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(Formerly: Sacred Heart Academy)

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CHAPTER 7 — Nature and Background of Outdoor Recreation

Did you know that Cloud Nine in Siargao, a teardrop-shaped island in Surigao del Norte,
is home to the 9th Best Surf Spot in the World, according to a list released by the travel website
of the Cable News Network (CNN).
Source: accessed July
5, 2015

What is Outdoor recreation?

Consider the following activities: bird-watching, caving or spelunking, camping, and snorkeling.
When and why do people engage in the mentioned activities? What is a common factor among
them? Answering these questions will lead to answering what outdoor recreation is all about.
Were your answers the same or close to the following?
o done during vacation or school break
o they want to have fun
o done outdoors with nature
Putting the answers together, outdoor recreation is organized activities done during one's
free time for his/her own personal reasons, where an interaction between man and an element of
nature is present.
Let us break down the ideas to have a common understanding of the terms. When we
hear free time," what does it mean to you as a student? "No classes" easily come to mind and
consequently will be able to use the "free time" to do things which you want to do but have been
unable to do so because of the "lack of time," such as continuing a project or undone homework,
or perhaps, going out with friends to watch a movie. A day can be divided into three parts
according to Clayne R. Jensen (2006): the existence time, subsistence time, and free time.
Existence time is time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other personal
care. Subsistence time refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work,
chores, and for students, hours spent in school, and school work. Free time, therefore, is all the
remaining time after. How one decides to spend free time varies from person to person. Perhaps,
to those who have been very busy with workload or school work, this is the best time to do
recreational activities, to relax, and to rejuvenate.
Recreation is derived from the Latin word recreate1 which means to be refreshed.
Choices for recreation vary from person to person. What makes one happy may not be so for
others. Therefore, recreational activities depend on one's interests, pursuits, and needs which may
be reflective of one's beliefs and level of gratification. For example, a natural park may serve as a
bonding place for a family to have a picnic, a great fitness area for a jogger, and a place to
commune with nature or meditate for others.
The outdoors in a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed area. Narrowing it down,
outdoors as used it in this discussion, includes the natural environment and resources which
comprises the land, water, wildlife, vegetation, open space, and scenery. The outdoors may be in'
their most natural state or "semi-natural" state, which is a state where it had gone through some
human modification but has retained its natural features.
People engage in outdoor recreational activities for varied reasons. Some do it for
personal satisfaction and enjoyment. Perhaps, it is a time away from the day-to-day routine.
Others do it to be in touch with nature, which they rarely have the chance to do, especially for
those who reside in highly urbanized areas. Many do it for personal pursuit such as photography,
collecting sea shells ‘reaching the top of Mt. APO, conquering the rapids of Cagayan River, or
attaining a certain fitness level. Some individuals or groups do it as part of outdoor or
environmental education, such as bird- watching, plant naming, etc. Whatever reason there may
be, people engage in outdoor recreational activity for their own sake and pleasure, voluntarily,
and of their own choice.
In this unit, different outdoor recreational activities will be presented and discussed with
the aim of encouraging you to start living a more active lifestyle that will contribute to your
overall wellness.
What are the different outdoor recreation activities?
The Philippines is rich in natural resources. Despite being in a relatively small country,
Philippines is surrounded by all kinds of land formations and natural water resources. In fact, it
has been listed in The World Fact book (Maps of World, nod) as having the fifth longest
coastline in the world. Its natural environment has so much to offer, whether on land, on water,
or even in the air. It hosts varied outdoor recreational activities, some of which are the following:
Mountain Biking
Rock Climbing
Whitewater Rafting
Bamboo Rafting
What are the benefits of outdoor recreation?
Fun and pleasure are perhaps the immediate answers of the majority who have
experienced outdoor activities. However, there is more to it than just the fun. Studies have shown
that being close to natural environment is healthy. Aside from the fresh air and the amazing sight
of nature, the outdoors has positive effects on the general wellness of an individual most
especially if it is done with regularity. Wellness encompasses the general state of a person
(physical, social, PSYCh0- emotional, and spiritual) and in the end contributes to a better quality
of life.
Physical Health Benefits
Being outdoors prevents a person from having a sedentary life. It allows people to move,
whether by walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling, etc. With the surge of electronic
gadgets, more and more people (children and adults alike) are unconsciously getting stuck with a
sedentary life, contented with playing with their computer games, tablets, or cellphones, or
watching television
Lastly' outdoor recreational activities contribute to one's personal and spiritual growth. It
allows an individual to discover his/her inner spirit and sense of self, creating new behaviors and
identity. A person identifies with the activities that he/she does such that he/she becomes "biker,"
"diver," and that individual identifies more with who he/she is at work. In the end, engaging in
these activities contributes to satisfaction in life and makes life happier
Social Benefits
outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer. They can be a "family-bonding
activity" as each family member participates in an activity, achieves a common goal, and goes
through the same experience.
spending time outdoors also allows one to meet and interact with others who share the
same passion for outdoor recreation. Participating in a team will help form lasting friendship and
develop a community.
outdoor recreation also promotes stewardship. Activities done outdoors in the natural
setting help in making people realize the great things that nature provides mankind. Increased
