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Ethical Considerations

Research ethics plays a big role in protecting the dignity of subjects and the

publication of the information in the research. It helps researchers to know the

components in conducting a research. According to Fouka & Mantzorou

(2011), the research ethics is important in conducting a qualitative type of

research and entails that researchers should secure the status of their

subjects and publish well the information that is researched.

The major ethical issues in conducting research are; a) Beneficence

and Nonmaleficence, b) Fidelity and Responsibility, c) Integrity, d) Respect for

People’s Right and Dignity, and e) Informed Consent and Recording Voices.

The first ethical issue is the beneficence and nonmaleficence. It

invokes no harm upon the respondent and their child. If ever there right be,

the researchers will go back to the origin of the study, then identify where the

research went wrong and compensate to fix it.

In the fidelity and responsibility, the research should show the exact

data yielded from the respondent. It should be done in an appropriate way.

The participant should be informed that the narratives they relay will be used

for the study.

The third one is integrity which a study should be honest. The purpose

of conducting and making this research should be relayed upon the

respondent. They should be well-aware of what they are getting themselves


In the respect and people’s right and dignity, every individual should be

respected. If the respondents disagree to answer some of the questions, their

right to remain silent should be respected. Therefore, the researchers should

have proper consent and agreement with the participants.

The informed consent for recording voices will be using paraphernalia

for the collection of data. As for the respondent, informed consents shall be

given for the researchers to have a legal hold of the data gathered.

Lastly, the participant’s personal data or information will be confidential

under the Philippine Constitution Republic Act No. 10173 “Data Privacy” to

protect personal information and privacy.

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