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This assignment will definitely come in hand in the future.

As an educator, I can only

imagine how helpful having something like this will be. It is important to plan out

lessons with this much detail. I would use this in my future classroom for Social Studies

or even to focus on our Literature skills. Reading text and answering questions meets

those standards. I think that combining Children's Literature with as many units will

benefit students on a whole other level. Building literature skills in any area they will only

benefit them as they advance and move into the next grade level. In this case, combing

children's literature with the Social Studies unit will aid students in their ability to ask

and answer questions about key details in the text (LAFS S.1.RL.1.1). 

As students’ progress, they will build off the foundations they create in the early stages.

This unit was meant for first graders. They will be able to meet a plethora of standards

just regarding this unit. If we manage to meet as many LAFS as we can in every Social

Studies unit then we will find that our students will become better readers and writers.

Practice makes perfect. We should be giving them the opportunity to apply the skills

they learn into other subjects and assignments.

It is important for students to see the purpose behind the skills they learn. If we are not

able to show them why these standards are important, then they won’t deem them

necessary and will choose not to apply them in other areas that they should. Overall,
this project allowed me to put myself in not only the mind of an educator but the mind

of a student. I wanted to create activities that students would benefit from.

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