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Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade 4

l. Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson the learners should be able to:

Cognitive: differentiate the characteristics of different angles

Affective: Appreciate each angles of the shapes

Psychomotor: Draw the angles

II. Learning Content

Skill: differentiate the characteristics of different angles

Reference: page1&2
Materials: Toothpicks, Glue, Construction paper, Markers

Value Focus: Show cooperation

lll. Learning Experiences

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Ice Breaker
“Angles Song | Acute, Obtuse, & Right Angles”
Drill: Imagine you were eating pizza and you saw angles on it
Motivation: What are the things that you can see inside of your house.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation and Modeling
Show an illustration. Learners should be able to identify the different angles

2. Analysis/Discussion
Ask the learners:

What can you say about the illustration?

What are the different angles that shown in the illustration

3. Activity

 Learners will now participate in a hands-on activity in which they will create
their own angle poster using toothpicks to represent the four types of angles for
25 minutes.

4. Generalizations

Ask the learners:

What is the measurement of a right angle?

What could be the measurement of an acute angle?

What is the measurement of a straight angle?

C. Application

Instruction: From 1-6 give the exact measurement of the corresponding angles.
IV. Evaluation

Measure these angles 1-5.

V. Assignment
Use the protractor to draw these angles.

 40°
 125°
 25°

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