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My goal,

So, we all have life goals, They are the driving force behind everything we
do and they are the most important things that we want to accomplish. I think
that life without ambition is like a gun without target.
My mother and father were divorced. for as long I can remember, I believe
I was five at the time. Although my mother is the only breadwinner in the
family, she is determined to give her children a chance at a promising future.
She knows the importance of a proper education and thus instills this
principle in us. Having her as a strong support system, has given me the
courage to overcome all obstacles and pursue my goals.
My goal in life is to become a scientist. I have always been fond of book.
As I am an only I was very lonely. All I had for company was my kitten and a
shelf full of books. Books made me forget the fact that I was lonely. Right
from my childhood I like Sciences along wise biology, physics, etc a lot and
I was fascinated by the subject very much. Whenever I see advancement in
technology I’m astonished and I myself want to be the reason for a great
change. Becoming the scientist is my ambition because the coming one
would help me in bringing out the solution to many problems in the society
and show people the world of logic and scientific beauty. I aspired to become
a scientist like Einstein or Edison. But they are hardly few people who do not
know Thomas Alva Edison or Albert Einstein. Their contribution to the world
are endless and I want to become a scientist whose invention and
discoveries serve the society like theirs. My parents support my ambitions.
They help me by giving useful pieces of advice, encouraging my endeavors
and help me out on my daily life. Everyone has it’s aims to do something
great in their life.
Someone wants to become a doctor, someone wants to become a pilot
and so on. Like them I want to become a scientist to do invent something
new for my counter. So, that everyone fell proud of me. It’s my dream and
my goal. To achieve their aims they do work hard and also face all difficulties
in life. But never leave their aims. For this I will do all hard work and also
ready to face allegations difficulties in my life to achieve my goal.

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