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Chapter 1


The chapter contains the introduction of the problem of the study or research

topic. This details the rationale, purpose, research questions, theoretical supports,

importance, as well as the scope and limitation of the study. Moreover, related

literature is provided to include more in-depth information about the study. Definition

of terms was also included to provide clarity on the key concepts used in the study.

More importantly, the chapter discusses several indices of secretarial roles relevance

of Sangguniang Kabataan.


The secretarial occupation has a number of distinctive characteristics. Firstly,

it is predominantly gendered. Secondly, secretarial work combines technical skill with

important interpersonal skills. Thirdly, secretarial work has been subject to significant

challenges and pressures. Organizational, individual or social pressures affect their

personal and occupational identity. This group of workers is worthy to be studied as

they have a very important role in organizations as SK secretary in all sectors, and

their work is not well known by most people, not least recognized by its multiplicity of

tasks and skills. Many secretaries lack the communication technology skills required

in the various offices and this has greatly affected their performance (Nwaokwa et al,


In the United Nations (UN) it rightly stated that secretarial profession is a

challenging on demanding knowledge of office skill senses, of responsibility initiative

and administrative ability. There are numerous challenges faced by secretaries in the

performance of their job in an organization, these ranges from back of modern-day

facilities, non-functional equipment, insufficient motivation, and lack of uniformity in

incentives, lack of training and provision of communicating equipment (National

Secretaries Association 2018)

In the Philippines, SK secretaries are epitomized as role models in their

community that leads to the zeal of the other people to contribute to the development

of the barangay and the municipality as well. However, in Asuncion Davao del Norte,

the trust and confidence given to Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries on their

respective barangay seemed to decline because of various issues. According to the

Sangguniang Kabataan Federation President, heavy workloads with no

compensation, lack of training, lack of commitment and lenient implementation of the

law that grounds spelled out in RA 10742 which is not strictly implemented and

applied on SK secretaries in the said Barangay.

With these in mind, it is necessary to conduct a survey focusing on the SK

secretary. In this regard, such research is adequately urgent since secretarial role is

commonly useful specifically in workplace and offices. More importantly, this

proposal has enormous social significance as this can be relevant and effective in

terms of function of SK secretaries to be more productive in a workplace. Through

this study, the SK Secretaries mainly benefit to be more authentic and perform well in

sectors and the future researchers as the basis for related study.

In connection, related studies have been found that secretary’s function

limited their performance to routine and technical tasks, such as document filing,

control, and organization of agenda and meetings and telephone answering (Lima &

Soares, 2017).

At the personal level, according to the SK chairman of Barangay Magatos

secretarial professionals must have to be increasingly dynamic, versatile, and have

emotional balance, which is a characteristic that can distinguish them from other

professionals in the same profession. In addition, it is observed that Sangguniang

Kabataan secretaries are lack of knowledge of any activities related to secretarial

profession. This study, however, did not focus on Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

the related studies suggested only the importance of the task performed by

secretaries and the valuation of the secretarial profession.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to unveil the experiences of SK Secretaries

with the concealed truth of the concern to the implementation of Secretarial roles in

three (3) selected Barangays in the Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del Norte. This

aimed to provide relevant perspectives and explorations from the SK Secretaries

experiences in terms of secretarial roles. This also aimed to provide explanation and

explication of each factor that affects the SK Secretaries. The result and findings of

this research paved away on embracing and learning coping mechanism that

developed their unique style to handle such experiences and pedagogical


This study served as the references of more significant information on SK

Secretaries handling secretarial roles in three (3) selected Barangays in t he

Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del Norte. Additionally, multiple case study approach

was utilized to highlight the strategies and experiences through qualitative methods.

Research Questions

This research study seeks to find answers of the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries with

regards to their roles?

2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries cope with their challenges

with regards to their roles?

3. What are the insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be

share for the improvement of the secretarial role?

Theoretical Lens

The study is based on The Role Theory (Biddle, 1987), which proposed that

human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by other

people. The expectations correspond to different roles individuals perform or enact in

their daily lives, such as secretary, father, or friend. For instance, most people hold

pre-conceived notions of the role expectations of a secretary, which

might include: answering phones, making and managing appointments, filing

paperwork, and typing memos. Also, role theory also argues that in order to change

behavior it is necessary to change roles; roles correspond to behaviors and vice

versa. In addition to heavily influencing behavior, roles influence beliefs and attitudes;

individuals will change their beliefs and attitudes to correspond with their roles. For

instance, someone over-looked for a promotion to a managerial position in a

company may change their beliefs about the benefits of management by convincing

him/her that they did not want the additional responsibility that would have

accompanied the position.

In context, the Role Theory is one of the most persuasive ideas for linking

human behavior and social structure, according to the theory above. Individual

conduct is guided by roles, which are determined in part by social structure and in

part by social interactions. The individual, in turn, has an impact on the roles'

standards, expectations, and behaviors, understanding.

This study was anchored to the Theory of Holland (1959) which is the

Typology Theory of Vocational Behavior. This theory focuses on occupational

environment about the training on secretaries. Holland believed that secretaries

should adjust and develop to determine how will he/she can fit into the work

environment. Also, it focused on the need for proper training for a secretary to

enhance greater productivity in the office and examined the vital roles played by the

secretaries in an organization and their role toward success. Lastly, it emphasized

that secretaries must be trained in order to carry out their functions efficiently and


In context, the Theory of Holland which is the Typology Theory of Vocational

Behavior aims to become a productive as secretaries specifically in a work place and

all sectors of organization. Also, the theory believe that secretaries must adapt,
adjust and develop in order to fit in his/her work environment. Lastly, theory contains

the vital roles, function and training that secretary must have towards success.

This study is also viewed through the Social Identity Theory by Tajfel, and

Turner, (1986) which introduced the concept of identity in a way in which to explain

inter group behavior. This theory further, states that social behavior of secretary

varies along a continuum between interpersonal behaviors and inter group behavior.

Moreover, it proposes that the group which people belong to were an important

source of pride and self-esteem. Groups give us a sense of social identity: a sense of

belonging to the social world.

In context, the theory aims to identify and predict situations in which an

individual considers himself or herself a member of an individual or group. Moreover,

it considers the consequences of personal and social identities for individual

perceptions and group behavior regarding in contextualization of secretary, also it

was stated the interpersonal behavior of a person which includes to identify his/her

self. Furthermore, the theory examining the mediating and moderating effects of

cognitive motivational disposition on the relationship between traits overlap among

self-aspects and sense of personal identity.

This study is also grounded on Theory of Psychosocial Development by

Caffarella & Olson, (1993) which found out that the sustaining power of interpersonal

relationships was central in the self-perception. Except for the theme of relationships,

they stated that individual women who are in the position of Secretary have

experienced very different developmental expectations. They proposed that these

differences could be due to different “senses of selves” to varied experiences with

“attachment and separation” conflicts for example, different caring relationships, or

varied experiences with career goals and accomplishments. They stated that self-

concept could be linked to social relationships identity.

In context, diverse and non-linear patterns of development in this theory

characterized by discontinuities and periods of stability and transition are the norm

for women; intimacy and identity are key issues throughout women's lives; and

importance of relationships and a sense of connectedness to others are central to the

overall developmental process. Although these themes are drawn from both the

conceptual and empirical work, these observations, due to the nature of the review

and the limitations of the empirical studies, are not generalizable to all women.

Review of Related Literature

This contains an in-depth discussion of the literature and focusing the related

study about Secretarial roles. Furthermore, this chapter provides a synthesis of the

literatures and studies used and their significance to the development of this study.

Secretarial Challenges

One problem for secretaries is learning how to use modern office automation,

including information storage systems, the internet, and new software programs. The

researcher typically studies the latest technology tools and abilities needed by

secretaries in their various offices, as well as the difficulties and future prospects for

the secretarial profession, in light of the aforementioned issues. The inability of some

secretaries to effectively manage contemporary technologies in today's constantly

evolving technological workplace is glaring. Thus, there is a need for this study to

examine the difficulties and opportunities facing the secretarial profession in Oyo

State, Nigeria, in the age of contemporary technology (Afolabi, 2018).

Consequently, many secretaries function poorly because they lack the

technological proficiency required in the various offices. Office automation has the

impact of increasing organizational efficiency by redefining office tasks and

enhancing output quality and accuracy. Office automation lessens the stress of role

overload and identity for an office secretary; it impacts the perceived workload. 
Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the difficulties and potential for the secretarial

profession in Oyo State, Nigeria, in this day of advanced technology (Okoli, 2019).

Additionally, a secretary's efficiency at a company is greatly influenced by the

technology that is used in the workplace as well as the abilities of the individual

secretary. Additionally, they claimed that the secretarial profession fosters workplace

productivity, improves information security, and strengthens business operations

(Dosumu, Bukki and Akintola 2017).

Talent mismatch will present a challenge because people who are trained to

perform traditional clerical secretarial tasks are unable to perform the duties of

administrative professionals, which call for complex and extensive office skills, such

as publishing platforms and power point, coordinating senior leadership figures

across multiple locations, setting up online web seminars and conference calls with

multiple nationalities and regions, and problem-solving abilities (Bogenschneider &

Slack, 2011).

The Secretarial Function

Secretaries are more effective than other people in all aspects of their work.

As an illustration, consider the fields of accounting for finances, human resources,

management, banking and finance, law, and strategic management. These are all

areas where secretarial students can advance and become competent managers at

all times. Additionally, the transition from amateur to professional secretarial activity

involves attaining the following qualification statuses: certificates, diplomas, degrees,

master's degrees, and others. As a result, a secretary with a certificate level grade

has the option to pursue a diploma, then a degree, and finally a master's degree. By

doing this, you will be promoted to the position of top management or senior

executive within the organization's administration function (Adam 2017).

In addition, as an addition to Chartered Secretary's statement, it cannot be

denied that the financial crisis and its aftermath have had an effect on the work of the

secretary, most notably through the elevated profile of corporate governance. Good

governance is increasingly being viewed as essential to protecting organizations from the

importance of excellent governance in protecting organizations against instability is

becoming more and more widely acknowledegement (Johnson, 2017).

In addition, secretaries are still employed in businesses today, contrary to beliefs held

by academics or the general public that their jobs would become obsolete as a result of

technology improvements. Given the presence of secretaries today in organizations and

predictions of an occupation that will be kept as part of the labor market and will develop, it is

important to know its history. In a contemporary non-academic book that addresses

secretaries and personal assistants and paints a picture of the "assistant" and makes an

argument on the future of the secretarial role. While the evolution of clerical labor has

received considerable attention in literature, little is known about the history of the secretarial

profession (France, 2017).

