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Field Station: Kawe Ward in Dar-es-salaam


NAME: Munira.A.Said

Signature…………………………... Date ……………………………...

Course: Basic Technician certificate in Communication development


Supervisor Name:Madam chambo

Signature ………………………. Date ……………………………...

Table Of Contents


LIST OF ABBREVIATION……………………………………………..…………iii

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………….…………………………….iv

LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………………v


CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………….….........................1

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………….........................................1

1.1 Background………………………………...............……………………………...1

1.2 Objectives…………………………………………….................................….......1

CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………....................................4

2.0 Description of the study area………………………............………………..…….4

2.1 Geographical location…………………………................…………..…………...4

2.3 Population Characteristics…………………………….............……….………….9

CHAPTER THREE………………………………....................…………..……….10

3.0 Activities Undertaken and Findings……………………………………..………10

3.1 Activity Undertaken…………………………..................………….…….……..10

3.2 Findings…………………………………….......................……………….….…11

CHAPTER FOUR………………………………...........…………………….……15

4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations…………………………...............….…......15

4.1 Conclusions…………………………………………..............….........................15

4.2 Recommendations………………………………………………….............….....15


AID’S ………… Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

KMC ………… Kinondoni Municipal Council

HIV ………… Human Immune Virus

MEO ………… Mtaa Executive Office

NE ………… North East

NW ………… North West

RC ………… Revenue Collector

UTI ………… Urinary Tract Infection

WDC ………… Ward Development committee

WEO ………… Ward Executive Officer

WHO ………… Ward Health Officer


Table 1: Total number of livestock in kawe ward........................................................4

Table 2: Distribution of business activities in the ward................................................5

Table 3: Total number of student in primary and secondary schools...........................6

Table 4: population characteristics distribution table...................................................7


Appendix 1: Organization chart……………………………………………13

Appendix 2: log book……………………… ……………,...…....................14


I would like to show my gratitude and returns, all praises and glory to my almighty

God who is full of love, care and mercy for granting me health and life in every new

day that make me possible to accomplish this notable dissertation.

The preparation of this field attachment report has passed to different department’s

co-workers and individuals on my behalf. I have special thanks to my supervisor Mr

Mateso who guidance and comment to enable accomplishment and acceptance of this


Also dedicated to the ward executive officer (WEO) Salum Hussen Mtoro , His love

and concern he gave me at the time when i was attained in the field attachment

station. In other hand, I have great honor to my parent Mr and Mrs Tarimo my

relatives’ perspectives during the preparation of this dissertation. Thanks for all may

the endless grace and glorious of my heaven God shine up on your done, forever and



1.0 Introduction

This report is about field practical in Local government course which was conducted

from 1April 2021 to 30 April at kawe ward in kinondoni municipal council in Dar es

salaam. The field practical training was necessary as exposure for students to real

thing or issue because in classroom student are learning theories methodologies of

technical of local government services.

Field work is aiming at providing opportunity to student to apply the knowledge in

developing skills. The report shows the roles of local government authorities in social

services to community in kawe ward. It cover the objective of the training material

and methodology, geographical location, social economic activities, population,

lesson lent, conclusion and recommendations.

1.1 Historical background of Dunda Ward

The origin of kawe ward was became to the kawe street that can founded in the

kinondoni municipal council in 1908 due to the implementation of local government

in 1999 was changed from kawe street to kawe ward, ward became among of

five(5) wards found in kinondoni council. The ward consist sixteen streets which are

kawe, Mwambao, mzimuni, Mngesani, Tandika, Sokojipya, Majani mapana,

Mwanakalenge, Bank, Ukuni, Shauri moyo, Mitimingi, Madukani, Mto wa

nyanza,Bondeni, Kaole ufundi. Also the origins of people at kawe ward are Zigua

tribe, Kwele tribe, Zanaki tribe, Doi tribe, Zalamo tribe.

