direction of the clock guidelines. Here are some examples: [3] f 'commands to turn the front wall clockwise. R asks them to
turn their right face clockwise according to the movement. This means reversing the right face. (To see why this is so, turn the front wall according to the clockwise and move the cube to make it to the right wall.) L calls on to turn the left wall according to the clock movement. This means turning the left face in its direction. U 'asks them to turn the
upper wall opposite the wall opposite from the ceiling perspective. This means turning it towards. B indicates it to turn the back wall according to the movement clockwise from the back wall perspective. Make sure not to make a mistake, because from the front perspective it looks like the movement of the clock guidelines. 4 Add number 2 to repeat
the instructions. The number "2" according to the instructions means that you have to turn the face 180º instead of 90º. For example, D2 means the soil of 180 ° (two quartersThese curves do not have to be clockwise or clockwise. In any case, you will get into the same position. 5 See a certain part of the cube. The instructions also apply to certain
pieces by Rubik Cube. To do this, it shows every face whose part is. Here are some examples: BD = part of the edge that belongs to the back and below. UFR = corner with a square on each top, front and right. Note - If the instructions apply to the square (a color sticker), the first letter indicates which face the square is. For example: LFD Square you
will find the corner part, which is part of the left, front and lower surface. Identify the square on the left (as this is the first letter). Advertising 1. Turn the cube so that the white center is located on the surface. It stays in this position until it is different. The purpose of this section is to form the white edges around the white center by a "+ character"
or the white face. [5] These instructions assume that you have a standard rubic cube with a white face opposite the yellow face. If you have an older ruby cube, these instructions are difficult to follow. Do not move the white center from the surface. This is the most common mistake in this section. 2 Move the white edges to the top to form a cross.
There are so many possible initial configurations that it is not possible to give this process a step -y -step method, but this process should help: [6] If the lower row of R has a white edge place. Or L face, turn this face so that the white square can reach the upper row. Go on with the next spoke. If the middle row of the R or L scale is white, turn the F
or B, depending on the white square. Turn until the white square is below. Go on with the next spoke. When there is a white edge square on the floor, turn down until the white square is located directly opposite the empty (not white) edge of the area at the top. Turn the entire cube so that the "empty room" is located on the UF (upper surface next to
the front surface). Turn F2 (forward for 180º) to place the white square in this UF position. Repeat with every square of the white edge until you are all up. 3 stretch the cross to the corners. Take a look at the upper edge of the surfaces F, R, B and L. You want everyone to expand downcenter of the same color. For example, if the edge square (the
front surface, next to the top surface) is orange, then the F-center square should also be orange. Here's how to do it for all four of these faces: [7] Rotate the U dial until at least two of these faces line up with the center and the top edge. (If all four match, skip the rest of this step.) Rotate the entire cube so that one of the wrong edges is on the F face
(and the white cross is still on the U dial). Turn the F2 key and confirm that one white edge is now on surface D. Check the other color on the same object (position FD). In this example, that square is red. Turn the face D until the red square is directly below the red center. Rotate the red surface 180°. The white edge should return to the face. Check
for a new square with a white edge on top D. Again, look for another color added to the same piece. In this example it is green. Turn the face D until the green square is directly below the green center. Rotate the green face 180°. The white cross should now be back on the face. Faces F, R, B and L must have a matching center and top edge. 4 Place
the white corner next to the white face. It gets complicated, so read these instructions carefully. By the end of this step, your white face should have a white corner in addition to a white center and edges. [8] Find the corner piece of face D that has white. The corner piece should have three color squares, which in this article will be labeled white, x,
and y. (At this point, the white face will not always be on the D face). Rotate surface D until the white/x//x/ corner piece is between the X and Y edges. (Note that the "X face" is the face with the X as the central piece.) Rotate the entire cube so that the piece is white. /X/ Y was in the DFR position, but don't worry about the exact position of each color