Additionally, although the position of the secretary is changing due to technological

advancement, it is still crucial. There will always be a need for secretary, whether it is in the

more traditional capacity of managing diaries and performing PA-style tasks, or in other

capacities such as office manager, project manager, event manager, etc. Today's

secretaries must be multi-skilled and able to multitask. They frequently speak more than one

language and have advanced degrees. They typically have the most crucial problem-solving

abilities and are the first to know exactly what is happening in the company, whether

because they work for the top people and have access to private information or because

they 'keep their ears to the ground' and are aware of what is happening in the company as a

whole through word of mouth (France, 2017).

The secretary plays a special gate keeping function. Company secretaries assist the

chair in the appointment of directors, and subsequent board evaluations increase investor

confidence and lower the cost of capital raising. However, the skills, knowledge, and director

interactions based on the structure of board meetings may have an impact on the

effectiveness of the boards in carrying out their duties.

Additionally, corporate secretaries must assist directors by properly on boarding them

and educating them about the company. Due to the complexity, expansion, and regulation of

markets, the board and other officials need more capabilities (ErismannPeyer et al., 2018)

Comparatively, the secretary role in other jurisdictions, like the Netherlands, follows a

similar trajectory in this setting; company secretaries face additional challenges of dealing

with dual boards that may result in conflicts of independence with a limited external

regulatory framework to support them. Companies in the Netherlands require company

secretaries to have communication skills, loyalty, analytical skills, and a good organizational

awareness. Secretaries confirm that this dual role is more varied, strategic, and complex,

with added time pressures of providing advice to two boards. The role is important in

influencing the organization's governance framework and is a supportive role and not a

decision-making role (Peij et al., 2017).

Factors Affecting Secretarial Roles

As one factors considered, stress can cause a lack of productivity, a lack of

confidence, and the inability to complete everyday tasks, among other things. The author

also refers to occupational stress as work- or job-related tension and worry that affects

people's emotional and/or physical health. It also recognized excessive clerical work as a

key source of stress for secretaries. Moreover, confirms that occupational stress results from

the physiological and mental reactions that occur when workers perceive an imbalance

between the demands of their jobs and their abilities and resources to meet those

expectations (Aziz, 2017).

Similar to personal stress, occupational stress is the kind that develops while

carrying out one's tasks within the business. Role conflicts, inadequate communication,

inadequate information, workload, skill gaps, poor working conditions, job insecurity,

technical breakdowns, not being involved in decision-making, lack of career development,

and other factors are some of the reasons of such stress (Serretti & Chiesa, 2018)
In relation to this, work overload is a significant contributor to occupational stress.

Consider the entire energy production of a system especially that of a person working long

hours on a demanding task. A main cause of resource depletion, work overload is the

percentage of an operator's capacity that is dedicated to doing tasks (Andre, 2017).

In other portraits, it was suggested that job pressure and meeting deadlines are

demanding at all levels of a business, which always causes so many blunders and puts

stress on secretaries when there are so many services that need to be delivered quickly

(Snow, 2018).

Furthermore, the skill gap is also taken into account in this study as a variable. It is

important to note that many secretaries working in administrative roles in firms are unfamiliar

with some of the modern office technologies. A skill gap develops when a person lacks the

education, training, experience, or abilities necessary to complete a task. The term "skill gap"

refers to the apparent discrepancy between the amount of expertise possessed and

demonstrated by a candidate hired to fill a position and the skill competencies necessary to

fulfill the role (Baron & Greenberg, 2017).

Additionally, secretaries who lack the knowledge and experience necessary to use

particular technologies are under stress at work. This results in the distribution of knowledge

being ineffective. Additionally, the daily introduction of new technologies and more advanced

digital devices into the market stresses out secretaries, placing a serious and ongoing

demand on their ability to maintain their skills and knowledge in line with the most recent

technologies in use (Odu and Vito 2017).

As a result of their inability to use new office equipment, many secretaries, it was further

argued, had grown weary of their jobs and stressed out as a result of technological

advancements. This is due to the fact that secretaries are expected to use these devices in

the performance of their work, raising the bar for secretaries in organizations (Clark and

Cooper, 2019).
Professional secretaries in Nigeria and the organizations that create their graduates at

higher schools of learning are both struggling to strike a balance between the demand for

and the supply of competent secretarial educators and administrators. (Patrick 2017).

The misinformed population continues to incorrectly view secretarial work as a vocation

for academic outcasts and those from the lower strata of society, despite the general

improvement in qualifications held by secretaries as a result of contemporary facilities and

technologies. Students may choose secretarial vocational education in tertiary institutions

because graduates are not given the same recognition and treatment as their peers from

other professions (Obioma, 2018).

In this regard, asserts that professional secretaries are known as information managers in

the majority of corporations. These professionals receive insufficient instruction and training at

postsecondary institutions to enable them to manage several corporate communications tasks

and take part in executive decision-making processes, particularly in today's office

employment. Additionally, it may not be far off the mark to assume that the Northern region of

the country, and specifically the state in question, has shown to be impoverished and makes a

minimal contribution to the country's economic development. The current state of affairs could

be attributed to inadequate education and a lack of the appropriate emphasis on the

development of skills and crafts (Amoor, 2018).

Adaptation of Secretary Roles

The secretary might experience some difficulty in terms of work or adjusting to health

protocols, to name one adaption. The secretary must refine his abilities to be able to survive

in the period of adapting to new habits and can help improve the manager's duties as a

result of the changes brought on by this period (Xu et al., 2021; Zhao & Rau, 2020).

In some portrait, a work-from-home and work-from-office system has been introduced

by the corporation in various portraits, and this modification is applicable to secretaries at all

levels (Barbour et al., 2021; Islam, 2022; Li et al., 2021).

In addition, all meetings during the transition to new habits were conducted online,

according to the interview data. There would be a cap on the number of employees using

the meeting space if offline meetings were necessary. Since they began forming new

routines, secretaries have experienced a shift in their work environment, going from

collaborating with supervisors to working remotely. This transition made it necessary to

postpone finishing chores and resulted in a backlog of paperwork and work from home

(Hariyani, 2021; Sarbani, 2020).

In connection with this study, secretaries disclosed that their employer had set up a

work-from-home and work-from-office system to aid in their acclimatization to their new

routines. This legally required rule alters workdays, office hours, shifts, and working

conditions while reducing the number of employees that are employed on-site. This law is

intended to implement social and physical seclusion as health measures (Feng & Zhou,

2022; Tonnessen et al., 2021).

Since secretaries rarely see their managers during the adaptation period, it was

difficult for the secretary to request the manager's signature on documents at that time.

Previously, the manager would sign documents directly the day after they were given to

him or her. The secretary must now send the manager the crucial documents that need to

be signed because the current circumstance requires secretaries to handle document

signings entirely. Secretaries had no other option but to contact with their coworkers or

managers through communication channels in this circumstance. Secretaries must also

adhere to the current health regulations. Last but not least, secretaries were having

difficulty adhering to these rules, but they must be able to do so because they are the

manager's right hand and must assist in carrying out his or her duties, and if they become

ill with the covid virus, it will affect how well the manager performs. (Purwanto et al., 2020;

Sarbani, 2020)
In this period, secretaries also used communication applications that are

immensely helpful to solve communication issues caused by the work-from-home policy.

To communicate more easily with colleagues or managers during the adaptation,

secretaries used several applications such as Zoom and WebEx (Komalasari, 2020;

Stroman et al., 2014).

Additionally, the new habits different is that secretary have to be careful in

maintaining the cleanliness of the office, as well as managing the PCR tests and the

health protocol of the staff and managers. In the new habit adaptation, secretary should

have administration skills such as archive organization and management, because

administration skills support the work in a company. Secretaries to be able to manage

administration and create archives (Nafiah, 2016; Purwanto et al., 2020)

Also, secretaries should also be proficient in English as nowadays all technologies

require ample mastery of English to do the operation. Proficiency of the language would

also be extremely advantageous to communicate with foreign relations during the

meetings, audits, visitations, or to create invitations and meeting results. It is important for

secretaries to master English because it is not only beneficial for communicating with

foreign guests or employees, but also for advancing secretaries’ career and for utilizing

technologies that use English as the language of instructions (Dwihartanti & Nur Faizah,

2019; Purwanto et al., 2020).

Lastly, the secretaries should also be able to operate computers as it has been a

common need in the current era, thus preparing secretaries to face the upcoming digital

one. The similar idea which mentions that secretaries have to be able to operate computer

or hardware to assist their duty as a secretary, because almost all duties of the secretary

assisted by a computer and by able to operate computer secretary can be facilitated and

can quickly complete the duties (Aw et al., 2016; Nafiah, 2016).
The Effect of Secretarial Job Performance

There is a lot of divergence among studies when it comes to the direct and indirect

impacts of stress in secretarial job. Direct stress effects are those brought on by the work

load alone, independent of any potential psychological stress. In light of this, indirect

stress effects are those that result from psychological variables linked to task load

demands. These two can occasionally be difficult to tell apart more especially in

secretaries because of workload. This has made separating them and measuring them

quite challenging. However, the majority of research examining continuous exposure to

stress indicates that while some degree of stress may improve an individual's

performance, long-term consequences of stress on the person are typically detrimental.

Burnout, which includes exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment, a sense of

ineffectiveness, and a lack of accomplishment, is one possible outcome of a prolonged

exposure to a single or to several stresses. It was argued that sustained exposure to high

levels of stress can result in burnout. Emotional weariness brought on by high stress

levels has been found to lower organizational commitment and raise turnover intentions

(Mathis & Jackson, 2017).

Additionally, decision-making processes, perception, cognition, and judgment are all

impacted by stress. For instance, people may notice their field of vision contracting, pay less

attention to peripheral stimuli, and take longer to finish tasks. Stress in a group setting may

cause people to depend on their superiors' commands. Reduced communication efficiency,

concentrated authority, and poor judgment brought on by groupthink can all have an impact

on how well a group performs. Although the prevalent perception of stress is that it has

negative effects, it is generally acknowledged that there are more nuanced relationships

between stress and significant outcome indicators. That is, low and high levels of stress and

arousal are linked to decreased outcomes, whereas moderate degrees of stress are

frequently associated with positive outcomes (Ali, 2017).

