Sena John Randulf Migration Documentary

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Sacred Heart College

Lucena City

Migration Documentary

1st Semester, 2022-2023

Name: John Randulf R. Sena

Program and Section: BSA-1

Filipinos has this strong trait of being a hard worker that they are willing to do anything
just for the sake of survival and provide satisfaction and good life for their loved ones even if
they have something to give up which is their time for family physically and be away from them.
It has never been easy being away from your loved ones from both sides but especially for the
parents because even if they’re staying together and the moment they leave for work or
necessary agenda which still makes them worry, what more for those migrant parents or who are
across borders. People makes sacrifices for specific reasons but mostly to provide wealth for
good life for themselves and for their loved ones. But first, what is this so-called migration?
According to Pieter Kok (1999), migration is defined as the movement of people over a specific
distance (or, at the very least, from one "migration-defining area" to another) and from one
"usual place of residence" to another. In the Philippine setting, economic factors are the primary
drivers of migration flows. There is a large population on relocation to provinces other than their
birth province in search of employment and other economic opportunities and better education
because of lack of opportunities on rural areas which these rural areas are primarily for
agriculture and small business yet produces small wages that can be used for survival alone and
not grow their own wealth than urban places. Nonetheless, the wealthy investors could reach
more easily these urban places with convenience. As industries grow, more people move to cities
to work in factories, where there are more jobs and higher wages than in rural areas. Industries
sell their goods on the international market. Thus, people still tend to go overseas for far above
minimum wages than in local. People including the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) is
considered an example people of migration as they move from the Philippines to across border
for usually better employment opportunities specially for us Filipinos. Filipinos are known for
their hospitality which gives Filipinos high employment rate for being a maid, drivers, and other
services that involves care which is evident from a lot of stories in commercials and
documentaries including the video I watched assuming these migrant maids imagine their clients
as their family which they love. These people sacrifice important stuff just to go across border
and steps out their comfort-zone upon the belief of growth as an individual and specially for their
careers. Yet, Some migrants still has uncertainty of employment even abroad or urban areas
because of an in demand job description but they are risk takers, anything for the sake of survival
and the future of their families. Thus, it has never been easy for them even though they are
abroad and having above minimum wages which sounds wealthy yet still encounters a lot of
The story from the documentary depicts the life of migrant workers from the Philippines
wherein difficulties are evident. As I have observed, difficulties occurred in the documentary
includes the concerns about their family, anxiety and fear hence, they are worried if their family
left behind has something to eat and to use as if they have received completely what they brought
home. They are having these anxieties caused by too much worrying about there families as they
must have missed them so much and knowing that they are not physically beside each other
which time is consumed not having that quality time a family should have. In the documentary,
the migrant workers have missed a lot of time for their child as they did not notice that their child
is already grown up.

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