in this artwork. The center squares F and R should match the colors X and Y. Note that the top surface is still white. From here, the corner piece has three options: If the white square is in the front (FRD position), apply F D F'. If the white square is on the right side (RFD position), write r 'd' R. If the white square is on the top side (DFR position),
write f d2 f 'd' f d f '. 5 Repeat with the remaining corners. Use the same process to add the other three white corners to the white face. At the end of this step, you should have a completely white top surface. Persons F, R, B and L must all be presentThe top row of three squares corresponds to the center color. [9] Sometimes it happens that the white
corner is already on (white), but in a bad place, so the other two squares do not fit inside one face. If this happens, turn the cube so that the corner is in the UFR position, and then apply f d f '. Now the white area is on the wall D and you can move it to the right place as described above. Advertising 1 Find the edge of a piece of the wall d with no
yellow color. The white shield is still in the upper position and the incomplete yellow shield is in the lower position. Check the wall D and find a piece of edge that is not yellow. Type two colors on this edge: [10] The color on the wall D is color X. The second color in the same part is the color Y. It should be edge. Do not start with a corner element. 2
Turn the entire cube until the center X is the front wall. Turn the entire cube around his vertical axis (just like the globe turns). Stop when your face with middle color X is a new front surface. During this movement, U and D faces should remain the same. 3 Turn the D. surface surface in any direction until the edge element X/Y is in db position. X
should be on the wall D, and Y on the wall B. [11] 4 adjust the cube depending on the color position. The exact movement you need depends on where the agent is located with the color Y: [12], if the color y color Y matches the wall center R, use F 5 Repeat this action until the upper two layers are ready. Find a new edge element on the wall d without
yellow squares. (If you can't find it, go to the next step.) Repeat the above steps in this section to move it to the right place. Once you have finished, F, R, B and L face must be appropriate to the upper and middle rows. 6 Regulation if all edge elements are yellow. Make sure you check all four edges on the D. surface. Each of them has two colored
squares, and both squares cannot be yellow to work in this section. If none of the edge components are suitable for this description (and the two top layers are still complete), enter the following corrections: [14] Choose an edge element containing yellow. Turn the entire cube so that this edge element is in FR position. The white face should still be on
top. (Do not change any walls; just turn the entire cube.) Apply f d f 'R 'D' R. Now you should have an unrelated edge on the side of D. Return to the beginning of this section and repeat the instructions for this edge edge. Display 1 Turn the cube so that the U area has a yellow center. The cube remains in this position until the cube solution [15] 2
make a sign on the yellow face. Pay attention to the number of yellow edges in the U. area (remember that the corners are not elements of the edge). Hence, there are four options: [16] If there are exactly two opposite yellow edges in the U area: Turn to the U area, up to two edges in the position of ul and original. Turn B L U L 'U' B '. If there are
exactly two neighboring yellow parts, UF and UR (like an arrow that indicates back to the left): Turn B u l 'b'. If there are no yellow edges: use one of the above motor sequences. This should raise two yellow edges. Use one of the above sequences again, depending on where the edges are. If there are four edges: you created a yellow cross. Go to the
next step. 3 Bring a yellow corner to the upper area. Turn the entire cube until the blue side is in front and the yellow side is still upper. Move the yellow corners in the following way: rotate the U area until the UFR piece is not yellow on the upper surface. There are two options for the corner: if this piece of corner has yellow on page F, use f d f 'd' f d
f 'd'. If this piece is yellow on the R side, use D F D 'F' D F D 'F'. Note: at this point the ankle will look broken. Don't worry. Will fix it later. 4 Repeat it with other yellow corners. Keep blue like in the front and turn the U area to enter another corner to the UFR position. Repeat the above step to move the yellow to the upper surface. Repeat it until the
top top is yellow. [17] Display 1 Turn the area, exactly one piece of the edge of the center corresponds to the touch. For example, if the F area has a blue center, turn the turn, until the square above the blue center will also be blue. You must have exactly one edge that fits inside, not two or three. [18] When all four elements of the edge are aligned
with the appropriate measure: align them and jump to "the end of the ankle". If this is not possible: R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2 and try again. Position 2 Other edge elements. As soon as you equalize exactly 1 of 4 edge elements, adjust the cube as follows: [19] Turn the cube so that this appropriate edge is on the left.Regardless of whether Square Fu
