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Pfltigers Arch (1993) 424:343-353

of Physiology
9 Springer-Verlag 1993

The molecular mode of action of the Ca agonist (-) BAY K 8644

on the cardiac Ca channel
M. Bechem, H. Hoffmann
Bayer AG, Institute for Cardiovascular and Arteriosclerosis Research, P. O. Box 101709, D-42096 Wuppertal, Germany

Received August 19, t992/Received after revision March 3, t993/Accepted March 19, 1993

Abstract. The primary drug action of ( - ) BAY K 8644 Introduction

on whole-cell Ca current in atrial myocytes was mea-
sured under conditions where secondary Ca-mediated The group of 1,4-dihydropyridines (DHP) consists of
changes of Ca channel activity were minimized. The two structurally closely related groups of substances
most direct action of ( - ) BAY K 8644 is the change of which are pharmacologically characterized as Ca antag-
gating kinetics which results in a strictly voltage-depen- onists and Ca agonists. The Ca antagonists are in wide-
dent increase of the peak current in the voltage range spread therapeutical use, whereas the Ca agonists have
between - 4 0 and 0 mV. Peak currents were increased so far only attracted scientific interest (for review: [17]).
dose dependently in the concentration range from 1 to BAY K 8644 [34], the prototype of the Ca agonistic
30 nM. Analysis of peak current/voltage relations re- DHPs has been widely used as a tool to probe Ca chan-
vealed a linear shift of the current activation by approxi- nel function in various tissues and cells [4]. The Ca
mately 23 mV to more negative membrane potentials, agonists have been found to facilitate greatly the investi-
without any change in its voltage dependence and in the gation and characterization of single-channel activity of
current reversal potential or the maximum whole-cell the L-type Ca channel. As Ca channel measurements,
conductance. Measurement of Ca current activation and with single-channel events of only about 1 pA amplitude
deactivation time constants suggests that ( - ) BAY K and durations in the millisecond time domain, in general
8644 prolongs the single-channel open time without af- suffer from the limitations of patch-clamp recording, the
fecting the closed time. From the shift of the open time prolongation of single-channel open times by the Ca
function to more negative voltages by about 50 mV the agonist can help to facilitate the measurement of single-
energy transferred to the gating process is calculated to Ca-channel activity [16].
be 5.4kJ/mol (1.3 kcal/mol). The drug-induced slow Since the primary sequences of the al subunits of
component of tail current has been used to estimate the several Ca channel types are known [5, 26, 28] DHP Ca
true dose/response relation for ( - ) BAY K 8644. A KD agonists and antagonists have become a basic tool for
value of 4.3 nM and a Hill coefficient of 1.25 were de- the classification of the cloned and expressed Ca chan-
termined. Flash-induced competition experiments with nels [35] and for proving the functional relevance of the
the Ca antagonist nifedipine allowed the measurement expressed subunits [30, 36]. It is expected that DHPs
of binding kinetics of ( - ) BAY K 8644. The association may also help to map out the functionally relevant areas
rate constant is estimated to about 5 • 106 mo1-1 - s -1 and within the al subunit and to construct integrated, func-
dissociation time constant is approximately 5 0 - 7 0 s; tional models if the location of the DHP receptor is
both are in close agreement with receptor binding stud- known - which is now under progress [7, 31] - and if
ies. Results are discussed in relation to models for drug their molecular mode of action is understood.
action of dihydropyridine-type compounds and to impli- However, despite this widespread use of DHPs, the
cations for the structure of the Ca channel protein. precise mechanism of their molecular interaction with
the Ca channel still remains unclear. KD values from
electrophysiological studies [14, 22, 33] are not in agree-
Key words: Ca channel - ( - ) BAY K 8644 - Ca ment with those from receptor binding studies [23, 37]
agonists - Cardiac cells - Ca current - Mode of ac- raising the possibility of two different binding sites be-
tion - Dihydropyridine receptor ing involved in the various aspects of the Ca agonist's
action [22]. Also the voltage dependence of the agonist's
Correspondence to: M.Bechem action [18, 19] and its dependence on the phosphory-

lation status o f the C a c h a n n e l are still u n d e r discussion. A o 1.7 nM ,3.0 nM 1"7 nM 80 nM

A s a c o n s e q u e n c e o f these uncertainties, n o n e o f the p r o -
p o s e d m o d e l s [3, 15, 16, 22, 33] is either g e n e r a l l y ac-
c e p t e d or a c c o u n t s for all o f the e x p e r i m e n t a l findings.
The present paper includes a comprehensive kinetic ~ -lO0
a n a l y s i s o f the w h o l e - c e l l C a currents, as m o d i f i e d b y \
the D H P a g o n i s t ( - ) B A Y K 8644, a n d f o c u s e s on its
s p e c i f i c a n d h i g h affinity i n t e r a c t i o n ( c o n c e n t r a t i o n !
r a n g e 1 - 3 0 n M ) w i t h the C a channel. A d d i t i o n a l l y , n e w g' -200
f l a s h - i n d u c e d c o m p e t i t i o n e x p e r i m e n t s with n i f e d i p i n e
are d e s c r i b e d w h i c h a l l o w the m e a s u r e m e n t o f r a p i d
binding kinetics of DHP compounds under equilibrium
conditions. A s s o c i a t i o n a n d d i s s o c i a t i o n rates are deter- ~ \
m i n e d and d i s c u s s e d w i t h r e s p e c t to the m o l e c u l a r inter- -300 i i i i i i

