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Title of lesson: Power without authority

Type of lesson: Whole group/Center

SS.1.C.1 Explain the purpose of rules and laws in the school and community.

SS.1.C.1.2 Give examples of people who have the power and authority to make and enforce rules
and laws in the school and community.

SS.1.C.1.3 Give examples of the use of power without authority in the school and community.

LAFS.1.RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in text.

Objectives: The students will be able to identify who is able to enforce rules and who cannot.



Poem for a bully- Eileen Spinelli

Access the Stop Bullying website and watch the webisodes. Click on the button found on Day 4
of the webpage to access the website.

Afterwards click on the “kids” tab. Click through the different links.
 Learn what to do
 Get the facts

Students will then create kindness cards. The cards must include 1 positive affirmation and 1-
way students can prevent bullying.

Afterwards read through the bullying in schools’ article with the class. Summarize the
information and explain the rules that everyone must follow in schools.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on the information on their kindness cards.

Center for violence prevention (n.d.). Bullying in schools. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Retrieved April 21, 2023, from

Stop Bullying (n.d.). Kb's First Day. StopBullying. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from

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