In light of these links, it is possible that stress may have an impact on how well a

secretary performs different types of procedures. For instance, moderate levels of stress

may help operations produce better results (performance, work satisfaction, etc.).

However, stress appears to have adverse consequences on secretary outcomes, such as

mental health (especially over the long run), for other businesses that experience regular

and major stressors. Organizational planners may be able to take advantage of this

information by recognizing when stress is impairing judgment and decision-making and

reducing it, and by maintaining moderate levels of stimulation in instances where stress

can improve outcomes. It also appears significant that the ways in which people perceive,

judge, and make decisions are typically the ones that are most impacted by stress.

Therefore, through training or other activities, an organization's executives and trainers

should concentrate on fostering the development of these talents in their junior employees

(Han, 2019).

Any occupational system's ability to grow over the long term requires that

secretaries perform their jobs effectively. It likely ranks with center competences,

professional knowledge and skills, educational resources, and tactics in really deciding

career success. It is frequently stated that job performance is a function of ability and

technology. Evaluation is a systematic way of estimating the worth, quality, importance,

and relevance with a view to rating, correcting, improving, or changing. Additionally,

practically any behavior that is intended to complete a job or goal can be viewed as

performance. The importance of technology, its impact on secretaries’ performance and

motivation, are recognized by many human resource practitioners and organizations today

(Fauzilah, 2019).

Therefore, many specialists in the secretarial field have come to the conclusion

that there will be changes, particularly significant ones that will redefine the office and

work environment as well as have an impact on professionals' personal life as well as how

they work (Boladele et al. 2017).

Moreover, it is a standard practice to evaluate the performance of employees

including secretaries. An evaluation is an objective look at the performance of an

employee based solely on efforts and the results, regardless of personal feelings (Price,

The employee quality has a significant impact on performance. Naturally, a person

with high skill levels—such as special talents, intelligence, and work habits—will excel in

their career. The effectiveness of employees' work is crucial in the public sector since it

reflects that of the government. The government created employee performance

standards to gauge how well the organizations were performing. Since employees are

viewed as the "backbones" of state government services, job performance becomes the

most crucial area of concern for administrators and academicians. This is because

performance would suffer if employee skill levels decline (Fauzilah, Noryati & Zaharah,


The researchers collected from the previous studies many insights that had a

direct hold on our study. However, our present study differs from these related studies

because it attempts to correlate the feasibility of the Secretarial Roles.

This study addresses the Secretarial Roles as SK Secretaries. Through this study,

the researchers will answer the problem and eventually came up with a solution to

address related concerns.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the Secretarial Roles in Sangguniang Kabataan

undertakings in three (3) selected barangays of the Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del

Norte, where implication to youth development will encourage them to implement more

projects and programs efficiently and effectivel

Primarily, this study can be of optimal use for the Sangguniang Kabataan

officials since it can significantly help them in the organization and management of

pertinent files and activities with the help of their secretaries. The Youth are likewise

considered in this study, since it reflects the situation of the SK Administrative system, not

only in their barangay but in the general concept of leading the organization. Through

the experiences reflected and assessed in this paper the youth widen their horizon about

Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries and serve this as their bases and guidelines. Future

Researchers, this study may serve as the information and a guide in conducting similar

study about this investigation. Future SK Secretary, this study may also serve bases for

future professional development in their field of specialization.

Definition of Terms

For a more accurate and better understanding of the study, the following terms

were operationally and conceptually defined. They were presented for the purpose of

clarity and accuracy of interpretation.

Sangguniang Kabataan Secretaries. This referred to a secretary who are broadly

responsible for fostering good governance throughout the institution, as opposed SK

secretary, to being a clerk to the governing board with no further responsibilities

(Shattock, 2006). As used in this study, SK Secretary is responsible for maintaining all

records of the Sangguniang Kabataan which is eligible to taking the minutes of sessions,

responsible to answering calls and sorting files in three (3) selected barangay in

Municipality of Asuncion.

Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council). This referred to the SK government's

youth partner in the implementation of the project and serves as a local youth counselor in

the village. Sangguniang Kabataan is a sect of KB or Kabataang Barangay (village youth)

abolished by the local government (Laurito V., 2011).

(Laurito V., 2011). Moreover, is a governing body of the youth assembly or

Katipunan ng Kabataan of every barangay they are elected by the members of, the

Katipunan ng Kabataan in elections conducted by the Commission on Elections

(COMELEC). Also the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) as used in

this study defined Sangguniang Kabataan serve as the role model and youth partner in

the implementation of government. Also, Sangguniang Kabataan gives aspiration to the


Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

This study is limited in answering the issue on what should be the response

regarding the Secretarial Role in Sangguniang Kabataan from the lens of SK

Secretaries: A Multiple Case Study. The said questionnaires were randomly answered by

the participants residing in three (3) selected barangays of the Municipality of Asuncion,

Davao del Norte namely Camoning, Magatos, Cambanogoy (Poblacion), the specific

numbers of participants are one (1) per selective barangay for a total of three (3) for

this study. We will conduct the study with the time frame of May 2022 to June 22 of

the school AY 2022-2023 Further, this study concentrates on the Sangguniang Kabataan

secretaries at the municipal level. Despite this, since the study only included a limited

number of individuals as research participants, results of this study did not achieve

generalizability. In this case, this paper was thereby only limited in providing rich

descriptions of the experiences of the participants regarding the problems and wisdom

surrounding the crafting of Secretarial Roles in Sangguniang Kabataan from the lens

of SK Secretaries.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents the description of the research methods to be use, the

respondents of the study, the instruments to be use, the procedures and sources of

data utilized in analyzing the data gathered.

Research Design

This study employed qualitative research employing a multiple case study

approach which is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon

within its real-life context. It involves collecting data thru in-depth interview in a limited

number of cases, focusing on subjects but more variables within each subject. It

obtains a detail textual data that described the cases (Baxter, 2008)

In this study, qualitative research design is utilized which is the ideal

methodology to use, since this study only concerned in depth-interviews. Moreover,

this study did not aim to quantify variables or test varying interventions through

correlational or experimental methods.

Multiple-cases study will be the form of the study which in able the researcher

to explore the deferent the experiences and challenges of the SK secretary

implementing the secretarial roles. We have replicated those findings across the

different cases of the participants. Comparisons will be drawn, and that it was

imperative that the cases have been chosen carefully so that this would predict

similar results across cases (literal replication), or predict contrasting results (a

theoretical replication) (Yin, 2003).

In this study, multiple case is utilized as it is greatly suitable in behavioral,

organizational and environmental factors that guide organizational and leadership

development. Given the fact that the study only aims to account the lived

experiences of the participants in this study of Barangay SK Secretaries, it

recognized that there is a need to conduct a multiple case study in the research

Role of the Researchers

The researchers’ role in qualitative research is critical. This is because the

researchers are the primary instrument of data collection and analysis is qualitative

research, focus and interpretive thinking is critical. (Clark & Veale, 2018).

As researchers of this study, we considered the experiences of SK

Secretaries with their perspective in terms secretarial roles they have experienced.

As such, it is very important to have a deeper sense of understanding and sensibility

in doing the interviews and gathering the data as our primary responsibility in this


As reseachers, we serve as the interview by letting the participants confer

their answers to the questions given. We pleasantly repeat the questions when the

participants have to clarify their responses.

Second, through interviews, the researchers capture all of the responses from

the participants’ answers, opinion, and insights to guarantee that no single piece of

information is misses and that all of the material said by the participants is cover

and capture. The researchers may simply copy the future reference in getting the

important details for this study by record it.

Third, we also serve as the data transcribers who transcribed the given data

from the participants’ record answers through the use of an audio recorder. We

repeat and listen to the voice recorder to ensure that we only report what is exactly

stated during the interviews.

Fourth, we need to analyze the data by look for themes from the responses of

the participants. We look for the views insights which bear relevance to the thesis of

this study. After our analysis, we need to check by a competent data analyst that

assigns to guide us.

Fifth, the researchers considered as the reporters of the findings of the study

to benefactors which are the SK Secretaries with experience of secretarial roles. We

also served as the translators each time when certain information gathered from the

participants that needs to be translated the target language.

Lastly, we were the one encodes the whole manuscript with the supervision of

the technical panel. The researcher encodes all the suggestions and comments that

will give by the panel of examiners to improve the merit of the paper. The

researchers believe that all the suggestions and corrections led to the success and

accomplishments of the study.

Research Participants

The method of purposive sampling will be used to develop the sample

of research under discussion; this sampling technique was chosen

becausetheselected members have relationships and expertise regarding the topic

of the study. The respondents to be included in the sample are the SK

Officials in three (3) selected Barangay of Asuncion, Davao del Norte which are

perceived to have knowledge regarding Secretarial Roles. Since, it is too

impossible to survey each and every one in the population.

This determined number was in adherence to the suggestion of

Creswell (2013) that the ideal number of participants in a qualitative study range

from 3-15participants. By having this set of participants in a qualitative research

study, datasaturation was highly achieved in the data collection process. Upon

participant selection, purposive sampling is used to ensure that only those who

can give the necessary data would be able to participate in my study. Purposive

sampling will be applied which will highly rely on a set of inclusion criteria. This

sampling method is a non-probability type of sampling which guarantees the

acquisition of authentic lived experiences. This is guaranteed as the sampling

method employs participants who are closely immersed or involved in the

phenomenon being investigated (Ellis, 2016). In our recruitment process, we

religiously followed the succeeding criteria.

Firstly, each participant must be a SK official in three (3) selected barangays in

Municipality of Asuncion province of Davao del Norte. Secondly, the participant must

also Certified as SK Secretary. Lastly, the participant must be assigned to their

respective Barangays.
Data Collection

As researchers, we took steps in collecting our data and other information

relevant to the study. Before the conduct of the study, we planned the face-to-face

interview and convened with our adviser for us to know how and what are the steps

that are needed to be taken in accomplishing this research. With such manner, our

team had planned well even before the study has commenced.

Certain devices were used by our team to aid us in this educational pursuit.

These consisted of smart phone camera, digital camera, and voice recorder which

served as important instruments in establishing concrete evidence of all the needed

documented information along the expressions coming from the point of view of the


The first step, we do research and study to defend our title which is outline

defense were panelist and chairperson approved. We also, considered the errors,

recommendations and suggestions that will give by the panel to improve the merit of

our paper.