20 40 60 80 1O0 120
a c t i o n o f the a g o n i s t w i t h the C a channel. time / rain
-30 mV
B J 1-50 mV membrane potential
-70 mV
Materials and methods
Ca currents were recorded in cultured, atrial myocytes from adult
guinea-pigs by means of the whole-cell recording configuration of
the patch-clamp technique [13]. The atrial myocytes were isolated
by Langendorff perfusion with collagenase and elastase as de- -100
scribed elsewhere [2]. Collagenases from different sources were
tested prior to their use to ensure activity and to guard against cell "E
damage. We currently use Sigma C7176 type L at a concentration
of 0.5 mg/ml. The freshly isolated, Ca-tolerant cells were taken I
into short-term tissue culture [meditun: DMEM with 25 mM 4- -2oo \ / b) 1.7 nM (-)BAY I<8644
(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulphonic acid (HEPES) and \ // c) 3.0 nM (-)BAY K8644
5 % - 1 0 % fetal calf serum, 5 mg/ml gentamicin] and used for the
experiments from days 2 to 7. During this time cells had a rounded,
~ / d) 17.0 rim (-)BAY K8644

ball-like geometry which makes them highly suitable for whole-

cell patch-clamp recording. In contrast to freshly isolated cells the
membrane voltage can be precisely controlled and intracellular di- ; 2'0 ;0 6'0 ;0
time /ms
alysis with a single patch pipette is more reliable.
Cells were grown on specially designed culture dishes, which +10 mV
contain a cover slip bottom to facilitate the UV-light radiation dur-
-70 : V
ing the flash experiments. For measurements the culture dishes
were placed on the stage of an inverted microscope (Zeiss IM 35)
and kept at room temperature (23-26~ Medium was replaced
by a modified Tyrode's solution of the following composition a

(raM): NaC1 130, KC1 2, MgC12 1, NaHCO3 5, HEPES 20, pH 7.4,

glucose 10, CaC12 1 or 5; containing 10 -5 g/ml tetrodotoxin to
block Na currents. The pipette solution [(in raM): K-citrate 60, c~ - 1 0 0

CsC1 30, HEPES 10, pH 7.2, MgClz 1, Mg-ATP 4, dibutyryl cyclic

d a
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) 0.1, ethylenebis(oxonitrilo)-
tetraacetate (EGTA) 2] was designed to block K currents, to re-
move inactivation of the Ca current (compare [2]) and to bring the g, -2oo
Ca channels into the fully phosphorylated state. b) 1,7 nM (-)BAY K8644
Patch pipettes were made from pyrex glass (pipette puller: c) 3.0 nM (-)BAY K8644
Zeitz Instrumente, DMZ-universal puller) having a resistance of d) 17.0 nM (-)BAY K8644
about 3 - 7 Ms For measurements of current and voltage control,
a patch-clamp amplifier (List LMfEPC 7) was used. A PDP-11
computer system allowed both the application of voltage steps un- o ;o ;o 60 .'o
der program control and the recording (digitized at 20 kHz), stor- time / ms
age and analysis of whole-cell currents. During experiments the Fig. 1. A Plot of peak Ca current at a clamp potential of - 3 0 mV
linear leak and capacity currents were monitored by the application (11) and + 10 mV (V) versus time of the experiment. The cumu-
of short repetitive voltage steps from a holding potential of lative application of ( - ) BAY K 8644 (1.7, 3.0, 17, 80 nM) results
- 7 0 mV to - 6 0 mV and to - 9 0 mV and were subtracted from in a current increase only at - 3 0 mV. Original current recordings
the current traces during off-line data analysis. Further analysis of from the same experiment are shown in parts B and C. Although
current traces is described in the Results. peak currents at + 10 mV were not affected by the drug tail current
For flash experiments the microscope was equipped with an decay is slowed (C)
epifluorescence setup and an arc-lamp (HBO 100 W) was used as
the light source. By means of a dichroic mirror (Zeiss FT410), the
excitation light is directed to the objective (100• N.A. 1.25 oil
immersion) and focused on the specimen. Between the light source seconds. Light energy of the flashes was adjusted by variation of
and the dichroic mirror a computer-driven electronic shutter has flash duration. Control experiments established that the duration
been mounted to allow illumination times from 2 ms to several of illumination used in the present work (from 4 to 20 ms) neither

Table 1. Mean values +-_ SD from the analysis of the current/volt- membranepotential/ mV
-60 -40 -20 20 40 60
age relations at control and in the presence of different concen- I I i
trations of ( - ) BAY K 8644
A ~
( - ) BAY ParamNer
K 8644
concen- V05 k Vr.~ Gm= n
tr~ion -100 /

Control - 9 . 1 + 6.1 9.7 + 1.0 74.5 _+ 5.5 5.03 _+ 0.7 8

0.8 - 1 9 . 2 + 0.6 7.7 _+ 0.4 68.3 + 2.4 3.4 2
1.7 - 1 8 . 9 + 6.6 10.1 _+ 0.7 68.9_+ 4.3 4.35 +_ 0.8 6
3.0 - 2 4 . 0 + 4.6 10.3 +_ 1.1 68.0_+ 7.8 3.5 + 0.4 3
17 - 3 1 . 0 + 5.0 9.6 + 1.8 61.5 + 1.5 4.1 _+ 0.8 2 v 1.7 nM (-)BAY K 8 6 4 4
30 - 3 0 . 3 _+ 6.8 7.7 _+ 1.3 67.8 _+ 5.6 4.1 _+ 1.5 3 a 10.0 nM (-)BAY K8644
300 - 3 3 . 1 + 6.6 7.8 +_ 1.0 67.3 + 5.3 4.0 + 1.7 2 = 30.0 nM (-)BAY K 8 6 4 4
Vos, Voltage (in mV) of half-maximal activation; k, steepness of
activation (in mV for e-fold change); V~. reversal potential (in Ca-current / pA
mV); Gin=, maximal whole-cell conductance (in nS); n, number
of experiments G / Gin,x