corresponds to Centrum R: If so, use R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2 and continue the next step. The ankle should now be ready for the corners. If this is not the case, reverse U2 and turn the whole cube, as if it was a ball ball, so that the face F becomes the face of R. Use R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2. 3 Fill the cube. Now we only have horns ahead of us:
[20] If you have a corner in the right position, go to the next spherical point. If none of the corners has the right position, use L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F L'. Repeat until you have a corner in the right position. Turn the ankle so that the right corner is in the position of fur, and the fur square corresponds to color F. Use L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F l'. If the cube is
not complete, use L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F L' Additional time. Now you've solved Rubik's cube! ADVERTISING A new question do you ask what simple methods to solve Rubik cubes? This is one of the simplest methods. Look at the video tutorials on YouTube with Badmephisto and Dana Brown. The question is whether there is a shorter way to do it? Yes,
there are shorter ways. This includes many speed methods, such as the Fridrich method, which combines a step of white corners with a second layered step, yellow edges and yellow corners, as well as edge positioning and positioning of the corner stage. The question is what is the difficulty level of this method of solving the cube of Ruby? This is a
simpler version of the "beginner method" SO. It's really easy: the only difficult part is to remember algorithms. See further answers, ask about the advertisement §Mbs have different configurations). Wikihow is Wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. To create this article, 136 people, some
anonymously worked on edition and improving it with time. This article was viewed 2400,051 times. Co -authors: 136 Updated: December 6, 2022 Views: 2400.051 Categories: Rubik's Cube Print Print Post Fans Send to the authors thanks to all authors for creating the read page. As soon as you complete the first two layers ("F2L"), hold the ankle so
that the white side is on the ground. The white side will be on the floor for the rest of the DNAThis means that the white page is page D for all the algorithms of the last layer. Now look at the last layer of 4 Possible LL edge designs. Pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 If you have a cross, continue the next step. It doesn't matter if you have
additional cubes on the corners; The minimum requirement is the cross. Skip this step because you already have a cross. Use F u r u 'r' f to form a cross when your cubes look like this. Use F u r u 'r' f to form a cross when your cubes look like this. Use F u r u 'r' f to form a cross if the ankle looks like this. Then the ankle should look like a model 2 or 3.
Then use steps for formula 2 or 3 to have a cross. Tip: Note that there is only an algorithm that you must remember to create a cross on the third level. Move the corners to the right places. You can't just draw it. Basically, this algorithm rotates the horns on the right. So they rotate the cube and use the following algorithm until all the corners are in
the right places: be an algorithm. Example: If I had to replace the lower left and right, I would turn the upper level in the direction according to the clock movement and use the algorithm. Example: If I had to replace the upper and left lower part, I would twice rotate the upper layer (it does not matter in the direction according to the clock movement
or clockwise), and then use the algorithm. The step above is necessary; Yellow parts cannot be ignored with these steps. Your cube may have one of the following designs. Model 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 is a pattern to which all other patterns lead. If you can, rotate the top layer (U) until the top is so. To fill this pattern, use the R U R U R 'U2
algorithm to rotate all yellow cubes up. If the cube looks the same, just repeat the algorithm until the entire top top is solved. If you can, turn the highest level to make it look like this. If you can, use the R U R U U U2 R 'U2 algorithm so that the highest level looks like a pattern 3. Although the cube can have a plus, you need to move it with the upper
level until two yellow cubes are on the left. Then use R U R 'U R U2 R' U2 to get a pattern 1. Turn the cube until a series of yellow pages lies on the upper part of the front layer, as shown in the photo. Then use the R U R 'algorithmR U2 R 'U2 to return to the pattern 1. Turn the cube in your hands until the edge is resolved. If there is no resolved edge,
use the R2 algorithm U 'F B' R2 F 'B U' R2 until the edge is resolved. To turn the upper, right and bottom edge, use the R2 algorithm U 'F B' R2 F 'B U' R2 to turn the edges in the clockwise. This will eventually solve the cube if the left edge is already in place. Initially, this may not work, because the edges turn in the clockwise only once. You may
have to do it again to solve the cube. If you followed these steps correctly, you should be able to solve the cube. If there are any errors, write them in the comment section. Section.

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