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Jaime Youngkin

Moon Phase Oreos STEM Lesson Plan

High School Life Skills

Essential Question

● How can we display the phases of the moon using oreos?


● S8.A.1.3.2 Use evidence, observations, or explanations to make inferences about change

in systems over time
● Students will be able to make the different phases of the moon using oreo icing

Materials and Equipment

● Oreos
● Plastic knives
● Ipad
● Projector board



● “Today we will be doing a STEM activity to make the phases of the moon out of oreos.”

Anticipatory Set/Activating Learning Strategies

● Discuss the different phases of the moon and which phase we are in right now
○ Show the phases on the board in order
Sequence of Lesson

● Show students how to cut the icing using the plastic knife for the different phases
○ Go through each phase one at a time for students to follow along
○ Put picture of the icing moon phases on the board for students to follow
Independent practice
● Students will be making the moon phases out on their own using the plastic knife to help
shape each moon.
○ If the knife is too difficult, they may use their finger to scrape icing off of the

Closure/Summarizing Strategy

● “You all did a great job today making the moon phases out of oreos! You all may now eat
your cookies!”
● I will informally assess students through their creations.

Special Considerations

Early Finishers

● If students finish early, they may take a coloring worksheet from the early finishers bin or
have free time.


● I will model how they should do each step along with them for each oreo.


● Students will be using their knowledge of moon phases to display them using oreos.

Special Accommodations

● Make a line where they should remove their icing for Omar, Gio, Moe, and Trista
● Some students may scrape the icing off using their finger rather than the plastic knife

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