affects the Ca current itself nor the action of ( - ) BAY K 8644 on B

the Ca current. Due to the very limited area of illumination, which
was nearly identical to the focus area of the objective, the de-
stroyed nifedipine is rapidly exchanged by intact substance from
outside the focus area so that flashes can be repeated several times.
Nifedipine and ( - ) BAY K 8644 were dissolved in a stock
solution of 10 .3 g/mi in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and then
subsequently diluted with Tyrode's solution so that the final
DMSO concentration was below 0.1%. This concentration does
not affect the stability of the cells or the Ca current.
0.25 9 control
v 1.7 nM (-)BAY K 8 6 4 4
o 10.0 nM (-)BAY K 8 6 4 4
Results = 30.0 nM (-)BAY K 8 6 4 4
Effects of ( - ) BAY K 8644 on peak Ca current i i i i i I

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

Under the chosen experimental conditions, in which in- membranepotential/ mV
activation is reduced and Ca channels are fully phos- Fig. 2. Current/voltage relations (A) and voltage-dependent acti-
phorylated, exposure to the Ca agonist ( - ) BAY K 8644 vation curves (B) in the presence of increasing concentrations of
increases peak Ca currents only at negative clamp poten- ( - ) BAY K 8644. Current increase is strictly voltage dependent
tials between - 4 0 and 0 mV. At more positive mem-
brane voltages peak Ca currents are almost unchanged.
As the biggest increase in peak current was always
found at - 3 0 mV we chose this potential to measure a
dose/activity relation. Figure 1A shows the peak cur- Two remarkable observations were made routinely
rents at clamp potentials of - 3 0 mV and 10 mV from during these experiments. First, it often takes about 1 0 -
an experiment in which the whole cumulative dose/re- 15 min of drug exposure, especially at the very low con-
sponse curve was measured in one cell Concentrations centrations, to reach equilibrium. This may be indicative
of only 1 nM result in a doubling of the current ampli- of the reported high partition coefficients between aque-
tude (see also original traces in Fig. 1B). Increasing the ous solution and the membrane phase [24]. Second,
concentration to 3 and 17 nM results in a further increase when peak Ca currents became very large in the pres-
in the peak Ca current. As an application of 80 nM did ence of ( - ) BAY K 8644 (see Fig. 1B) the inactivation
not increase the peak current further we estimate an EDso process was enhanced. A simple direct effect of the
of about 3 nM for peak current increase at - 3 0 mV. For agonist on inactivation or a facilitation of Ca-induced
a more complete analysis see below and Table 1. inactivation by the increased Ca current can be excluded,
The peak currents at a clamp potential of + 10 mV, as an enhanced inactivation was not seen at more posi-
recorded at the same time, can be regarded as a control tive potentials (see + 10 mV in Fig. 1C).
for the stability of the Ca current measurement. Peak Ca Whole-cell current/voltage curves were recorded
currents are not affected by ( - ) BAY K 8644 except for (Fig. 2A) to obtain a more complete description of the
a small decrease, not related to drug exposure (Fig. 1 A, voltage dependence at low drug concentrations. Ca cur-
C). The latter is probably due to a "run down" phenom- rents are only increased at negative membrane potentials
enon during the 2-h experiment. leading to a shift of the activation potential in the nega-
five direction. We analysed the current/voltage relation 8 - +10 mV
J T -70 mV ~ -40 rnV
by fitting the peak Ca current values to the function:
Ic,(V) = Gmax" Po(V) " (V-V~L) =" 8-
with an assumed single-channel open probability, '-~ 5 - 300

Po(V) = {1 + exp[(Vo.5-V)/k]} i/ l\T o

/I 'L o a) co,,trol
where V is the membrane potential, V~ the reversal po- .~ 4. ~./ - IX,, 9 b~ >30 .= ( - ~ ' , K8644
tential for the Ca current, G~,x the maximum cell con-
ductance, Vo.5 the potential of half-maximal activation
and k the steepness of the activation. Single-channel E 2.
open probability [Po(V)] is expected to be represented
by G(V)/G~x under whole-cell recording conditions (see 1