1.2 Objectives

1.2.1 General objectives

The purpose of FPT was to link theoretically learnt in the class with real life practical

so as to acquire knowledge, skills and experience concerning to the local government


To exchange or sharing some knowledge and information on how the organization

activities are performed through organized efficiency also how citizens participate in

different social and economic action in their area.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

To gain more knowledge skills and experience concern in local government


The following are the Specific objectives or purpose of undertaking filed practical


i. To know the difference between theory and practical. The main objective or

purpose of undertaking in field station is to show the student the different of what

he/she learn in class and how it is in applied in practe. Example in class student

learns how to solve conflict theoretically, but in field station student learn how to

solve conflict practically.

ii. To understand responsibilities of leaders to the member of streets. The field

attachment its purpose is to know the main responsibilities of leaders in ward.

Example to maintain peace and security, also to maintain social services like water,

education, hospital and to maintain community participation.

iii. Gaining experience on how to behave and solve various problems. Example when

attend in field station student can solve different problems like tenant conflict family

conflict and also marriage conflict

iv. To obtain new knowledge, skills, experience and altitude during field work.

During field work students obtain new skills and knowledge example, skills of

solving different problems, to be honest and having a good language to the citizen.


2.0 Description of the study area .

2.1 Geographical location

The field attachment takes place at kawe Ward in kinondoni municipal

council(KMC) in Dar -es-salaam. region. Kawe ward is large in size in town of

Tanzaniabecause it has five ward than other ward in kinondoni it founded in the

eastern part in Tanzania . Northern part of kawe was bordered by Temeke ward,

western part of kawe ward was bordered by ubungo ward, eastern part of kawe ward

was bordered by Indian Ocean and southern part of kawe ward was bordered by

mzimuni street.

2. 1.1Climate

The kinondoni district councilhas the humid tropical climate with seasonal average

temperature ranging from 130C - 300C. There is two rainy seasons namely long and

short seasons. Rainfall ranges between 800 – 1 200mm per annum. The long rain

starts from February or March to June or March to June while the short rain season

starts between July and October. The coastal strip receives relatively more

precipitation than the up-country part.

2.1.2Physical features

The physical features of kawe ward are artificial vegetation, and ocean

2.2 Social economic activities

The ward has various accesses of social economic activities which meet the human

needs. Since the demands of this social economic activities are high while their

distributions are scarcity. These are education, health, water, agriculture, fishing and

other activities. Improvements of these services will improve the high standard of life

in the ward because it was dependent unit in the family.

2.2.1 Agriculture status

The kawe ward agriculture is the one of economic activities in which many citizens

of kawe are participate in these activities like cultivation of vegetables. In crop

cultivation of vegatables include mchicha, tembere ,spinach, sukuma week and

mbwembwe. Those vegetation are used for food and cash bases and conducted in

small scale. The ward earns little harvest since the method of cultivation is so poor

then led to the insufficiency production.

2.2.2 Livestock keeping

Livestock is an art of agriculture that deals with the keeping, rearing and breading of

domestic animals so as to attribute human daily needs. Most of people in Dunda

ward involved themselves in keeping of animals while other practices both farming

and livestock keeping. Livestock which are kept in the ward include cows, goats,

sheep, pigs, chickens and dogs. Table two shows the total number of livestock

Table1: Total number of livestock in kawe ward

Types of animals Numbers

Cows 40

Goats 117

Chickens 4890

Sheep 30

Dogs 122

Pigs 3

Total 5250

Source: Ward Extensional Officer

2.2.3 Fishing

This is main activity at kawe ward in . Many people involves and depend on this

activity because the ward is near by the Indian ocean so they involves in fishing in

order to get money to obtain their basic needs, example food, shelter and clothes.

Also fishing help parents to pay school fees to their children. Also in the ocean which

is nearby kawe ward include type of fish include pweza, ngisi, changu, dagaadamu,

papa, msumari, pono, bangara and papa.


Among of business in kaweward are large businesses because there are hotels,

markets, guests house, bars, and wood industry. But also there are many small

businesses that are conducted in that area. Examples of that small business are small

shops, butchers, mama ntilie, and machinga. All that business conducted in kawe

Ward is to ensure that people meet their needs like food, shelter, and clothes. The

following are the table that show total of all large and small business conducted at

kawe ward

Table2: Distribution of business activities in the ward

Kind of business Number of shops

Butchers 4
small shops 8
Guests house 10
Hotels 5
Markets 2
Source: Community Development Officer

2.2.5 Water supply

Water supply is very importance and necessary social services in the society because

the member of society may use in difference social economic activities such as

cooking, drinking, irrigation and machine process in the industry .kawe ward has got

enough water.