knowledge and appreciation helps them understand how personal actions can strongly affect the
environment. Thus, people's feelings and connection with nature are the greatest motivation for
them to care for the natural environment and advocate for its preservation.
Economic Benefits
people who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This
translates into efficiency at the workplace. "It's more fun in the Philippines!" as the Department
of Tourism slogan goes. Indeed, it is more fun as well for everyone involved in ecotourism
activities in the Philippines. It has been rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in the country
created jobs and other economic activities which have, one way or another, contributed to our
economic growth.
Spiritual Benefits
Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values. Being one with nature brings
certain calmness within a person. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothes
the body and soul.
Does one need to be athletic to participate in outdoor activities?
Outdoor recreation involves a lot of physical activity, but it does not require one to have
athletic level of skills to be able to participate. However, one needs to be physically fit to be able
to carry out the activity. For instance, bird-watching requires walking to be able to go to the
birds' natural habitat and watch the birds.
Physical fitness tests are not new to students. It is usually done in lower grades or at the
start of the school year in a PE class. Maybe, some can remember having the 3-minute step test,
squats, sit and reach test, and were asked to compute their body mass index (BMI). All of these
tests were to determine one's health and fitness level which includes learning about
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
If the last test one has taken was a long time ago, take it again. If one has the result of his/her last
fitness test, compare the result and see if one progressed or even regressed through time. Do not
just take this aside as a requirement but rather look at it as data that tells a person about his/her
lifestyle. For example, a male student with a good cardiovascular endurance can finish one mile
in under 1 1 minutes.
Reflect back on the activities for the past weeks or months and lifestyle as a student.
Were you able to carry out your day-to-day tasks as a student with alertness and vigor without
undue fatigue? If not, then perhaps you need to rethink. Have you been spending too much time
with your gadgets? Has your body been getting enough rest and sleep? What about your nutrition
and eating habits have you been dependent on fast food, chips, and sodas? Are you eating on
time? Have you been heavily stressed with school work?
Some students love to cram school works leaving them with lesser hours of sleep
However, one must remember that sleep has the essential purpose to rest the body and mind for
one to be able to function well the next day. Moreover, the lack of sleep also affects eating
behavior as the hormonal system controlling the appetite is also affected, making a sleep_
deprived person feel hungrier than usual. According to the National Sleep Foundation (2015), a
recommended number of sleeping hours for young adults (18—25 years old) is 7—9 hours of
sleep. However, 6 hours or 10-11 hours are just appropriate as well, but lesser than 6 hours or
over 1 1 hours are not appropriate for one to carry out a task the next day. Moreover, sticking to
a regular sleeping schedule, whether during weekdays or weekends, helps establish a good
sleeping habit.
Aside from sleep, the food that the body takes in is equally vital for a person to be fit.
You have already learned in the previous grades what a balanced diet is all about. However,
good eating does not just end on the plate. It also includes the correct eating habit, behavior, or
pattern that one has established. Have an honest assessment of how you have been eating with
the following considerations:
 TIME: When do you eat? Is it done at a certain time of the day? Do you skip meals?
Perhaps do you "eat mindlessly," meaning, you eat even if you are not hungry?
 AMOUNT and KIND of FOOD: Are you conscious of the amount of food that you eat?
Do you follow a balanced diet? Do you lose control when your favorite food is served on
the table? Do you crave for carbohydrates or sweets at certain times of the day?
 PLACE: Where do you eat your meals? Do you eat on the dining table with family or
friends? Do you have a preferred place such as your study area, computer table, or the
family room or saja?
 FEELINGS or EMOTIONS: Do you associate eating with certain moods or feelings such
as eating when bored, sad, depressed, angry, or happy?
 ACTIVITIES: Do you associate eating while doing something else such as watching
television, reading a book or newspaper, or using the computer? Do you feel the need to
eat in order to enjoy watching a movie or sports event?
The right amount and kind of food certainly will fuel the mind and body to carry out the
day- to-day tasks. However, eating pattern and behavior matter as well. This starts with having a
regular eating time throughout the day. In a study done by Laksa et al. (2014), it showed that
among the young adults, meal regularity such as routine breakfast and dinner had strong
association with healthy dietary pattern. Eating regularly helps prevent too much hunger, which
often results in overeating the next meal. Eating in some places other than the dining table allows
you to do other things while eating. For instance, if one eats in front of the television, then, most
likely, the focus will be on the TV show and not on the meal, leaving the person unaware of how
much food was consumed. Studies made by Robinson et al. (2013) have shown that distracted
eaters actually consume 10% more calories while sitting than those who are not distracted.
Further, they will also consume 25% more calories on a later meal.
Some people also crave and, thus, do not eat for hunger but for pleasure. Fluctuation of
blood sugar level is one cause of food craving. Therefore, one way to avoid food craving is by
controlling the blood sugar level through avoiding or limiting the consumption of sugar and
processed foods and by regular exercise. Food also serves as a comfort to some who are going
through emotional problems. The best way to break food craving and emotional eating is to look
for alternative activities one loves to do, such as talking with friends, making crafts, or doing
After the re-evaluation of your eating pattern, the quality of food your body has been
getting, and the number of hours of sleep you have been having, it is now time to think of ways
to become more active and live a healthier life. You may start engaging in outdoor recreational
activity as this is a great way to de-stress and feel invigorated.