Fig. 2B). From these parameters increasing concen- 0

trations of ( - ) BAY K 8644 only affect the Vo.5 value. -;o-~o 2 . o - ; o - ; o - ; o - ~ o - ; o ; ,o ; ;
This can more easily be depicted from a plot of the volt- membrane potential/ rnV
age dependence of the whole-cell Ca conductance in
Fig. 2B. The continuous line in Fig. 2A was calculated Fig. 3. Plot of the relaxation constants for current activation or
deactivation versus clamp potential under control conditions (open
according to the given function. circles) and in the presence of a saturating concentration of (-)
Mean values from a series of dose/activity relations BAY K 8644 (filled circles; mean _+ SD from 6-8 experiments).
are included in Table 1. Increasing concentrations result Inset shows typical current traces under both conditions
in a progressive shift of the Vo.5 value without significant
effects on the other parameters of the current/voltage
curves. Half-maximal shift is found with concentrations Table 2. Summary of gating parameters
of about 3 nM and saturation is seen at concentrations
above 17 nM, resulting in a maximum shift of approxi- Gating properties Condition
mately 22 mV.
In a few experiments (data not shown), in which the Control (-) BAY
K 8644
Ca agonist wa applied without inclusion of cAMP to
the pipette solution also whole-cell conductance (G) was Peak current analysis: fi 9.7 8.4
increased. However, Ca current recordings were gener- P0.5 -9.1 -31.4
ally less stable, and control peak currents were subject Kinetic analysis: fi~ 23.8 24.4
to greater variations. Vc 17.8 17.8
rio -24.4 -22.7
Vo -49.6 -99.3
Ca current kinetics Po.5 -15.0 -43.0
( - ) BAY K 8644 not only affects the amplitude of the Gating charges: 2.2-3.0
peak currents, but also produces marked changes in the Energy transfer by
voltage-dependent current activation and deactivation (-) BAY K 8644: 5.4 kJ/mol (t.3 kcal/mol)
("tail cmncent") kinetics (e. g. Fig. 1 B). Therefore, time
constants of current activation and deactivation were The voltage constants 6 are given in mV for an e-fold change. Pos,
analysed over a broad membrane potential range by fit- is the voltage where the open probability is 0.5; Vc and Voare the
voltages where the single channel closed or open times are I ms
ting single exponentials to the current traces [4]. Time
constants from a group of experiments under control
conditions and with a high, saturating concentration of
( - ) BAY K 8644 have been plotted in Fig. 3. Values where Vo, Vc mark the voltages where open and closed
from - 3 0 mV to + 30 mV were calculated from the ac- times are 1 ms and Vo, Vc are the voltage constants for an
tivation time constants and values between 0 and e-fold change. Table 2 gives a comparison of the values
- 8 0 mV from the deactivation time constants. As- obtained from the fit in Fig. 3 and from the analysis of
suming first-order kinetics for the voltage-dependent peak currents.
gating process the relaxation time constant (T~) is given In the presence of ( - ) BAY K 8644 closed time con-
as: stants are not affected, but open times are prolonged
without any change in the voltage dependence. The
"c. (V) = [ 1 / T o ( v ) + 1 / r e ( v ) ] -~ function of [To(V)] of the open times is shifted to more
with To and Tc as the single-channel open and closed negative membrane potentials by about 50 mV. There-
time constants. On the basis of an exponential voltage fore, the shift of open probability, which is half as large,
dependence of both time constants the data could be fit- can be entirely attributed to this shift of the open time
ted well (continuous lines in Fig. 3) by: constants.
Voltage constants for both open and closed times
"co(V) = exp [(V-Vo)/Vo] (Table 2) are in good agreement with the k values from
Tc(V) = exp [(V-Vc)/vc] peak current analysis. From voltage constants we calcu-
+30 mV 100
-40 mV membrane potential



o 40 • n =1.25

10 zo

o) control
b) 3 nM BAY K8644
c) 300 nM BAY K8644 0
i i i i
1 0.1 1 10 100
[(-)BAY K8644]/nM
-5 ; ; 1; 1; 20
time / me
Fig. 5. Dose/response curve for (-) BAY K 8644. Percentage of
Fig. 4. Comparison of tail current at different concentrations of the slow, drug-induced component is plotted versus the concen-
(-) BAY K 8644. Currents were normalized with respect to the tration
current level before repolarisation and plotted logarithmically
against time. At moderate concentrationsthe time course consists
of two exponentialcomponents:the fast control and the slow drug- age step current. Under control conditions and at the
induced decay high drug concentration the time course is mona-ex-
ponential, but at the moderate concentration it is bi-ex-
ponential, containing the time constants of control and
late an equivalent of 2.2-3.0 elementary charges in- saturating drug concentrations respectively. In Fig. 5
volved in the gating process. The linear shift of the open mean values (+_ SD) of the percentage of the slow com-
probability (approx. 23 mV) evoked by ( - ) BAY K ponent are plotted against the drug concentration. From
8644 can be interpreted as the amount of energy by the fit a KD value of 4.3 nM and a Hill coefficient of
which the gating process is modified upon drug binding. 1.25 were determined.
This energy can be estimated by multiplying the number
of elementary charges with the induced voltage shift re-
sulting in about 5.4 kJ/mol (1.3 kcal/mol) based on cur-
Kinetics of drug binding
rent kinetics. This value is much less than the total bind-
ing energy which amounts to about 46 kJ/mol (11 kcai/
So far rate constants for the binding reaction have been
mol) (e. g. [23]).
measured only be means of receptor binding studies in
membrane preparations [23] or in intact cells [37]. Rate
constants predicted from models based on electrophysio-
Dose~activity relation logical data [3, 22] are much higher, suggesting that the
real association rate in receptor binding studies might be
Dose/response curves of the increase in peak currents in obscured by a secondary slower rate-limiting step such
the presence of ( - ) BAY K 8644 suffer from the voltage as partitioning into the lipid membrane phase. To mea-
dependence of the drug effect, from changes in inacti- sure the true association and dissociation rates we per-
vation and from run down phenomena during repeated formed a new type of competition experiment which
drug exposures. In order to obtain more precise infor- makes use of the light sensitivity of nifedipine to pro-
mation we analysed the deactivation kinetics at negative duce a sudden increase of the number of free DHP re-
membrane potentials ( - 4 0 to - 8 0 mV) as a function of ceptors. Nifedipine can be destroyed within a fraction of
drug concentration. The single Ca channel may be either a millisecond by light flash, resulting in an unblocking
in the drug-free state having the short control open of Ca channels and increase of Ca current [11, 27].
times, or in the drug-bound state with the prolonged When using a combination of nifedipine and ( - ) BAY
open times. Drug concentration should only affect the K 8644 the energy of the flash can be adjusted to photo-
relative amount of channels with prolonged open times lyse only nifedipine without affecting the agonist. After
but not the time constant itself. As a result tail currents selective removal of nifedipine ( - ) BAY K 8644 is free
must consist of two components reflecting the two dif- to interact with the unblocked Ca channels and this inter-
ferent open times, and the relative amount of slow com- action is subsequently monitored by an increasing slow
ponent should be a function of drug concentration. component of the tail current.
Figure 4 shows a semilogarithmic plot of tail cur- Figure 6 shows the results from control experiments
rents from one experiment under control conditions and with nifedipine alone. Photoremoval of nifedipine results
in the presence of a moderate (3 nM) and a high concen- in a biphasic Ca current increase, a rapid increase during
tration (300 nM) of ( - ) BAY K 8644. For a better com- the clamp pulse during which the flash was given
parison the plots are normalized with respect to pre-volt- (Fig. 6A top, trace b) and a secondary slower phase

