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Writing Task N°1

WORK IN PAIRS - for this task, you will have to write an e-mail regarding information
you need to know about a test from your English Teacher (Tiare Ortiz - Your email must be written in the template given.
It also needs to have a minimum of 100 words, be written in Verdana 10, and follow
this structure:

- Subject line
- Salutation
- Body
- Closing
- Signature (names and last names from both students)

New Message


SUBJECT LINE: Ask about contents of the test

Good day Miss Tiare,

I hope you’re well

We are writing to you to ask about the contents of the test, because we didn't go to
class that day. We talked with our classmates and they said the test will be at 01:15
PM in the English Laboratory on 13th of october but they don't tell us about the
contents, that’s why we would be very grateful if you could answer.

If it’s possible, can you please give some pages of the English book? That could help
us a lot to study.

Best wishes,

Ian Parraguez

Marco Sánchez

students of Liceo Nacional de Maipú, 2°B

English Department Liceo Nacional de Maipú Miss Tiare Ortiz

English Department Liceo Nacional de Maipú Miss Tiare Ortiz

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