The second steps, we planned to conduct a face-to-face interview with such

manner and consent to our adviser together with the informants in the three (3)

selected barangays of Asuncion Davao del Norte namely Cambanugoy (Poblacion),

Magatos and Camoning. During the face-to-face interview the duration of each

participant is more than 30 minutes. We interviewed the participants in their specific

work place and it is suitable for us as an interviewer and to each of them as

participants of our study.

The third steps, we write an informed consent to the participants. The letter

will be written to inform whoever will be the concerned individuals, basically the

administrators of the participants’ schools or universities and colleges. In the said

documents, we assured confidentially and agreement between the participants

and the researchers.

The fourth steps, to conduct the study serves as face-to-face interview by

letting the informants confer their answers in the given questions. Also, we the

researchers considers the findings of the study towards Sangguniang Kabataan

Secretaries with experiences of secretarial roles.

The fifth steps, after the interview, the collected documents will help us in

gaining a clear vision as the personal experiences of SK Secretaries in regard to the

multiple case. The collected data will be subjected to the treatment and


The last steps, the results of the interview will be carefully presented,

transcribed, and discussed. The information was analyzed, explored, and treated

based on the problems of the study. In order to concretize the idea, the results were

supported with reflected studies and literature.

Data Analysis

The researchers will systematically arrange and preserve the data to be

collected in the study through technological materials. The audio and video recorder

will be use as a tool in documenting the interview. Qualitative analysis uses a system

in arrangement of data through working, organizing and breaking it into managing,

synthesizing, searching for patterns, discussing what is important and what is to be

learned. Thus, it requires in-depth analysis of the raw data with its logical, meaning of

categories. (Bogden & Biklen, 1982)

Moreover, a qualitative content analysis will be used by the researchers to

add a more comprehensive analysis of the study. Content analysis is the utilization of

replicable and correct method for making inferences from the text to the other states

or properties of its source. Following the analysis of the research, all analyzed

information have the basis down from the authentic source which comes from the

informants (Marrying, 2000).

Moreover, in qualitative content analysis, collection of samples usually

consists of purposely chosen instances which reflect the research questions being
focused on the lens. The researchers need to put aside all prejudgment by

bracketing his or her experiences to keep the balance between subjectively and

objectively. It also pays attention to unique themes the show the range of the

meaning from multiple rather than numeric significance as well as the characteristics

of the language in communication with attention to the content or contextual meaning

of the text (Budd, et, al 1967 as cited by Hseih et, al., 2005).

Triangulation involved the usage of varying methods, especially observation,

document analysis and individual interviews which constitute the data collection

strategies. Individual interview suffered from some common methodological

consequences since the interview have its distinct characteristics, which could also

somehow result individual strengths. The Multiple-case analysis was through

analyzing the result of all the case studies. Both these sources of data, the findings of

the interview were multiple- checked in the multiple-case analysis to strengthen the

study (Wargo, 2014).

Triangulation is a method for validation or checking; qualitative researchers

broadly utilize this technique to ensure that an account is rich. This also seals the

robustness of the account. Apart from such, this process also guarantees it

comprehensiveness and being well developed (Crabtree, 2008).

First, the data collection process was initiated with purposive sampling

technique. Herein, through the use of direct observation, participants were identified.

There were three (3) SK secretaries who participated in this study. They signed a

consent form and agreed the conditions stated that their involvement in the study is

an act of volunteerism and that they are willing to share their knowledge needed in

the study.

Second, one by one, the involved participants will be given a briefing about

the in-depth interview as means of collecting data of the study, wherein participants

will be interviewed one on one. The process started with the introduction, in which we

welcomed the participants, outlines the aims of the discussion, and set the coverage
of the discussion in terms of confidentiality and length. We will also allocate some

ample time explaining to the participants the reason why the discussion is to be

recorded audio-visually, and what could be the technical issues that can be raised

from it.

Moreover, the discussions and interviews focused on personal views and

experiences of the participants. Thus, it is important to note that there are no right

and wrong answers (Marrying, 2000).

Finally, data reduction was used in analyzing the data. This means that this

employed of deleting unnecessary data and modifying them into a useful material for

the sake of the study. This is for the purpose of making the data comprehensible to

the readers (Sutton and Austin, 2015).

In this method, we asked the help of an expert, a data analyst to merge,

manage, sort, and categorize the data in an easier way.

Trustworthiness of the Study

Trustworthiness in this study referred to ways and means that met the criteria

of the school, communities, and our respondents. This study strongly established

trustworthiness. It was indispensable to report how the results were created. We truly

considered the responses of informants. We assured that the information given by

the respondents were secured and we maintained their trust towards us.

The goal of trustworthiness was to advocate the contention from the

investigation that needs to be addressed in a qualitative study specifically a multiple

case type. This was necessary especially when the data are recent and not

supported by a firm theory. In context, we see to it that the accuracy of data that was

presented by the respondents of the study derived from the voice record of interview

which gave assurance to the respondents that we were not able to put any additional

or less data and had precise information about the idea of the respondents (Kyngas,

Qualitative researchers should consider the dependability, credibility,

transferability, employability and conformability as trustworthiness criteria rigor to the

qualitative findings. It was important to scrutinize the trustworthiness of every phase

of the analysis process. It included preparation, organization and reporting of result.

Additionally, the phases gave the reader a clear sign of the overall trustworthiness of

the study (Schwandt, 2007).

Credibility in order to make this research credible, will present credibility of

the experience of our participants through case-to-case basis. Interview data was

supplemented with documentary information or questionnaires to each SK

secretaries to incorporate the accuracy of interpretation of the experiences of the SK

secretaries in three (3) selected Barangays in Municipality of Asuncion namely

Camoning, Magatos, Cambanogoy (Poblacion) which included the problems that

they have encountered, their coping mechanism, and insights about the significant

role the Secretaries. Our main target here was to make a stratum if information from

each participant that gave a more affluent and credible data (Lincoln and Guba,


In connection to this, credibility was one of the criteria that we addressed in

the internal validity, in which we seek to ensure our study measures or tests what

was actually intended. It also involved the establishments of the results of the

qualitative research if it was credible or believable from the viewpoint of the

participants in the research in which the participants were the ones who can

legitimacy evaluated the credibility of the results.

Moreover, credibility was an idea of internet consistency, where the core

issues were to ensure rigor in the research process. It can be achieved by prolonged

engagement with participants, and the use of peer roles of secretaries. The

information that was given to us by the informants are secured and are kept properly

so that credibility of the information and trust as well of our informants will strengthen

Transferability it focused on the intent to produce findings which other we

can interpret for similar setting, even to the point of applying the research design for

their own purpose. It was also a provision of background data to establish context of

study and detailed description of multiple case study questions to allow comparisons

to be made. Moreover, it required us to provide sufficient data and context to enable

the audience to judge whether the findings can be applies to another situation

(Cameron, 2011).

Furthermore, it also defined as the degree of which the results of qualitative

research could be generalized or transferred to another context or setting. As

researchers, from a qualitative perspective transferability was primarily the

responsibility of doing the generalizing. We will enhance transferability by describing

the research context and gave detailed information about the research and the

process of conducting it so that they can evaluate the utility of the work (Trochim,


In addition, transferability will be established by providing readers with

evidence that the research study’s finding will be applicable wherein information

helps the reader construct the scene that surrounds the research study, from the

daily lives of participants who expressed to us in the context of surrounding social

and cultural environments that our study was framed around (Olivia, 2018).

Dependability is an important type of trustworthiness that established the

research study’s findings as consistent and repeatable wherein we aimed to verify

that our findings consistent with the raw data we have collected. We want to make

sure that if some other researchers are searching over the same data, they would

arrive at similar findings, interpretations, and conclusions about the data (Olivia,


In line with this, there were several techniques one could use to establish

dependability. One of the best ways to establish it was to have an outside

researcher, conduct an inquiry audit on the research which involved having research
outside of the data collection, and data analysis, and result of the study. This is done

to confirm the accuracy of the findings and to ensure the findings and to ensure the

findings were supported by the data collected (Olivia, 2018).

Additionally, the idea of dependability emphasized the need for us to account

for the ever-changing context with which this occurs. The researchers were

responsible for the describing the changes that occur in the setting and how these

changes affected the way we approached the study (Trochim, 2006).

Conformability it was concerned with establishing the data and

interpretations of findings were not figment of the inquirer’s imagination but was

clearly derived from data. This is also achieved through an audit trail, reflexive

journal, and triangulation (Bowen, 2009).

Also, it emphasized that qualitative research must be established. This

criterion had to do with the level of confidence that the research study’s findings were

based on the participants’ narratives and words rather than potential researcher

biases. This verified that the findings will shape by participants’ narratives and words

rather than potential researchers’ biases (Olivia, 2018).

Moreover, the conformability in the qualitative paradigms was comparable to

the concern of objectivity in quantitative research. Steps must be taken by the

investigator to ensure as far as possible that the findings were the results of the

experiences idea of the informants and the participants, rather than the

characteristics and preferences of the researcher. This eliminated biases and favors

from the findings obtained (Pandey and Patnaik, 2014).

Ethical Consideration

To ensure the proper conduct of this research as well as the safety of those

involved in this undertaking, ethical considerations were important in every research

method involving human subjects but they took on added significance in case

centered research where we often work closely with research participants over a

period of time and frequently in the face- to- face mode (where researcher-
participant relationships play an important role in research outcomes). The study also

follows the standard of what has been set to protect the informants. The privacy and

the data to be collected shall remain controversial which was best on doing so (Roller

and Lavrakas, 2015).

To convince the informants to express their experiences and strategies a

dealing Secretarial role towards Barangay SK Secretaries is not easy to achieve.

Thus, for us to gain trust, the researchers need great cooperation and coordination

for them to come up with better output (Newman, 2006).

The first principle, respect for persons should be treated as autonomous

agents which means that they are independent, self-governing, and capable of

making decisions for themselves as long as they are given information to make those

decisions (Gallardo, 2012).

It is inevitability for us to recognize the intrinsic value of the participants and

informants as well, and the respect of consideration that we owed. This includes the

dual moral obligation to give regards to a person from judgment and to ensure the

person’s choice without interference of our study (Ludwig and Frideres 2014).

As we went along with our study, we needed to ask permission towards our

participants including the administration of the school to allow us to conduct this

research through writing formal letters or through a courteous way of asking


The second principle, beneficence was helping someone just because you

scared and minimizing risks to the participants rather maximizing the profits that were

owed to them. Concealment of the interviewee must be kept so that they will not be

put into risks and possibilities of shame because of misinterpreted situation or detail.