A +10 mV
A I 17 .M (-)~u KBe++ I
- 7 0 mV I - 5 0 mV membrone potentiol
I + 300 nM Nifedipine J
<= -250 v~vv~. . . . . . . . . . . .
6 -100 -500

; 1'o 20 30 4'0 v

-40 g
time / ms T T
I flash flesh
~. -60 V i~~ V

-1000 + i , , ,
-100 0 200 400 1500 800
-'5 ; time / s
time I s5 10 15
+10 mV
flesh Nifedipine: 100 nM B - 7 0 mV
.~ ] - 3 5 mV membrane o o t e n t i o l

B 1 ,=16s 0 flash
9 eeeeee 9


uI -500
--~ 9

-750 i i i i = i
"~ -50
0 10 20 30 40 50
a 1 flash time / ms

§ -200 1

I. J 9 d ~ qvv~vvvv~ovvv~
-~oo l ~b vvvv v
-100 **; 9 vv
-400 .. WV
g, ] %~,~v"
-;o ; 2'0 ;o 6'O 8'O 0
time / s
time / s
Fig. 6. Flash photolysis of nifedipine results in an unblocking of
Fig.TA, B. Flash photolysis of nifedipine in the presence of ( - )
Ca channels with a very fast (A, top trace b) and a slower (A,
BAY K 8644. After a flash peak currents are transiently increased
bottom) current increase. Normalized peak currents thereby show
(overview in A). At the same time the percentage of the slow,
a transient increase with an exponential decay to control values
(B) drug-induced tail component rises with time (B, top, traces b - d ) .
When tail currents from traces b and d are compared this change
becomes were obvious

(Fig. 6A bottom, between points b and c). The rapid

phase with a time constant of about 3 ms is comparable
to the voltage-dependent activation of the channels and During flash experiments with nifedipine alone no
obviously arises from channels being blocked in the re- changes in the kinetics of the tail current could be de-
sted state [11]. The slower phase, with a time constant tected. Control experiments with ( - ) BAY K 8644 (data
of about 200 ms, typical for the rate of recovery from not shown) show no effect of the flash on either the
inactivation, indicates that those channels were blocked amplitude of the peak inward current or the kinetics of
in the inactivated state. Under these experimental con- the tail current.
ditions (holding potential - 7 0 mV, nifedipine concen- In Fig. 7A the peak currents from an experiment
tration 300 nM) the amplitude of the rapid phase is about with the combined application of nifedipine and ( - )
3 0 - 4 0 % of total current increase. BAY K 8644 are plotted. Nifedipine given in the con-
The current increase evoked by the flash is transient, tinuous presence of the agonist blocked the peak current
as can be seen in Fig. 6B. This is due to our experimen- by about 75%. As with nifedipine alone, flashes evoke
tal setup where the flash is delivered through the objec- a transient increase of the peak current. However, due
tive of the inverted microscope. Nifedipine is only de- to run down control peak current values could not be
stroyed within the focus area of the objective (diameter established during these transient increases.
approx. 250 gm) leaving most of the drug in the bath Four original current traces from one transient in-
unaffected. Therefore, following the flash, unchanged crease (peak current overview in Fig. 7B bottom) after
nifedipine diffuses back into the focus area and reblocks a flash are shown in Fig. 7B (top). Trace a was recorded
the Ca channels. The time constant for this diffusion- before the flash was given, trace b is the current trace
controlled reblocking was about 16 s. where the application of the flash (5 ms after depolari-
A IO0 ]
sation) results in the sudden current increase, trace c was
0=;sM /~',,~ 17 nM
recorded at the peak of transient and trace d was taken
50 s later. The latter was selected because the current z~ 80
/ =b
/ "r=14s