2.2.6 Health status

Health sector is among of the important sector in society which is functioning in

provision of health service to the community in difference so as to insure the

development growth. In kawe ward there are two public hospital known as Masana

hospital and St Bredra hospital and also the ward have three

government hospital such as lugaro hospital,magomeni hospital,and mwananyamala

hospital private dispensary known as IBRA dispensary, EMMA dispensary, UKUNI

dispensary. Also in ward there are ten pharmacies that sell medicine to the

community. Vaccination Services are given to the children whose ages are 0-5 years

in the public and private health center at the ward. This is to protect them against

difference diseases which will affect the children when they are still growing up.

2.2.7 Education

Education it is generally sense or a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills

and habits transfer from one generation to another through teaching, training or

research. Kawe ward has six primary schools which are Mwambao, Mbez juu,

makongo juu, goba,,ndumbwi and Ukuni. Also kawe ward have two secondary

schools which are ukwamani secondary school and makongo juu secondary. Table

four shown total number of student in kawe ward both primary and secondary

Table3: Total number of student in primary and secondary schools

School names(primary) Classes Students Total

Female Male
Ndumbwi I-VII 333 285 618
Mwambao I-VII 376 389 765
Ukuni I-VII 329 306 635
Ukwamani I-VII 210 235 445
Mbez juu I-VII 356 356 712
Goba I-VII 100 105 205

School name(secondary)
Form Female Male Total
Ukwamani I-IV 321 375 696
Makongo juu I-IV 246 198 444
Source: Ward Education Officer

2.3 population characteristics

Kawe ward has got a total population of 12,948 where by female is about 4829, and

male about 2684 ,young is about 3151 and old is about 2284 peoples of whole

population. This is due to the 2012 census conducted in ward. For more details see

table no 5

Table4: population characteristics distribution table

Size/sex Female Male young Older

Total 4829 2684 3,151 2,284

Source: ward executive officer


3.0 Description activities undertaken

In the field station the students there are many activities which undertaken during

field period. The following are main activities which undertaken during field period

in field station.

3.1 Am writting refund of loans of group of people who return of refunds of

loans of city hall in the ward.

In the field station learned how to to writting the name of group of people who return

of credit of loans in the ward which have a keep of writting the name which have

lead to prevent the document which have lead to disappear which have keep the

document in the computer. Which have keep the prevent the document of writting the

name which have disappear in the society.

3.2 Education about cleaning environment and participation to delivery a

condom at the place of high population,job of people and toilent inorder to

prevent the trasmitted of HIV/AIDS of people in the society.

The student engaged to give education to the people about cleaning environment. The

student goes to the difference street like Mzimuni,, Makonde, and Mwambao areas in

order to encourage people about cleaning of environment. Also community decided

to put environment cleaning in order avoid disease about cholera and this situation it

can help kawe ward to become clean.And going to delivery the condom in the box

in the place of high population and toilent which avoid the trasmitted of HIV /AIDS

in the society which have people should have used a condom which have lead of the

process of trasmitted of HIV//AIDS in the society.

3.3 Visiting of different project

In Kawe ward there are different projects that are in progressive. Those projects

including roads, schools, water, and health. Only three project were visited including

TASAF and those project of women, youth and for disabled people.

3.4 Provide identification letter and am writing the name of group of people who

were pleaters the loans of city hall in the in the ward.

In the field station the student learned how to write identification letter which

identify where the person come from. The sectors needs their workers to bring their

identification letter in order to know he or she come from and this letter are written

by MEO. And am writing the name a group of people who pleaters the loans of city

hall which a government should have a bring of loans in a city hall and going through

of the people in the ward which have bring it of the group of the people in the ward

in the society.