We made sure that the identity of the participants would not be exposed as we assert

the conditions on the consent letter we sent before conducting the study. At all times,

participants would be protected, so every file would be protected as well. It was to

keep the data confidential that are given by the participants in the study which were
from the Barangay SK Secretaries in three (3) selected Barangays in Municipality of

Asuncion Davao del Norte (Culity, 2007).

The third principle, justice holds that particular individuals, groups or

communities should neither bear unfair share of burdens of participating in research,

nor should they be unfairly excluded. The obligation to treat people must be fair and

equal with respect and concern no matter what they are. It was very important to

acknowledge their contribution of being a part of the success of the research

(Timmermann, 2018).

We never asked any amount or their favor of spending money during

interview. Instead, sensible tokens were given as a sign of gratitude for their time and

effort for our study. We were hoping that through this study, they were free for the

negative experiences and there will be innovation to occur for the improvement of the

strategy and embracing positive contribution they could offer in the study.

Confidentiality referred to the obligation of an individual or organization to

safeguard entrusted information. The ethical duty of confidentiality included

obligations to protect information from unauthorized access, modification loss, or

theft. Hence, we as researchers will obtain information with a promise of

confidentiality, they assumed an ethical duty that was central to respect for

participants and integrity of research projects (Corti et al., 2000).

Consent appeared to be a clear violation of the participants’ right for privacy

because information from them is taken without their knowledge. Hence, we decided

to modify the context. We wanted the consent of the participants regarding our

intention to interview assuring them of guarding their data with utmost confidentiality.

The consent forms specified aim, nature of nature of procedures of the study and

clarified the time needed for collecting data for SK Secretaries (Murphy & Dingwall,

Chapter 3


The conduct of the study generated voluminous amount of data that are

essential on the inquiry in hand. These data were derived from the in-depth interview

and were voice recorder by the researcher. Their responses were transcribed and

were carefully analyzed through the meticulous categorization of themes

This is a multiple case study, and the researchers were looking at three

different scenarios. In each case, an informant was asked to respond to the following

questions, which this study sought to answer. Due to the nature of study, there were

three cases, which mean there were also three informants, all of whom had met the

pre-inclusion requirements. All of the informants were the Sangguniang Kabataan

secretaries of three selected barangay namely: Camoning, Magatos and Poblacion

Cambanogoy of Asuncion Davao del Norte.

The qualitative research questions were answered using data collected

through in-depth interview conducted independently for each case. Following that,

the themes were generated using both cases and cross-case analysis which were

meticulously adhered to for the benefit of the research.

This section provides the details of the results of the qualitative analysis in

order to answer the following research questions:

Research Question No. 1. What are the lived experiences of

Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries with regards to their roles?

Research Question No. 2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

cope with their challenges with regards to their roles?

Research Question No. 3. What are the insights of Sangguniang

Kabataan secretaries that can be share for the improvement of the

secretarial role?
This chapter is divided into the following sections. For part one, it deals with

the data provided by the participants, which was used to generate the qualitative

data. Part two delves into the data analysis processes as well as the steps involved

in categorizing emergent themes based on the results of in-depth interviews (IDI)

each case. Part three outlines the replies gathered during the data gathering



The participants of the study were the Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

from three (3) selected barangay in Asuncion Davao del Norte. The participants were

all female. They all have their pseudonyms as they request to protect their identity.

By that, the researchers put her trust on them that they could supply what this study

sought to find out.

The interviews took place outside the campus, and the researchers spoke

with them about where they preferred to be interviewed. The researchers got where

they wanted to go, and both the interviewer and the interviewee were pleased with

the end result, resulting in a seamless flow and open communication whenever extra

or probing questions were required. Participants had the option of refusing to answer

any question that they deemed unprofitable or against their choice. The data

collected during the interviews was kept in strict discretion to guarantee

confidentially, and only the researchers and informants had access to any

information that was expressed but not included due to the study’s nature.

To adhere to the data collecting method, the researchers used cellphones in

place of the required tape recorder to record the replies of the participants. The

researchers also asked all of the respondent’s weather she may capture videos or

photos during the interviews, but they politely decline and instead requested that the

researchers just record the whole conversation. All of the complied with the request,

with the exception of one: that their identities be kept anonymous in the research

(Boyce and Neale, 2006).

Table 1

Participants of the Study

In depth interview Age Gender Sangguniang Code

Pseudonym Kabataan


1. Elaine 24 Female SK Secretary IDI-01

2. Mariane 25 Female SK Secretary IDI-02

3. Rose 25 Female SK Secretary IDI-03

Total = 3

Categorized of Data

The voice recorded were transcribed, translated, and analyzed once the in-

depth interviews were completed. The researchers initiated the analysis with the

process of coding.

Coding of data refers to the process of transforming collected information or

observations to a set of meaningful, cohesive categories. It is a process of

summarizing and re-presenting data in order to provide systematic account of the

recorded or observed phenomenon.

The voice recorded discussions were transcribed, translated, and analyzed

once the in-depth interviews were completed. The researchers initiated the analysis

with the process of coding.

Coding is a technique of arranging the resources into pieces of text segments

before giving meaning to information. The coding technique was utilized to provide a

description of the setting of people as well as the 33 categories of themes to be

analyzed. These topics were used to help form board description of the phenomena

under investigation.
For the data to be categorized, the themes were presented by research

question and referred to as major themes. The themes that had emerged from the

study were discussed and elaborate thoroughly to provide a vivid description. Then

came the drawing of the conclusion and verification that point in the study in which

the preliminary ideas and patterns about the findings are developed (Miles and

Huberman, 1994).

The researchers took notice of the construct of credibility, dependability in

transferability, and conformability in order to add trustworthiness to our study. In

addition to the triangulation approach, member verification was done to address

credibility. This was achieved by giving participants a copy of the interview transcript

so they could provide comments and attest to its accuracy. So far, none of the

informants have raised any objections to the transcript or provided any input to the

contrary. They all signed the participant’s verification form to confirm their affirmative

response. The study’s triangulation was made possible by the fact that it included

more than two sources, specifically, reading from related literature and participants

(Guba and Lincoln, 1985; Creswell and Miller 2003).

The researchers supplied an audit trail that was referred to ensure

dependability and conformability. It was created to allow the research review panel to

confirm our results, assumptions, and conjectures (Carcary, 2009).

In terms of transferability, the researchers stated from the beginning that the

result could not be generalized because these views were based only on the

participants own experiences in the indicated localities. Nonetheless, the researchers

agreed that when the credibility, conformability, and dependability of a qualitative

case study are assured, then transferability is addressed as well (Gempes et al.,

Chapter 4

CASE 1 – Ellaine

Ellaine, not her real name, is a female with a disability and 24 years old. She

is sangguniang katabaan secretary of Brgy. Camoning Asuncion Davao del Norte.

She stated during indepth interview that she have a problem with her secretarial roles

because of her disability.

Ellaine believes that, being engage as sangguninang kabataan secretary with

her condition of disability is never been easy. According to her, she’s dealing with

heavy emotions while risking her personal time as she does her duties and

responsibilities as SK secretary.

1. What are the lived experiences of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

with regards to their roles?

Based on the research question there are many themes that that the

researchers found. The following are the themes that have emerged in which

reflected and analyzed.

Struggling Due to Time Conflict

She was asked about the drawback of working in secretarial positions in

Sangguniang Kabataan in the first question. She claimed that managing her personal

time despite of her disability as an SK secretary is challenging. She verified:

“Ahhhmm kanang mga negative feedbacks sa uban

because ang tan aw sa uban I am not capable to be in
my position. Tungod sa akung kahimtang na gamay
akung isa ka tiil. Ahh.. as you can see, disable ko. Dili
lang sad sa in ana way naay disadvantage,
kapareha sa uban ang oras, panahon, ug studies ma at
risk tungod sa mga naka patong na responsibilities sa
akung abaga nako most especially when it comes to
many activities that needed to implement, labi na ang
mag deal ug Linggo ng Kabataan. Ug naa pa gani time
na ma hatag nako akung time sa pamilya sa
sa kadaghan ug kinahanglan buhaton ug tiwason.” (IDI-
(Those negative comments from others, because they
think I am unfit for my position because I have a small
foot on my left side. As you can see, I am disabled. It is
not just that there is a disadvantage like others my time
and studies are at risk because of the responsibilities
that have been placed on my shoulders, especially
when it comes to many activities that needed to be
implemented, especially when dealing with SK Week.
And there is even time for me to give my personal time
to the family in the barangay in abundance, and I have
to do it and to be done.)
Encountering Blaming from Others

The researchers asked about the challenges that affect her in her SK

secretary position in connection to secretarial roles. She confirmed that it has a big

impact on her roles.

“Hmmmm, yes langga uy, dili man gud pwde na akung

pasagdan akung position because once na mag kamali
ka, as elected SK secretary bisan pag dili ikaw ang nag
decision there is a big possibilities na ikaw ang ma
blame, ang pag take ug minutes every meeting ug ang
pag ensure na detalyado ang tanan, ug aminado kaayo
ko na dili tanan akung magampanan akung roles
tungod kay naga skwela sad ko.” (IDI-01)
(Yes dear, I cannot let go of my position because once
you make a mistake as elected SK secretary even if
you are not the one who made the decision, there is a
big possibility that you will be the one to blame for
taking and recording minutes at every meeting and
ensuring that everything is detailed and I fully admit
that I cannot fulfill all my roles because I am in school.)
Encountering Insecurities of Self

The researchers ask her, about her negative experiences about dealing with

her Secretarial role and then she verified that her disability or she affect her


”Many times I think that, I am not enough or basin tama

sila basin dili jud ni para saakua. Although I know my
capabilities but sadly, naa jud mga times, I mean sa
maka daghan na times na madala nako na sakung
roles as secretary sa Sangguniang Kabataan ang
personal problem na akung gina dala and it will
definitely affect my performance. Labaw na ug dili nako
ma tarung ug dala akung position, ug kanang usahay
naa koy mga makalimtan na details sa meetings. Labi
najud ang mga schedules na dapat e set.” (IDI-01)
(Many times, I think that I am not enough or maybe
they are right maybe this is not for me. Although I know
my capabilities sadly there are times and there have
been many times when the personal problem that I am
carrying into my role as secretary of the Sangguniang
Kabataan will definitely affect my performance. More
than that, and I cannot correct my position and
sometimes I forget details in meetings. Most especially
in schedules that should be set.)
2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries cope with their challenges

with regards to their roles?