amplitude during the clamp pulse is identical with that

in trace b, so tail currents can be compared directly. The
tail current in trace a follows a single exponential time i
6o J
course with a time constant typical for ( - ) BAY-K-
8644-modified channels (see above). Ca channels which ~ 40
were not blocked by nifedipine had obviously bound ( - )
BAY K 8644, because of the nearly saturating concen-
tration (17nM) used in this experiment (compare 20
Fig. 1B).
In trace b the tail current, which is recorded 10 ms
after the flash, consists of two components as described i i i i
0 " 10 20 30
earlier for conditions in which submaximal concen- time / s
trations of the agonist were studied. The fast component
has the same time constant as that under control con- B ~ flash
ditions and the slow component is identical to that in 9 9 $ Nifedipine ~'=16 s
trace a. Therefore, channels which were unblocked dur- O, 9 9 9
ing the flash did not bind a measurable amount of ( - )
BAY K 8644 during this short clamp step. However, at .E
a very late point during the transient increase, when _E
trace d was recorded, the unblocked channels have -50
bound the agonist, as can be inferred from the kinetics
of the tail current which now shows a single, slowly I
decaying component. o
In a series of experiments we measured the associ- -100 -
ation of ( - ) BAY K 8644 with the Ca channels by ana- 8/~ ~176(-)BAY K8644 + Nifedipine: "r=70 s
lysing the time-dependent increase of the slow compo-
nent of tail current after a flash. This analysis was re- i i i i i i
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
stricted to the flash-induced current by subtracting the time / a
Ca current traces recorded prior to the flash (e. g. trace a
in Fig. 7B). The results for three different concentrations Fig. 8. A Plot of the slow drug-induced component versus time
after the flash in the presence of different concentrations of ( - )
of ( - ) BAY K 8644 are plotted against the time after BAY K 8644. Time constants were estimated from exponential
the flash (Fig. 8A). The determined association time fits. B Comparison of the normalized transient peak current in-
constants show a linear concentration dependence as ex- crease from experiments with nifedipine alone (filled squares) and
pected for such a process. From the time constants given in combination with ( - ) BAY K 8644 (open circles). Continous
in the figure a mean association constant (ka) of 5 lines represent exponential fits (data from several different flashes)
X10 -6 mol-ts -1 was calculated. Taking the K , value and
the association constants together allows the estimation
of the dissociation time constant: 50 s. Discussion
The dissociation time constant can also be measured
directly from the reblocking rate during a flash-induced Ca agonists action on peak currents
transient peak current increase. When both nifedipine
and ( - ) BAY K 8644 are present the reblocking by back The results of our study present a framework for under-
diffusion of nifedipine should be hindered by the Ca standing the molecular interaction of the DHP Ca ago-
agonist occupying the receptor. Under these conditions nist with the Ca channel. As some of the previous re-
the dissociation of ( - ) BAY K 8644 becomes the rate- ports on the electrophysiological actions of these drugs
limiting process. Figure 8B compares the peak current were controversal, our aim was to investigate the pri-
increase for both nifedipine alone and the combined ap- mary and most direct action of ( - ) BAY K 8644, na-
plication of the agonist and the antagonist. Therefore mely the changes in gating behaviour, without any inter-
changes in the peak current were normalized with re- ference from secondary effects brought about by the in-
spect to the maximum increase in each experiment and creased Ca entry into the cells. Those secondary effects
plotted versus the time after a flash. Data points were might be a Ca-induced inactivation [2], which may dim-
taken from 3 - 4 experiments under each condition. The inish the peak current increase, and a Ca-induced in-
reblocking rate is clearly slowed in the presence of ( - ) crease in the number of available channels [8, 12], which
BAY K 8644 resulting in a time constant of 70 s. Taking may lead to an overestimation of the current increase
into account that this reblocking time constant tends to and to a "false" voltage dependence.
overestimate the dissociation time constant, because of In general, two distinct changes of the peak current/
a repeated binding of the agonist, there is a good agree- voltage relation have been reported for Ca agonistic
ment with the above given calculated time constant. DHPs: (1) a shift of the current activation to more nega-
tive membrane voltages and the concurrent shift of the of the curve compared to control or high drug conditions
peak voltage of the current/voltage curve [19, 33] and, which can be taken as an indication for the predicted
(2) a voltage-independent increase of current amplitudes "mixed-type" of activation curve.
over the whole voltage range resulting in an increased
steepness of the linear part of the current/voltage curve
[14, 33]. Changes in current kinetics
We have never observed the latter finding under our
chosen experimental conditions; therefore the voltage- Assessment of the activation and deactivation kinetics
independent increase of current is probably a secondary of the Ca current is one of the most direct ways to ana-
action of the agonists, mediated by increased intracellu- lyse the gating behaviour of single Ca channels under
lar Ca levels. This is in line with observations that pho- physiological ion concentrations, where a single-channel
tochemically released intracellular Ca is able to increase study is impossible [10]. When secondary processes of
Ca currents in a voltage-independent manner, an effect the channel regulation like inactivation or high rates of
which can be blocked by prior application of isopren- phosphorylation, which may obscure the true voltage-
aline [12] and which is most likely produced by an en- dependent gating properties, are reduced as far as possi-
hanced phosphorylation of Ca channels through the Ca- ble, voltage-dependent activation and deactivation can
dependent kinases. be reasonably well described by first order kinetics.
From the complete analysis of the current/voltage re- As there are deviations from a single exponential
lations at different concentrations we conclude that the time course - especially at the beginning of activation
only direct action of the Ca agonist on the Ca channel [3, 10] because of the existence of several closed states
is a shift of the voltage-dependent activation. This re- [10] - the resulting time constants should be taken as
sults in an increased single-channel open probability; an approximation. However, several points indicate that
single-channel conductance, number of available chan- this approach yields very reliable values:
nels and the current reversal potential are unchanged. 1. Time constants in the potential range from - 4 0
This view is well supported by various single-channel to - 1 0 m V can be checked independently from acti-
studies [6, 16, 29]. vation and deactivation.
The observation that Ca current increase at very 2. Independent fits of the relaxation time constants
positive membrane potentials might be due to a second- under control and high-drug conditions result in the
ary effect governed by an enhanced phosphorylation is same functions for both open and closed times, except
of great value for recently published studies on the ex- for the linear shift in open times.
pression of cloned Ca channels. As the cells used in such 3. Voltage dependence and half-maximal activation
expression studies may have very different activities of voltage of peak currents and exponential voltage depen-
kinases and phosphatases, the Ca-induced increase in dence of time constants are in good agreement, support-
single-channel availability may be absent. So the ex- ing a first-order process.
pected increase in the Ca current in the presence of BAY 4. Effects of ( - ) BAY K 8644 on peak currents and
K 8644, which is taken as a proof for DHP-sensitive on gating properties of the channel are in complete
channel types, may be lower than anticipated [30, 36, agreement.
38], or might be overlooked because of a too positive Most striking is the latter point: the complete
clamp potential [28]. congruence of peak current analysis with kinetic changes
