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HOS801 Assessment 2 Strategic Analysis Report – Structure & Word Counts

The following provides a guide as to how the Assessment 2 Report could be

structured, and appropriate volume of content per section in the Report. The
structure is not mandatory, but it does cover the key points outlined in the
Assignment 2 Brief.
The following lists suggested titles for the Word Report sections, and in
brackets the fundamental of what should be covered under each section
(along with a suggested word count for each section).
Cover Page (include title of report, student name and student number)
Executive Summary (use bullet points for organization, sector/industry,
management issue, future challenges/implications, proposed strategy). 200
Table of Contents (include all section headers - Introduction to Reference List)
1.0 Introduction (describe assignment purpose, structure, name
sector/industry, name organization). 50 words
2.0 Description of Chosen Sector (national or international, size, key
characteristics). 50 words.
3.0 Description of Chosen Organization (location, size, products, likely
profitability). 100 words.
4.0 Identified Management Issue (statement of two sentences or less,
parameters – scope/size of issue). 50 words.
5.0 Analysis of the Issue (what caused the issue to arise, dimensions of the
issue, connections with other parts of the business). 300 words.
5.0 Issue Linkage with Future Challenges (possible negative impacts next five
years unsolved). 300 words.
6.0 Implications for Organization (if issue remains unresolved, and if issue can
be resolved). 300 words.
7.0 Proposed Issue Management Strategy (single broad strategy to tackle
issue). 200 words.
8.0 Specific Recommendations (list each, explain how each delivers on the
proposed strategy). 150 words.
Reference List (list resource materials directly used in main body, full citations)
If you have further questions about the structure and/or what should be
covered in Assignment 2 please see your lecturer.

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