Ellaine was asked how she handles the challenges of being SK secretary in

the second question. The themes listed below have been properly examined and

carefully considered.

Know to Handle Emotions Regards to Role

The researchers ask Ellaine on how she handling the difficulties as Sanguniang

Kabataan secretary. She stated:

”Ang pressure naa man jud saakua, Ug murag

impossible mabuhat nako ang tanan, kay dili nako
malikayan ang mahimong emotional when it comes to
deal my mistakes when regards to my roles as SK
secrtary, kay usahay naa nakoy ma feel na insecurities,
ug frustrations, pero wala nako siya gi take as
negative. Kay bisan ug in ani ko mag hunahuna
usahay. Pero it doesn’t mean na gi pasagdan nako
akung roles as SK secretary samung barangay,
ahhhh... in fact, nahimo nako ang tanan because of my
heavy emotion, failures, and disapointments and I am
proud to say that our SK council will soaring high.” (IDI-

(The pressure is on me, and it seems impossible for me

to do everything because I cannot avoid being
emotional when it comes to dealing with my mistakes
with regards to my roles as SK secretary because
sometimes I feel insecurities and frustrations but I did
not take him as negative. But it does not mean that I
neglected my roles as SK secretary in the same
barangay in fact I did everything and my motivation is
my heavy emotions, failures, and disappointments, and
I am proud to say that our SK council will soar high.)
Asked Guidance to others

What coping mechanisms do you use as secretary of the Sangguniang

Kabataan to deal with those obstacles, the researchers ask Ellaine? She replied:

“One of my strategy to cope up those challenges is

naga ask kog guidance sa mga kauban officials,
especially sa among barangay Secretary mismo na
mas daghan ug experiences na naagian. Ug gi take jud
nako ang tanan nga mga advices ug suggestions to
improve my performances, to be became more open,
and efficient, through that, na cope up nako akung
challenges every step of the way. I always considered
it, as a stepping stone, or accomplishments” (IDI-01)

(One of my strategies to cope with those challenges is

to ask for guidance from fellow officials especially our
barangay secretary who has more experience. And I
took all the advice and suggestions to improve my
performances to be more open efficient, and through
that I coped with my challenges every step of the way. I
always considered it a stepping stone or an

Encourage to be motivated

Researchers question Ellaine on her motivation as secretary of the

Sanguniang Kabataan. She replied:

“Ahh.. honestly my greatest motivation to be an SK

Secretary is those youth, who trusted me so deep.
Those persons 100% believe my capabilities to be in
this position despite of my disability. Those persons,
who encouraged, guide and teach me to all the things I
need to do and consider as secretary and it thought me
to be grateful and thankful. Because to be an SK
secretary is not easy. It is a commitment, and of course
responsibility.” (IDI-01)

(Honestly my greatest motivation to be an SK Secretary

is those youth, who trusted me so deep. Those persons
100% believe my capabilities to be in this position
despite of my disability. Those persons, who
encouraged, and teach me to all the things I need to do
and consider as secretary and it thought me to be
grateful and thankful. Because to be an SK secretary is
not easy. It is a commitment and of course
Set a reminders for Purpose

Setting reminders in everyday’s doing is one of the most important as a

secretary which it can help to do the job easier. Ellaine do this to achive her goal as

an SK secretary. She said:

“Ga himo jud ko always ug planner kung unsay dapat

nakong himuon every now and then para dili ko
makalimot sa angay nkong buhaton. Kada mata nako
kada buntag, ako ng syang tan awon akong gi himo
para ig abot nako sa office diritso nako sa akong
buhatunon. Effective kaayo ang planner sa akoa kay
dako mn syang tabang para kibali mahimo syang guide
mn gud sa akong mga himuon.” (IDI-01)

(I always make a planner of what I should do every now

and then so that I do not forget what I should do. Every
morning, I look will look my planner so that when I get
to the office, I will go straight to do my task. The
planner is very effective for me because it is a great
help because it can be a guide in what I do.)

3. What are the insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be

shared for the improvement of the secretarial role?

Insights are so powerful that it takes just an advice to overcome something

you feared to encounter. In the third main questions, the researchers have asked

Ellaine about her insights in Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be share for

the improvement of the secretarial role.

Elaborating Thought in Duty and Responsibility

The researchers ask Ellaine what she thinks about her secretary's role as

Sangguniang Kabataan's secretary. and she confirmed:

“It will take time, it will gain pressure ug frustration

tungod sa dili malikayan na maka commit ug errors
during on duty ug uban pa, ug naay mga common
responsibilities and ang mahimong SK secretary like
ensuring meetings are effectively organised and
minuted. Pag accept ug pag tago sa legal requirements
sa important documents, especially when it comes to
confidential document sa Federation ug syempre ang
ang ensure ang nindot na Communication and
correspondence sa akung kauban sa officials” (IDI-01)
(It will take time, it will become more stressful and it will
cause frustration because it is unavoidable to make
mistakes while on duty, etc., and there are common
responsibilities and the SK secretary likes it that way
ensuring meetings are effectively organized and
minute. Accepting and hiding the legal requirements of
important documents, especially when it comes to
confidential documents of the federation, and of course
ensuring good communication and correspondence
with my colleagues and officials.)

Implementing Federation Programs and Trainings

What do you think the Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries need to improve in

order to effectively serve their local baranggay, the researchers asked Ellaine. She


“Sulod sa lima ka tuig Nakong pag ka SK secretary

daghan kaayo kog na tun an, ug na realize sa
pamalakad sa Federation, nag ka daiyang mga
programa ang dapat ipatuman pa, pareha anang mag
emplement og programa para sa mga kawani sa SK
secretary og sa SK treasurer, arun mas madungagan
pa among knowledge sa among elected position, kay
nabantayan nako na daghan kaayo ug mga elected
officials especially sa SK secretary, na dili kaayo
knowledgeable anang secretarial roles, like dealing
time management, pressures, abrupt encoding, taking
minutes and more. In that way maka tabang kaayo na
sa kalambuan sa matag barangay sa lungsod sa
Asuncion” (IDI-01)

(In the five years that I have been SK secretary, I have

learned a lot and I have realized that in the way of the
federation there are many programs that should be
implemented, such as implementing a program for the
staff of the SK secretary and of the SK treasurer to
increase our knowledge in our elected position because
I have observed many elected officials especially the
SK secretary who are not very knowledgeable in
secretarial roles like dealing with time management,
pressures, abrupt encoding, taking minutes, and more.
In that way, it will help the development of every
barangay in the municipality of Asuncion.)

Accept the Role Whole Heartedly

The researchers ask Ellaine about her opinions and recommendations for the

secretaries of the Sangguniang Kabataan regarding their job and she gladly respond:

“Ug isip usa ka SK secretary kinahanglan mas maging

open ta sa tanan na pang hitabo, ug kinahanglan
dawaton ang mga muabotay pa na pagsulay. always
look forward sa kalinawan sa kabatan onan, dili sa
kaugalingong interest lang. I know some of SK
secretaries now are engaging in bad habits, but please
think this way, wala ka gibutang ana na position tungod
para mag buhat ug dili maayo isip usa ka secretary sa
federation. Embrace and love your position. And be
honor to be one of your trusted person sa inyung
barangay.” (IDI-01)

(And as an SK secretary, we must be more open to all

events and we must accept those who are still waiting
ahead. Always look forward to the peace of the youth,
not just own interests. I know, some of the SK
secretaries now are engaging in bad habits, but please
think of it this way you were not put in that position
because you did bad things as a secretary of the
federation. Embrace and love your position. And, be
honored to be one of your trusted people in your
Chapter 5

CASE 2 – Mariane

Mariane, not her real name, is a female and 25 years old. She is the

Sangguniang Kabataan secretary of Magatos Asuncion Davao del Norte. She had

problems with her roles as a secretary on their barangay.

Mariane believed that as a Sangguniang Kabatan secretary is not easy

position at all. She admitted that is really hard in managing time as a SK secretary

and her other job.

1. What are the lived experiences of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

with regards to their roles?

Based on the research question there are many themes that that the

researchers found. The following are the themes that have emerged in which

reflected and analyzed.

Struggling Due to Time Conflict

In the first question, the researchers asked her about the disadvantage

experiencing the secretarial roles in Sangguniang Kabataan. She said that it’s hard

her to manage her time as an SK secretary. She confirmed:

“Ahm ang disadvantage nga na experience nako as a

SK secetary, kay naa pud koy work aside sa pag ka
secretary, mag ka conflict akong time kay busy pud ko
sa akoang lahi nga work.” (IDI-02)
(The disadvantage of my experience as a SK secretary
is that I also have work aside from being a secretary,
and I have a conflict with my time because I am also
busy with my own work.)
The Effects of SK Secretary Position

The researchers asked the challenges that affect her as SK secretary position

in connection to secretarial roles. She confirmed that it has a big impact to her roles.
“Oo dako siyag apekto kay usahay dili nako magampanan
akoang posisyon as SK secretary. Naay dapat atimanon sa
sulod sa office pero wala ko usahay kay naa koy trabaho nga
lahi.” (IDI-02)
(Yes, it effects on me because sometimes I could not fulfill my
position as SK secretary. There is something that needs to be
taken care of inside the office, but sometimes I do not have the
time because I have worked to do too.)
Encountering Insecurities of Self

In this point, the researchers asked her skills and capabilities as Sangguniang

Kabataan secretary. She shared that she encountered insecurities on herself. She


“Ang akoang na encountered is when I doubt my

capabilities feeling nako dili nako kaya na nga posisyon
basin lisod, basin dili nako kaya ug basin ma-
disappoint sila sa akoa.” (IDI-02)
(What I encountered is when I doubt my capabilities, I
feel like I cannot handle the position, maybe it is
difficult, maybe I cannot do it and maybe they will be
disappointed in me.)
Lacking of funds

The researchers also asked what hindered her as SK secretary which she

well never forgets. She shared about problems relating to funds. She confirmed:

“Ang dili nako malimtan kay kadtong time nga Wala

kayo mi training programs kay maglisod ug provide or
facilitate amoang SK federation nindot unta to siya nga
opportunities kay daghan unta mi ug mahibal an.” (IDI-
(What I will never forget is that time when we did not
have training programs because it was difficult to
provide or facilitate the SK federation, it would have
been great opportunities because we would have
known a lot.)
2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries cope with their challenges

with regards to their roles?