Most reports on the dose/response relationship of of current activation and deactivation. Voltage constants
( - ) BAY K 8644 failed to show the high-affinity action calculated from both independent measurements are in
expected from receptor binding studies [14, 33]. As peak agreement with an involvement of 2 . 2 - 3 . 0 elementary
current increase is strikingly voltage dependent a reliable charges in the gating process. The observed shift of acti-
dose/response relation can only be measured at the most vation curves by about 23 mV upon binding of ( - ) BAY
sensitive clamp potential (at the start point of activation K 8644 can be attributed to the approximately twice as
e.g. at - 3 0 mV), or as the drug-induced shift of the large shift of the single-channel open times while single-
activation curve. Both procedures yield, if equilibration channel closed times remain unaffected. Due to this ap-
times for the drug are long enough, and if inactivation proximate 50 mV shift of the open times function along
and run down is negligible, reasonable values for half- the voltage axis without any change in its voltage depen-
maximal activity of about 3 - 5 nM. The values are also dency, open times at every membrane voltage are in-
in good agreement with the dose/response relation de- creased by a constant factor. However, this prolongation
rived from the independent analysis of the current kin- of open times will only result in an increased Ca current
etics. when open probability is much less than 1. If, on the
With non-saturating concentrations the activation other hand, open probability is close to 1, as in the range
curve should be the sum of the activation curves for the of voltages positive from about + 10 mV, no change in
drug-bound and drug-free channel populations. Because the amplitude of Ca current will be seen. Therefore, the
of an enhanced inactivation process in the presence of drug action on the current amplitude must be strictly
the agonist which was predominantly abvious from - 5 0 voltage dependent.
to - 1 0 mV (compare Fig. 1B, 30 nM trace) we have not The shift of open times as a function of voltage can
succeeded in resolving these two components. However, be considered to be the result of a constant energy trans-
there was always a tendency for a decreased steepness fer by the drug, which stabilizes the open channel state,
and which can be overcome by applying more negative In the presence of the Ca agonists the recovery rate
voltages to obtain the same closing rates. This energy of the current after flash photolysis of nifedipine is un-
can be calculated as the product of the gating charges changed, but tail current analysis reveals that with time
and the drug-induced voltage shift, which gives 5.4 kJ/ the fraction of drug-bound channels increases and as-
mol (1.3 kcal/mol). The energy needed to modify gating sociation rates are dependent on the concentration of the
therefore amounts only to 11% of the estimated total Ca agonist. These experiments clearly show, in func-
binding energy of 48 kJ/mol (11.5 kcal/mol) [23]. tional studies, that DHP agonists and antagonists com-
pete for the same high-affinity receptor site and that
binding of one will completely prohibit the binding and
action of the other. These results present a strong argu-
Binding kinetics of ( - ) BAY K 8644 ment against multiple and/or different binding sites for
Ca agonists and antagonists [21, 22].
Although the slowing of deactivation time course ("tail The association rate of 5)<106 mol-ls -1 for ( - ) BAY
current prolongation") has been noted in most of the K 8644 is a factor of 3 - 4 higher than those from recep-
studies with Ca agonists (e. g. [16, 33]) only two at- tor binding studies [23, 39]. Both calculated and meas-
tempts have been undertaken to quantify the changes [9, ured dissociation time constants of 5 0 - 7 0 s are also
22]. The present paper contains the first complete pub- quite similar to those found in binding studies [23]. Not
lished analysis of tail currents including both the volt- only receptor affinity, but also binding kinetics, are iden-
age- and the concentration-dependent changes. tical in both functional electrophysiological and in re-
From the distinct changes in the gating kinetics and ceptor binding studies.
from the discrete prolongation of open times upon drug In the present experiments the membrane voltage
binding it is clear that non-saturating drug concen- was maintained at a resting potential of - 7 0 mV and
trations must result in biphasic tail currents. Tail currents depolarizing steps last only for about 1% of the time.
must contain a fast component, characteristic for control Under this condition the Ca channel exists almost exlu-
measurements, and a slow component, which reflects the sively in the resting state, therefore the binding parame-
population of drug-bound channels. The relative amount ters characterize the interaction with the resting state of
of both components should vary with the drug concen- the Ca channel. Obviously the interaction with the inac-
tration without any change in the time constants of the tivated state, as monitored in binding studies [23, 39],
components, because binding to the single channel is a is not much different. Taken together, a non-modulated
discrete event excluding the occurrence of intermediate receptor hypothesis [15] seemed to be appropriate for
time constants. A concentration dependence of the time a description of the agonists action on the Ca channel.
constants, as reported by Lacerda and Brown [22], is However, gating analysis has shown that additional en-
therefore very unlikely. ergy - amounting to 5.4 kJ/mol (1.3 kcal/mol) or to a
The dose/response curve for ( - ) BAY K 8644 from change of KD value of a factor of 10 -- is transferred
tail current analysis presents unequivocal evidence that solely to the open channel state. Whether this energy
the high-affinity receptor found in binding studies either stabilizes or destabilizes the binding of the Ca
(2.5 nM in [23]; 0 . 5 - 3 nM in [37], 3.5 nM in [39]) is agonist with the receptor is still unclear. Due to the
also the only functional and pharmacologically relevant general problem of increasing the fraction of open
binding site. Differences between KD values from bind- channels for long times without any inactivation experi-
ing studies and from electrophysiological investigations ments to answer this question cannot easily be obtained.
reported elsewhere [14, 33] are most probably attributed
to the inaccuracy of the drug-induced peak current
changes. Models for the agonist's action
It has been proposed that Ca agonists preferentially
bind and interact with the open state of the Ca channel Models based on the assumption of an exclusive binding
[3, 22]. However, a state-independent, non-modulated [3], or a preferential binding [22] to the open state with
receptor hypothesis has also been suggested [15]. From proposed associations rates up to 10 l~ mol-ls -1 are not
receptor binding and functional studies it is known that in agreement with the present results. In addition, this
Ca antagonists have a strongly voltage-dependent bind- study, as with most of the receptor binding studies re-
ing behaviour [1, 21, 39] whereas binding of the Ca ported so far, provides no indication for multiple binding
agonists was found to be voltage independent [37, 39]. sites as proposed in the model of Lacerda and Brown
Photolysis of nifedipine has been used in several [22].
studies to prove the state-dependent interaction of this Upon binding the agonist may either change only the
antagonist with the Ca channel [11, 27]. Our control closing rate constants as previously reported by Sangui-
experiments, with the photo-induced removal of nifedi- netti et al. [33] or both the opening and closing rates.
pine alone, are in line with those reports. Recovery of We see no evidence for changes of the opening rates as
the Ca current is biphasic with a rapid phase (time con- reported by Hering et al. [15]. Evidence for a change in
stant approx. 3 ms) for channels which are blocked in opening rates has also come from the analysis of first
the rested state and a slower phase (time constant ap- opening waiting times and from closed times distri-
prox. 150 ms) arising from channels arrested in the inac- butions [22]. However, because of the limited time resol-
tivated state. ution, short openings, especially under control con-