What are the important things that should be remembered when participating in an
outdoor recreational activity?
It has been established earlier that outdoor recreation is an interaction between man and
nature. The interaction should come with care and respect. It is important that in using and
enjoying what nature offers, an equal responsibility in conserving and preserving it must be
consciously employed by the people. This way, everyone can continue to go back and have
future generations experience the great things in nature that the current generation has. The
"Leave No Trace Seven principles" is a set of universal outdoor ethics that guides one in the
activities to do with nature. It also provides the framework for making decisions in outdoor
recreation. Taken from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics' official website
( accessed June 1 5, 201 5), the principles are as follows:
Principle T: Plan Ahead and Prepare
o Before going to a place, check if your planned activity is permitted. Make sure to
know the rules, guidelines, and safety procedures they have set. Some places
require certain permits or clearances.
o Make sure you have the needed equipment for your activity and the skills needed
to undertake the activity.
o Plan how to cope in case emergency arises.
o Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather conditions.
o Learn when areas are most crowded and try to avoid those times.
o To minimize environmental impact and for safety reasons, keep group numbers
o Repack food to minimize waste.
o When trekking, maps and compass must be used to avoid markings or leaving of
marks on rocks and the like.
Principle 2: Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
o Walk, run, bike, or camp on durable surfaces like established tracks, rocks, gravel,
and dry grasses.
o Avoid walking on soft surfaces like soft plants. You might be trampling on a
young tree or pasture and this will cause vegetation damage.
o Use existing trails or campsites, no need to build a new campsite that will alter the
o To avoid erosion, walk in single file in the middle of the trail.
o Avoid places where impacts are just beginning to show.
o When camping, keep the campsite small and discreet.
o Camp at least 200 feet from lakes and rivers to protect the waters.
Principle 3: Dispose of Waste Properly
o "Pack it in, pack it out" means everything you brought should be brought back
with you including left-over food or fruit peel. Nothing should be left.
o When camping, cat holes are dug (6-8 inches deep) for human waste and covered
just the same with soil and weeds or leaves on top.
o Dishes should be washed 200 feet away from lakes or rivers and use
biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater.
Principle 4: Leave What You Find
o Examine archeological structures, old walls, and other heritage artifacts but do not
touch nor leave marks on them.
o Leave nature as you found them. Do not take any plant, rock, plants, or marine
animal with you.
o Avoid introducing non-native plants and animals.
o Do not build structures, furniture, or dig trenches.
Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts
o Use lightweight stove for cooking; campfires can cause lasting impacts.
o If fires are permitted, use fire rings or mound fires that are already set-up.
o Keep fires small and use only sticks from the ground than can be broken by hand.
o No burning of plastics or other substances that emit toxic fumes.
o Burn all wood to ash and make sure fires are completely out. Scatter the cool ash.
Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
o Observe wild animals from a distance and they should be avoided during sensitive
times such as mating, nesting, or raising the young.
o Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food. The food might
damage their health or alter their natural behaviors and even expose them to
o Protect wildlife and protect your food as well by storing and securing the trash
o In case you decide to bring your pets along, make sure it is allowed and you can
control them. Otherwise, do not bring them with you.
Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
o Respect people who live and work in the countryside.
o Respect other visitors and let them have a momentous experience as well.
o Allow the sound of nature to prevail, not your noise or your radio. Be courteous;
yield to others on a trail.
o Camp away from trails and other visitors.
Activity 1. Determining an Outdoor Recreational Activity
Football and soccer are activities done outdoors and on grass. Are they outdoor
recreational activities? Why or why not? Defend your answer.

Activity 2. Choosing an Outdoor Recreational Activity

Given a chance, what outdoor activity would you like to try? Why? Where? Who do you
like to be with? Research, surf the Internet, and read blogs. Print a picture or cut out a picture
then post it below and write something about it.

What? Why? Where? With whom? What benefits can I get from it? Write your description here:

Activity 3: Left a Trace

From your observation, whether first hand or from other sources (news, documentary
shows, narrated by friends, etc.), which among the Leave No Trace Seven Principles is usually
not being observed in the Philippines? Explain your answer. You may cut and post a news article
or a personal picture to back up your explanation.

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