In the second question, Mariane was asked how she coping the challenges

as SK secretary. The following themes stated below thoroughly analyzed and are

carefully reflected.

Setting Adjustments Regards to Role

In order to overcome the challenges regards to her roles, Mariane set her
mind to that she need to accept whole heartedly her position without any hesitation.
She said:
“Sa tinuod lang dili jud lalim akong posisyon as a SK
secretary, pero gina set lang nako akong mind nga kay
gi dawat man nako ni nga posisyon kinahanglan nako
panindigan.” (IDI-02)

(To be honest, my position as a SK secretary is hard,

but I just set my mind that because I accept this
position, I have to stand up for it.)

Asked Guidance from Others

In addition the researchers asked about her actions in order to cope up the

challenges. Marriane said she will ask for advice on her colleagues. She shared:

“Ahh ga pangayo ko ug advice sa kauban nako SK

Officials about ani nga posisyon human gina timan an
nako ug gina apply nako sa akong kaugalingon.” (IDI-

(I am asking for advice from my fellow SK Officials

about this position after it I remembered and I am
applying it to myself.)

Know to Handle Difficulties

In addition, Mariane was asked her on how to handle difficulties as

Sangguniang Kabataan secretary. She said:

“Ahh in a way nga be positive lang jud always bahalag

lisod mahimong SK secretary sabayan ug pag ampo
pud. Unya, e-enjoy lang pero dapat sa imong pag
enjoy naa sad kay nakuha nga lesson.” (IDI-02)

(In a way that, just be positive even though it is difficult

to be an SK secretary just pray. Then, just enjoy it with
lesson to gain.)
Alternative Strategies to Apply

In addition, the researchers asked what her strategies as an SK secretary.

She said that, she will look for alternative ways. She confirmed.

“Ahh ang strategies nga akoang gina himo is mangita

ko ug alternative ways usahay ga search ko sa google
kung unsay common nga himuon as secretary ug
unsaon para magampanan nako akkoang role usahay
sad ga pangutana ko kung tama ba akong gihimo kay
basin mali diay or ga pataka ko in which pwede nako
ma apply ug makatabang para ma cope up nako ang
mga challenges as SK secretary.” (IDI-02)

(The strategies I use are to look for alternative ways.

Sometimes I search on google to see what is common
to do as a secretary and how can I fulfill my role in
which I can apply and help me cope up with the
challenges as SK secretary.)

3. What are the insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be

share for the improvement of the secretarial role?

Insights are so powerful that it takes just an advice to overcome something

you feared to encounter. In the third main questions, the researchers has asked

Mariane about her insights in Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be share

for the improvement of the secretarial role.

Applying Secretarial Roles in Real-life

Secretarial Roles is crucial and useful not only inside the office but also in

real-life. Here, the researchers asked Mariane the third question and she answered

that applying secretarial roles in real-life make her more productive and helps her

widen her horizon to help others.

“Ahh e apply dapat ang secretarial roles dli lang sa pag

panarbaho isip SK secretary dapat e apply pud sya sa
kinabuhi kay dako mn pud ug tabang ug dako pud ug
tabang ang secretarial roles nga mas ma enhance pa
imong skills ug capabilities nga mamahimo kang
productive. Mas mo wide imong pang huna-huna nga
dili lang dapat basic imong nahibal-an nga dapat mas
nindot ug daghan ka ug kahibalo sa secretarial roles
para daghan pa ug matabangan ilabi na sa kabataan.”
(The secretarial roles should be applied not only to
employment, as a SK secretary, it should also be
applied to life and to help in others so that your skills
and capabilities can be enhanced and so that you can
be productive. You should be broader in your thinking,
you should not only be basic, you should know better
and you should have a lot of knowledge about
secretarial roles so that you can help more people,
especially the youth.)

The Need to Stand for your Role

In this point, the researchers asked Mariane what are the lessons and her

realizations upon reflecting on her experiences as Sangguniang Kabataan. She said

that it’s better to help and serve others whole heartedly.

“Ahm bisan lisod sa akong part nga mahimong SK

secretary pero nindot nga mka tabang ug maka serve
sa laing tao nga kinasing-kasing ug dili mangayo ug
bayad. Na realize bahala ug lisod pero dili kamahayan
mahimong part sa SK federation kay dako ni siyang
hagit sa akong kinabuhi.” (IDI-02)

(Even though it is difficult for me to be the SK

secretary, it is nice to be able to help and serve other
people willingly and without asking for payment. I
realize that it even it is hard, but there is no regret to be
part of the SK federation because this is the challenge
in my life.)

The Need to Improve your Role

The participant shared the things to improve in order to render its service

regards to their role as Sangguniang Kabataan secretary. She shared that it is need

to improve their skills and capabilities in order to become effective secretary. She


“Ahh sa akoa lang opinion nu kay kuan sa akoa lang

pong nakita ahh the things that they need to improve
ahh kuan their vocabulary and understanding in
order to decode and encode properly and easily. Kay,
naa uban mga ahh SK officials dili kay kabalo mag
decode ug encode bisag basic lang dili sila kabalo so
mao na dapat ang e improve. Kay mao baya jud na
ang kanang basic na as a secretary kabalo jud ka kung
unsaon pag encode ug decode.” (IDI-02)
(In my own opinion, and based on what I have just saw
the things that they need to improve their vocabulary
and understanding in order to decode and encode
properly and easily. Because, there are some SK
officials who do not know how to decode and encode,
even if it is just basic, they do not know, so that is what
needs to be improved. Because that is the basic right,
as a secretary you know how to encode and decode.
Be Meticulous Regards to Role
Participants shared her insights about the role of SK

secretaries. She said it should be meticulous in your role as a

secretary. She confirmed:

“Bisan paman lisod para sa akoa ni nga role, dapat

gihapon gampanan ug tarong ug mag trabaho ug
tarong. Ahh aside ana, be responsible jud permi sa
imong role kay kibali murag nahimo naman kang role
model ana” (IDI-02)
(Even though this role is difficult for me, I should still
play it right and work right. Aside from that, always be
responsible for your role because otherwise it's like
you've become a role model.)
Chapter 6

CASE 3- Rose

Rose, not her real name is a twenty-five year old a female and a currently

Sangguniang Kabataan secretary. She experiencing problems regards to her roles.

She is a student also and because of that she cannot fulfill her duty as SK

secretary. She admitted that she experiencing difficulties of task such paper works.

However, Rose is also aware that despite of her difficulties regards to her

role, she must continue to move forward and learn continuously so that she will not

be left behind.

1. What are the lived experiences of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

with regards to their roles?

One of the purposes of this study is to expose the SK secretary experience

regards to their role. In the first research question, there are many themes that we

have found. These are the following themes that we are presenting below.

Struggling to Socialize with Others

We cannot deny the fact the sometimes dealing with others is hard. Rose

shared what she experience inside the SK council. She confirmed:

“So far and disadvantage sa akoang na experience kay

naa jud time nga malain ko sa akong mga kauban kay
tungod dili pagsinabtanay. Labaw natong bag-o
pako as a SK secretary maulaw pako kay wala pako
kaila sa ilaha maong dili jud malikayan nga dili mag
sinabtanay sa akong kauban nga officials kay mao lage
mag lahi- lahi man ug opinyon or mga batasan.” (IDI-
(So far, the disadvantage in my experience is that there
are times when I blame my colleagues because of
misunderstandings. When I’m the newest elected as a
SK secretary, I am ashamed, because I do not know
how to socialize, so it is inevitable that I will not get
along with my fellow officials because there are always
different opinions or habits.
Struggling in New Environment Setting

The researchers asked Rose about her environment as SK secretary. She

shared that it is difficult to adjust from old to new setting environment as a newest SK


“Katong mga challenges ug mga experience kay dako

jud to nga epekto sa akoa as an SK secretary sa
Asuncion kay daghan kayo ko ug nakat-unan.
Even though ahm mag lisod ko ug adjust sa new
environment kay na anad ko sa una labi na sa akong
mga kauban nga bag o pako na point as an SK
secretary so lisod jud kaayo mag adjust maong naka
ingon ko nga dako kaayo ug epekto sa ako isip usa ka
SK secretary.” (IDI-03)
(Those challenges and experiences there really
affected me as the SK secretary in Asuncion because I
learned a lot. Even though, it will be difficult for me to
adjust to the new environment because I was used the
old environment especially to my co-officials because I
am the newest elected SK Secretray so it was hard for
me to adjust. That is why, it was really has a big impact
on me as an SK secretary.)
In addition, the researchers asked Rose of the problem that she have

frequently encountered as an SK secretary. She shared about doing task without

focus that leads to wrong doing or misplace of paper works. She said:

“Kadtong na misplace nako ang papel nga dapat e

report so isip is aka SK secretary kabalo unta ka sa
mga plano ug dapat e take note nimo na. Ahm
unya pag nay mawala or mamali ikaw ang basulon or
ikaw ang pangitaan ato nga report. Moang kailangan
naka organize akoang trabaho kay dili malikayan nga
nay urgent nga mga report so isip is ka SK secretary
naa jud kay copy ana sa mga meetings. Kay kong ma
problema na ikaw ang pangitaan ug ikaw ang mangita
ug solusyon para maka provide ka sa copy o report na
kailangan. Maong hago kaayo ma SK secretary per
okay position ko man ni ug gusto man nako ni so
lesson learn nato nako sa akong sarili.” (IDI-03)
(Those who misplaced the paper should be reported,
so I think the SK secretary should know about the plans
and you should take note. Then, when things get lost or
go wrong, you are the one to blame or you are the one
to find the report. I need to organize my work because
urgent reports cannot be avoided, so if you are the SK
secretary you will have a copy in the meetings.
Because it is a problem that you are the one to find and
you are the one to find a solution so that you can
provide the copy or report needed. That is why being a
secretary is hardest thing, but I am okay with this
position and I like it, so that is a lesson to learn from
2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries cope with their challenges

with regards to their roles?

If you are one of the SK secretaries, being effective to their role is an

advantage. That is why, after determining the experience regards to their role of

Rose, the researchers asked her how she coping with it. We also gathered many

themes are this point. Below is the presentation of the themes.

