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Path-Fit I

Module 1

Learning Activity 1-2

Write a short reflection on the Topic. In your own situation, what are the needed
protocols for conducting physical activities?

In our current situation today that we are learning or having our class discussions
at home we should still follow some rules or protocols for safety purposes even if we are
only performing such activities at home. If we are tasked to perform a physical activity
and take a video of it while performing it, we should always wear a proper and
comfortable athletic attire. And in this time of pandemic most of the physical activities
are can only be done are indoor activities because we are not allowed to go outside and
do the things that we used to before like jogging, walking or biking around our village or
within our place. Even if we are not allowed to go outside and perform physical
activities, we can still do this at home as an alternative. But we should always bear in
mind that even at home we still need to follow protocols for conducting physical
activities. Following the step is very essential having a warm up before executing or
performing an exercise is a must to avoid cramps or other types of injuries while
performing. Warm up is very important it will make our body in good condition and
prepared to do physical activities. Exercise aside from having a healthy lifestyle is
essential to us human being to maintain our body physically and mentally fit and ready
to do the task that we might encounter every day.

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