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Week 1: Side

by side

Search the Internet for contemporary artworks based on one that

has been done in the past. Print the original and new images side
by side and then do the following in writing:

The Kiss The Kiss

By: Gustav Klim (Howl’s Moving

By: Andrea Tamme
1. Describe the artwork done by an artist in the past.

2. Describe the new artwork based on the previous artwork.

3. Compare the two. What qualities of contemporary art are
manifested in the new artwork?


1. Previous artwork has been done in the form of an oil

painting. Gustav Klimt, the artist, painted it in such a
unique way that you must examine it carefully to understand
what it means. "The Kiss" exemplifies tenderness and passion.
The glistening details and colors represent the love shared by
these two people. Add to that the fact that it is very unusual
to see two people looking like that, and the painting becomes
even more intriguing.

2. Andrea Tamme's latest work is a digital painting. It

retains the same concept and representation, but she
substituted Howl Jenkins Pendragon and Sophie Hatter from the
film "Howl's Moving Castle" for the two people embracing in
the original painting.

3. Andrea Tamme's work, in my opinion, is much clearer and more in

depth than Gustav's due to her medium of choice. The new artwork
embodies contemporary art qualities in that it is digitally created
and the characters are from an anime film.

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