3.5Atteding at the Meeting.And advice the group of people in the ward are

doing to cleaning the enviromental which have make a beautiful street in the


In kawe Ward we attend the different meeting like Ward committee

meeting,publicand office meeting. In those meetings we educate people about

cleanness of environment in their areas, then we attend another meeting in street with

chairpersons to encourage their are people about new regulation of provision of loans

to the people of kawe ward, Also the meeting in mangesani villager in upendo group

to given the information on the how to register the groups.

3.6 Stamping of mail and am doing to cleaning office and disolving of a chair
and table and arrangement of document in the file.

After mail had been received it was necessary stamped and to written the data of its

receipt in order to keep record for future uses also the mails that comes from various

people they need rubber stamp of Mzimuni ward example of mails that were

stamped including identification letters, confirmation letter, Am doing to clean a

office and arrangement of document in the file which have lead of the good

arrangement of document in the file and lead of beautiful of office in the ward.

4.0 Findings

4.1 New lesson learnt

In field station the student learned different things that are follows.

Collection of Data

Student leant about or concerning to collection in ward level, due to this has

knowledge of different data collected at low level.Learned to be trustfully, the

student learned to be trustfully in public resources; example in collection of property

taxes should be present all taxes to the authority and also should be have trustfully in

all public resources that rounded.

Who to solving case or conflict.

Student add knowledge of solving the conflict and case in the society or community

Learned to solve different problem or conflict, also student gain knowledge and skills

of solving different hard and simple problems or conflict example boundary conflict,

tenant and house hold conflict

Learned on how to educate people about cleaning toilet,

Also engaged and health officer in preparing meeting to educate people about

cleaning toilet and environment in order to prevent and reduce epidemic disease like

cholera and UTI.

Learned difference information about HIV/AIDS, during the field attachment in the

field station the student learned different information about HIV/AIDS through

attending to the seminars of HIV/AIDS. According to the data which collected soon

It can shown the situation of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania is 4.7 percentage which many

affected is youth between 15-49 years which women are 6.2 percentage and men are

3.7 percentage and this show that women are more infected than men.

4.2 Observation

i. In the field station student was interesting to visiting at different streets, but they

observe that people are not paying property.

ii. Students observe that people delay to attend in the meeting and others are not

attending, this is because of their ignorance

iii. Also student observe that people who are given loans from government through

local government are not return money at a time that are arranged by community

development office

4.3 Challenges encountered

i. The ward faced the problems of early pregnancy marriage to the ladies who were

expected to go to school at a time this is the result of poverty among some families

illegal tradition and so on.

ii. Problem of willingness to the mtaa to participate in different held meeting in the

ward which results to failed in different planned meeting due to low curriculum.

Land conflict caused by few mtaa members and leaders without decision of others

(multiple allocation a single piece of land).

iii. The youth in ward are totally failed in their life since they engage in use drug

abuse such as alcohol liquor, marijuana, cocaine, cigarette, and other drinking which

have physiological action or living cell and also result to less production within the


iv. Lack of enough office materials and equipment photocopy and typing machine

due to absence of electricity and less technology.

v. Poor accountability among workers which leads the poor performance of assigned


vi. Poor environment conservation which lead to the eruption of diseases in the areas

and which made the result of health officer to pass every week from door to door to

provide education on how to maintain the environment around the whole ward


5.0 Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 conclusions

Basing on findings from the field attachment area the ward provided cooperation and

working together in peace and harmony. The ward was faced with few challenges

and benefit which archived by the ward. Also the ward faced with poor location of

resources available in the area and difficult in managing the source of budget and

revenue result from fees, lives fines and land rent. Also the different planned project

where failed due to lack of participatory in nature.

4.2 Recommendation

i. To solve the problem of enough office material and equipment at street council

with financial committee should budgeting the office material needed such as

photocopy typing machine during budget estimation.

ii. Government should encourage more mass education to the community about

construction of toilets.

iii. The government should be measure clearly land boundaries. In order to avoid

conflicts in the community because conflict it underdevelopment in the community.

iv. The follow the account procedure in allocating the recourse available subsides

from the local and central government as well as fees, levies, fines, and land rent

property recorded should involved.

v. Department of HIV/AID’s should be provide more mass education to Community

in order to reduce and avoid HIV/AID’s and also encourage the community to check

up their health after three months.












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