ditions, may have been overlooked and a prolongation Additional information on the orientation of the DHP
of the open times and an overall increased open prob- receptor has come from studies with charged DHPs [20]
ability in the presence of the Ca agonists must therefore favouring an extracellular side. The association rate
result in an apparent decrease of waiting and closed measured by flash-induced competition experiments
times. characterizes the binding kinetics under equilibrium con-
Our analysis of the current kinetics over a broad ditions, e.g. diffusion, membrane permeation and ac-
range of membrane potentials provides strong evidence cumulation processes having reached steady state. Rates
against a change in opening rates. The following scheme calculated from this approach are about a factor of 10
summarizes our results: higher than those derived from experiments which make
KI use of rapid perfusion techniques [15, 25] for drug appli-
C ~K---I O "Nfci cation. In addition rapid application of the DHP results
in a delay of up to 1 s and a response following second-
xd ]l r~ I order kinetics which was never observed in our experi-
K1 D /KID ments. An explanation for these obvious discrepancies
CD ~K-1D OD could be due to the fact that in the case of rapid drug
application the Ca agonist has first to equilibrate with
where C, O, I, CD and 0D denote the closed, open, the lipid membrane before getting access to the DHP
inactivated and drug-bound closed and open states re-
spectively, with
Although this interpretation fits very well the pre-
K~(V) = K~D(V) = 10 3 e (V-~8~'24 s -~ viously suggested hypothesis of a "membrane bilayer
K_I(V) = ]03 e -(v+50)/24 s -1 pathway" [24], the determined association rate seems to
be very reasonable for a diffusion-limited access from
K_ID(V) = ] 0 3 e-(V+99)/24 S-1 the aqueous phase to the receptor but too low for the
where V is given in mV. The association rate KA is about two dimensional membrane compartment. Taking into
5Xl06mo1-1 s -~ and dissociation rate Kd = 0.02s ~. account the high partitioning coefficient of about 104,
Transition between O and OD can be neglected under the real rate, based on the membrane concentration, is
our experimental conditions, because of the rather short even slower. Part of this discrepancy may be due to the
live-time of the open state. fact that the DHPs are not evenly distributed in the mem-
Our experiments yield no information about the inac- brane phase [24] and that the receptor and the DHP mol-
tivation process. We assume that inactivation rates Ki ecules are not located at the same position.
and KiD are unchanged and expect inactivation to be in- Structure/activity relations show that the only differ-
fluenced only indirectly because of the prolongation of ence between agonists and antagonists is the rather small
open-state live-times and increased Ca entry as proposed substituent in the 3' position, which might be either an
by Sanguinetti et al. [33]. However, as inactivation is ester function for nifedipine or a nitro-group for BAY K
also subject to many other regulatory processes, includ- 8644. This small modification has a large and distinct
ing integral intraceHular Ca concentration and channel impact on the state transitions of the comparably large
phosphorylation, a simple mathematical description is protein molecule.
not feasible. 1. Agonists stabilize the open state without affecting the
As transitions from the drug-free to drug-bound other states.
states are rather slow compared to the voltage-dependent 2. Binding of the agonist, however, takes place in a
gating, our model predicts a single-channel behaviour state- and thereby voltage-independent manner.
for a given clamp potential which is phenomenologically 3. Open state stabilization by the agonist is due to a
similar to the mode model of Hess et al. [16]. But certain rather low energy transfer in the order of a single
essential characteristics are not fulfilled: 1. We have hydrogen bond.
found no evidence for a slow- ("mode 2") gating behav- 4. The antagonist, on the other hand, stabilize the inacti-
iour under control conditions. 2. We have evidence that vated and the resting state [32].
the prolongation of open times is not governed by an 5. Binding of the antagonist is strictly voltage and state
intrinsic mechanism, but is very substance specific and dependent.
may therefore be different for various Ca agonist types. Taking these results together it becomes clear that the
substituent in the 3' position must be very closely
coupled to one of the key positions of the channel pro-
Implications for the structure of the Ca channel tein. Identification of the amino acid residues interacting
with this side group will therefore greatly help to en-
Recently attempts have been undertaken to localize the
lighten the gating and inactivation mechanisms of the
DHP receptor region within the a~ subunit of the Ca
channel [31]. Due to uncertainties in the predicted fold- Ca channel.
ing pattern of the az subunit the location of the DHP
receptor is somewhat controversal. Regulla et al. [31] Acknowledgement. We wouldlike to thank R. Noll and G. Schmidt
favour the cytoplasmic side and Catterall and Striessnig for their technical assistance and Prof. R.Grog, Dr. E Rounding
[7] propose a position on the extracellular surface of the and Dr. M. Schramm for their critical examination of the manu-
membrane. script and their helpful advice.

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