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Weekly Newsletter Ms.

Tammys 4th Grade Class

Dear Parents, This newsletter includes the upcoming assignments and other information for the week of October 14th to October 18th. Friendly reminders... Dress Down Day: There will be a dress down day on Tuesday, October 15th with the theme ties and scarves. Cost: 500 colones. Honors Assembly: We will have an honors assembly during 3rd period (10:20am on Thursday) to recognize the students who made Honor Roll A and B for first quarter. I will send you an individual e-mail if your child made Honor Roll, as soon as I am given the list. Questions you can ask your child about school: Were you helpful to the substitute? What was the highlight of the week? How are you doing with your multiplication tables? Do you know your 6, 7, and 8s?

What are you learning in Spanish class? What has been your favorite activity with Ms.

Espaol Profa. Elena Mena Mircoles 16/10/13 Recorta del peridico o revistas 5 palabras con diptongo y 5 palabras con hiato. Pgalas en la columna correspondiente por su tipo.

Viernes 18/10/13 Haz una lista de cinco beneficios que obtenemos de los ros. Ilustre y coloree cada uno de ellos. Trabaja en el cuaderno. Prueba corta: Vocales fuertes/ dbiles, diptongo e hiato. S diligente y puntual.

Weekly Assignments: Monday Tuesday Reading Log S.S. Due! ~ Study Unit 1 for Fridays test (Ch.1-3) Science ~Study for Unit 3 test tomorrow

Wednesday Plants & Animals Test (Unit 3) L.A. ~Study for reading test Science Lab ~Birds Will Be Birds packet due Friday for Group A (if not finished in class)

Thursday Reading Test L.A. ~Study for spelling quiz

Friday Spelling Quiz Unit 1 Test (S.S.) L.A. ~Reading Log 1 hour (Due: Monday)

*The spelling words will be sent home on Monday morning after the pretest. I have missed the fourth graders this week and Im excited to start some exciting new ideas with our class! Sincerely,

Ms. Tammy

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