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Background of the Study

Basketball began in 1891; it was invented by James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport

than football. He was a 31-year-old graduate student when he created the sport, keeping players

indoors during the winter. The game became established quite quickly, and it grew very popular

into the 20th century. It first became popular in America and then branched out to get more

popularity in other corners of the world (Hoop Heads Podcast 2022). Its popularity spread to

almost every Asian, European, and American country. Basketball is even recognized as an

Olympic sport. Basketball's Olympic success has driven it to become the world's second-most

popular team sport, following only soccer.

In terms of affordability, the game Basketball is one of the least expensive sports to play.

There is no additional equipment necessary. To get started, all you need is a ball and a hoop, it

can also be played on the road, in a schoolyard, inside, outside, or in a variety of other places.

The game is somewhat shorter compared to other sports. You get to meet and socialize with

people who share your interests, and because it is easy to learn, it is not difficult to participate in

this sport. To know how this game works, you only need to study the fundamentals with a lot of

dedication. If you can comprehend the key rules and concepts, you will be ready to become a

professional player. Basketball encourages collaboration, which is one of the main reasons it is

popular with parents. Kids learn how to work together with their classmates and develop vital

social skills. Basketball also improves focus while burning calories and improving balance,

agility, and stamina.

Because of the popularity of the sport basketball, the basketball arcade has been invented,

basketball arcade games have risen to become one of the century's most popular arcade games. It

derives from the arcade game concept of ball throwing, which was one of the primary underlying
concepts of arcade games in the 1920s, when arcades were initially introduced. Basketball arcade

games blend essential basketball game elements into an arcade game setup. The classic

basketball game consists of two teams, each with five players, competing against each other on a

rectangular court. Their major goal is to score points by shooting a basketball through the hoop

of the other team. Using this original game concept, the basketball arcade game integrates two

players into the arcade game setup, with the team with the highest score winning. In the modern

day, this is frequently selected by pressing a button that allows players to select between a single

player and two players. Due to the limited space of an arcade, the concept of a court is essentially

absent. As a result, the concept of shooting basketballs through the opponent's hoop is also

eliminated. Because there is no court, classic basketball characteristics such as dribbling are

absent from the basketball arcade game. The basketball arcade machine allowed players to

concentrate solely on aiming and shooting balls through the hoop to gain points and win. This

occurs within a time constraint, with each round lasting approximately 40 to 60 seconds. The

results are computed electronically. Many individuals enjoy playing basketball arcade games

because it reduces stress, allows them to relax, and is beneficial for their health by burning

calories and improving their immune system.

The researchers envision something that will help students to enhance and improve their skill

on solving different problems that are related in Basic Calculus, at the same time the students

will be entertained and encouraged answering questions in a creative way. Due to the popularity

of the basketball arcade among students, as well as the fact that it is beneficial to their health by

improving their immune systems, developing self-discipline and concentration, and boosting

their immune systems, the researchers came up with the idea of innovating this game by

incorporating selected topics in Basic Calculus; the game will be called Disco-Valls.
The researchers changed some features from the traditional basketball arcade. The Disco-

Valls that the researchers innovated have a monitor that will show the questions together with the

choices; it also has three rings that have the letters of the choices (a, b, and c), it also includes

balls that the students will use to choose the right answer. ; The questions were related to the

topic of basic calculus, specifically the topic Derivative of a Function. Calculus was developed in

the latter half of the 17th century by two mathematicians, Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton.

Calculus is the branch of mathematics that studies rates of change and infinitesimally small

values. It provides a way to measure quantities that vary as the rate of change, such as interest

rates, net worth, velocity, and acceleration. It is a study of limits, functions, derivatives, integrals,

and infinite series. These topics are important for students because it improves their capacity to

learn and recall other things since it develops the ability to think critically. This is why calculus

is good for student’s memory and learning ability (Aatka Azhar 2022).

The researchers chose the topic Derivative of a Function to be implemented on the

innovation because, based on the data gathered by the researchers, most of the students in Grades

12 Peace find it hard to solve the topic derivative of a function. Also, the survey conducted by

the researchers shows that the students in Grades 12 Peace are familiar with the basketball arcade

game. The researchers believed how engaged students will be if they see that their hobby is

incorporated with basic calculus lessons. They will be more motivated to solve problems and

may alter their perspective on basic calculus as a hard subject since they will find learning more


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