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Teaching Philosophy

Respecting the people, places, and things around them is of great importance for any young student to learn as

they grow into a citizen of their community. The positive effects of thinking outside the box is an important theme in my

classroom as it can open doors to new experiences and opportunities. Along with that, students should learn that

vulnerability is valuable. Students should be pushed to build confidence and skills through developing a strong work

ethic. Collaboration, which is beneficial in a society, helps uplift others with the understanding that everyone has

strengths and weaknesses as well as acceptance of those who are different from themselves. Course projects and

assignments will allow students to develop their creativity and personality and be able to communicate and express

themselves appropriately, along with display their learning and understanding. High expectations and rigor are

paramount, however students are given the resources for success. Noticeable growth on a personal level is the desired

effect on my students.

Without vulnerability, creative and intelligent responses on the part of the teacher, students will not be willing

to risk and to learn. This willingness will inspire students and accept those students that may be outliers. The teacher

should show confidence in their teaching, demonstrate a strong work ethic, be patient, and be a good role model. The

teacher should be organized and know where everything is inside of their classroom. They should also focus on the

student as an individual and not just as a student when preparing and actively teaching. They should prepare the

student for the world beyond school, whether that be a career, job, trade school, or college. The teacher as well should

be able to demonstrate creativity and their own personality in the classroom, while nurturing and encouraging others’

creativity and personalities in the space. The teacher should be approachable and an ally for their students and

coworkers as well.

The classroom should incorporate all the above from the student and teacher. It should be a place for risks,

vulnerability, creativity, positivity, confidence, personality, acceptance, and growth. Since it is a classroom, it should also

be a place that is organized and can be worked within in a functional manner. It should be a positive space and

accessible to all. Not only should it show the presence of the teacher, but the presence of the students, and student-

driven learning.

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