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Movie: Chef (2014)

I. View point: Aianna Maryeth Beninsig

II. Time Context: 2014

III. Problem Statement: Chef Carl Casper has spent the last ten years working at a
very reputable and high-end restaurant in Los Angeles. After engaging in a
Twitter war with an influential food critic, he wanted to prove himself and cook a
different menu, but the restaurant owner forbids him. Chef Carl felt worthless and
left the restaurant. He purchased his own food truck and cooks as he feels good.
His food truck business became successful with the help of social media. The
food critic with whom he had conflict asked Chef Carl to be his business partner.
Despite the success of the food truck business, Chef Carl Casper might end up
working for someone else's restaurant again rather than opening his own

IV. Statement of Objectives:

1. To establish a profitable business as a source of income.
2. To generate immediate sales from the food truck business
3. To manage the financial report for a small food truck business.

V. Areas of consideration:
● Strengths:
1. Chef Carl is a skilled chef who can manage the kitchen staff.
2. The influence of social media contributed to the marketing of the food
● Weakness:
1. Chef Carl doesn't have the funds to open his own restaurant.
2. Having a business partner hinders Chef Carl's culinary freedom.
● Opportunities:
1. The chef can open his own restaurant with his knowledge and abilities.
2. The food truck business was profitable and has a potential to be a
3. The chef could have opened his own restaurant rather than establishing
another partnership.
● Threats
1. The expenses in starting his food truck business.
2. The monetary losses once the business fail.

VI: Assumptions: If Chef Carl Casper uses of his skills, experiences, and the current sales of
the food truck business he has successfully established, he will be able to open his very own
VII: Alternative Courses of Action:

ACA 1: Utilization of social media platforms on a continuous basis for business marketing.
ACA 2: Employing more kitchen staff for possible business growth.
ACA 3: Managing financial resources by getting an accountant or using bookkeeping services.

VIII: Analysis:

ACA 1: Utilization of social media platforms on a continuous basis for business marketing.

1. Social media can increase business market reach.
2. Using social media marketing is a low-cost form of marketing yet effective.

1. Negative feedback or reviews are public that anyone can read.
2. Using social media is time consuming and there is a need for active engagement.

ACA 2: Employing more kitchen staff for possible business growth

1. Hiring employees can enable the chef to focus on other aspects of expanding the food
truck business.

1. The food truck has a small kitchen in where to operate.
2. Food truck business is limited by space to prepare and serve food

ACA 3: Managing financial resources by getting an accountant or using bookkeeping services.

1. Employing a staff that manage your financial information frees up your time to focus
on other aspects of the business.
2. Bookkeeping service can provide you with a daily transparent financial report.
1. Employing accountants entails paying a full-time employee, which charges additional
costs for the business.
2. It can be expensive to employ professional accountants or acquire accounting

IX: Conclusion:


● Sustainability of objective - capacity to support and fulfill the set

● Timeliness – occurring at a suitable time; opportune: well-timed
● Cost effectiveness - producing optimum results for the expenditure
● Implementation - the leniency of the action to be carried out, executed or practice.
Rating System
● 1 - lowest
● 3 – highest
Decision Matrix:

ACA Sustainability Timeliness Cost Implementat Total

of Objective Effectiveness ion
ACA 1 3 3 2 3 11

ACA 2 1 2 1 1 5

ACA 3 2 1 1 2 6

Based on the decision matrix, it can be concluded that ACA 1 is the most favorable
course of action for Chef Carl Casper to take. ACA 1 received the highest total score of 11,
indicating that it is the most sustainable, timely, cost-effective, and feasible option to pursue.

X: Plan of action: (Solution)

• Pursue course of action 1

• Continuous use of social media as low cost effective marketing tool
• Explore alternative financing options
• Develop a business plan to expand the food truck business
• Optimize the kitchen staff that can work in the food truck's limited operating

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