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SE 104: Social Responsibility and Accountability

Name: Lyra Kaye B. Manlucob Date: 04/08/23

Course/ Year/ Section: BSA 2 BLOCK A Session Title: SE 104 ACTIVITY 1
Facilitator: Jessica Rey J. Tan

5 PICS and 5 WORDS

Instructions: Below are pictures and scrambled words guess the words and use the picture as a hint.
Identify and indicate in your own words what these words means.

In your own words define the word:
- It means relating to or caused by the
surroundings in which someone lives or
something exists.

In your own words define the word:
- is the acceptance of responsibility for one's own
actions. It means that you are willing to be
transparent, allowing others to observe and
evaluate one's performance.

In your own words define the word:
- A duty or task that you are required or expected
to do. The state of having the job or duty of
dealing with and taking care of something or
someone. The quality of a person who can be
trusted to do what is expected, required, etc.

In your own words define the word:
- It means honestly or in a sincere way. And
being true to your words and feelings when
expressing them to other people.

In your own words define the word:
- The way people are connected or the way in
which things work together or has a
connection with each other.

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