Asked Guidance from Others

In order to overcome regards to her roles Rose coping her strategies as an

SK secretary. Rose said she help herself to be a productive secretary and by asking

for help to others. She said:

“Ang action nga akong gi himo para ma cope up nako

to nga mga challenges kay ahhh gi hatagan sa nako ug
enough time akoang self nga mag tuon ug syempre
nag duol jud ko ato sa mga tao nga nay enough nga
kaalam atleast nga naa koy nahibal-an pa about ana
nga mga buluhaton. Ug syempre sa mga tao nga naay
experience sa mga previous nga SK Officials mga ing-
ana, gi-duol nako na sila so mao to ang best way para
mas masabtan nako akong trabaho, akoang duties isip
is aka SK secretary.” (IDI-03)

(The action I took so that I could cope up with these

challenges was that I gave enough time to focus on
myself and of course I approached people who knew
enough, at least I knew something more about those
tasks. And of course, to the people who have
experience with the previous SK Officials I have
approached them this is the best way for me to better
understand my job my duties as SK secretary.)

Set a Reminders for Purpose

Setting reminders is a good purpose in everyday life. It is the best way to

remind you that it is crucial to move objectively. Rose said that in order to cope the

challenges regards to her roles setting reminders is big help.

“Ahmm naga set kog reminders sa akoang
kaugalingon, dako kaayo na nga tabang para ma
overcome sa mga challenges nga akong naagian isip
usa ka SK secretary.” (IDI-03)

(I have set reminders for myself; it helps a lot to me to

overcome the challenges as an SK secretary.)

Setting Adjustment Regards to Role

Helps to improve with your role is begin to yourself. Another strategies Rose

did is to study regards to her role. She confirmed:

“Gina studyhan sad nako akoang role para masabtan

ug mapadali akong trabaho, kani nga strategies nga
akong gi buhat maka ingon jud ko ngaa naa koy na
learn ug maka tabang sa akoa para mas makabalo
pako sa akoang trabaho dili kay basic ra tanan.” (IDI-

(I am also studying my role to understand and make my

work easier, this is the strategy I came up with so I can
learn and help me so that I can know more about my
work, not everything is just basic.)

3. What are the insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be

share for the improvement of the secretarial role?

In this point, the researchers asked the informants about his insights regards

to her role. Below are the following themes that emerged during the study.

The Need to Stand for your Role

The researchers ask Rose the insights as SK secretary regards to her role.

She said she that stay committed to your position and taking risk is possible to her

role. He responded:

“Kay kanang commited ka sa imohang trabaho unya

willing kaayo ka mag take risk para makaayo sa tanan
ug dapat mo tuon pjud ug dili maulaw mangutana sa
mga tao expert na ani nga trabaho” (IDI-03)

(You are committed to your work, then you are willing

to take risks to help everyone and you should focus on
it and not be shy to ask people who are experts in this
The need to improve your Role

Moreover, when Rose ask how to improve her regards to her role. Rose said

they must know how to engage in paper works and daily tasks in order to become

effective SK secretary. She shared:

“Ahh e hanay or han-ay ang mga papers kay para

incase kailangan gina retreat or kailangan pangitaon so
atleast ready na ug dili ka maglisod mangita sa mga
papers. Dapat sad hawd mo keep ug mga papers ang
secretary jud kay naa diha ang pag take notes or copy
sa tanan report.” (IDI-03)

(It must plan our time and make reports. The papers are
lined up or in order in case they need to be retreated or
need to be stored, so at least they are ready and you
would not have a hard time looking for the papers. The
secretary should also keep papers because it is there
duty to take notes or copy all the reports.)

Be Meticulous Regards to Role

Rose said they need to become meticulous in every angle regards to their

role. Despite of being a student, it is needed to prioritize her role as SK secretary.

“Ahh dapat metikuluso ta sa atong trabaho as SK

secretaries ug dapat gampanan nato syag taraong.
Ang mas importante dapat sad palang-gaon nato atong
trabaho.” (IDI-03)

(We must be meticulous in our work as SK secretaries

and we must do it right. The important thing is we
should love our work.)

The Need to Stand for your Role

Lastly, the researchers asked what feedbacks and suggestions she gives

regards to her role as an SK secretary. Rose wished that there is a salary because

the SK secretary's job is difficult. She confirmed:

“Kay unta naa nay sweldo sunod tuig hahaha. Bitaw

kay kabalo man ta nga akong position kay wala ga
dawat ug sweldo sa Barangay. Ahh dili siya lalim nga
trabaho, need jud ug commitment ug passion sa pag
serve because walay honorarium and grabe ang
workload.” (IDI-03)

(I wish I had a salary next year. Because we know my

position doesn’t receive a salary in the Barangay. It is
not an easy job, it needs commitment and passion to
serve because there is no honorarium and the
workload is heavy.)
Chapter 7


A case study is a methodological approach that entails a thorough

investigation of a certain limited system while systematically compiling data from

various sources. It enables one to look beyond a single case and at a phenomenon,

such as the case of SK secretaries who are dealing with their experiences, how to

handle them, and their understanding of secretarial roles. It also enables one to learn

about the secrets that only information can reveal about the real lives they led. The

case study approach investigates a real-world, contemporary bounded system a

case or numerous bounded systems cases over time, through detailed, in-depth data

collecting involving multiple sources of information and produces a case description

and case themes (Gustafsson, 2017)

Moreover, according to Brink (2018) a multiple-case design explores a real-

life multiple bounded system through detailed, in-depth data collection involving

multiple sources of information. Through using a multiple-case design a wider

exploration of the research question and theoretical evolution will enable to

researcher to understand the differences. This enables the researcher to address the

complex issues that need to be explored in-depth, and to understand the behavioral

conditions of such a system, based on comments inputs and interpretative

perspectives of the participants. However, the multiple case study design is a

valuable qualitative research tool in studying the links between the personal, social,

behavioral, psychological, organizational, cultural, and environment factors that guide

managerial and leadership development.

The previous chapter especially to the chapter 3 to 6 disclosed the

experiences; cope up with their challenges and insights of SK secretaries with

regards to their role. It also emphasized the different themes and core ideas of each

informant in each case.

Presented in this chapter are the differences and similarities of experiences of

the informants.

Research Question No. 1. What are the lived experiences of Sangguniang

Kabataan secretaries with regards to their roles?

The researchers interviewed the informants and she ended-up to the three

important themes – Struggling due to time conflict, blaming once another and

encountering insecurities of self.

Struggling Due to Time Conflict

All of the three cases admitted that they find it struggling in time with regards

to their role as SK secretaries. The content of their statements confirmed the idea

that SK secretaries of each three selected barangay really find hard to manage their

time with their role.

Ellaine said that she cannot fulfill her duty because she is a student with

disability. So it is hard to manage her time since she studied and has disability.

“Ahhhmm kanang mga negative feedbacks sa

uban because ang tan aw sa uban I am not
capable to be in my position. Tungod sa akung
kahimtang na gamay akung isa ka tiil. …Ahh, as
you can see, dis- able ko. Dili lang sad sa in ana
way naay disadvantage, kapareha sa uban ang
oras, panahon, ug studies ma at risk tungod sa
mga naka patong na responsibilities sa akung
abaga nako most especially when it comes to
many activities that needed to implement, labi na
ang mag deal ug Linggo ng Kabataan. Ug naa pa
gani time na ma hatag nako akung time sa pamilya
sa barangay sa kadaghan ug kinahanglan buhaton
ug tiwason.” (IDI-01)
(Those negative comments from others, because
they think I am unfit for my position because I have
a small foot on my left side. As you can see, I am
disabled. It is not just that there is a disadvantage
like others, my time and studies are at risk because
of the responsibilities that have been placed on my
shoulders especially when it comes to many
activities that needed to be implemented and
especially when dealing with SK week. And there is
even time for me to give my personal time to the
family in the barangay in abundance, and I have to
do it and to be done.)
Table 2

Themes and Supporting Statements on the Experiences of Sangguniang

Kabataan Secretaries with Regards to their Role

Emerging Themes Supporting Statements

 My time and studies are at risk

because of the responsibilities
that have been placed on my
shoulders, especially when it
comes to many activities that
needed to be implemented,
especially when dealing with SK
Struggling Due to Time Conflict week. (IDI-01)
 And there is even time for me to
give my personal time to the
family in the barangay in
abundance and I have to do it and
to be done. (IDI0-01)
 I also have work aside from being
a secretary, and I have a conflict
with my time because I am also
busy with my own work. (IDI-02)
 Once you make a mistake, as
elected SK secretary, even if you
are not the one who made the
decision, there is a big possibility
that you will be the one to blame.
Encountering Blaming from Others (IDI-01)
 When things get lost or go wrong,
you are the one to blame or you
are the one to find the report. (IDI-
 I think that I am not enough, or
maybe they are right maybe this
Encountering Insecurities of Self is not for me.(IDI-01)
 I doubt my capabilities, I feel like I
cannot handle the position maybe
it is difficult or maybe I cannot do
it and maybe they will be
disappointed in me. (IDI-02)
Marriane seconded Ellaine answer by sharing her experience with regards to

her role as SK secretary. She shared:

“Ahm ang disadvantage nga na experience nako as a

SK secetary, kay naa pud koy work aside sa pag ka
secretary, mag ka conflict akong time kay busy pud ko
sa akoang lahi nga work.” (IDI-02)
(The disadvantage of my experience as a SK secretary
is that I also have work aside from being a secretary,
and I have a conflict with my time because I am also
busy with my own work.)
Encountering Blaming from Others

The three cases admitted that their role as an SK secretary is hard because

doing mistake or task carelessly will blame to theme. The content of their statements

confirmed the idea that SK secretaries of each three selected barangay really find

hard with regards their role.

Ellaine said that, once there is a problem inside the office even she’s not the

one who made the mistake everyone will blame on her. She confirmed:

“Hmmmmh, yes langga uy, dili man gud pwde na

akung pasagdan akung position because once na mag
kamali ka, as elected SK secretary bisan pag dili ikaw
ang nag decision there is a big possibilities na ikaw ang
ma blame, ang pag take ug minutes every meeting ug
ang pag ensure na detalyado ang tanan, ug aminado
kaayo ko na dili tanan akung magampanan akung roles
tungod kay naga skwela sad ko.” (IDI-01)
(Yes dear, I cannot let go of my position because once
you make a mistake, as elected SK secretary, even if
you are not the one who made the decision, there is a
big possibility that you will be the one to blame for
taking and recording minutes at every meeting and
ensuring that everything is detailed, and I fully admit
that I cannot fulfill all my roles because I am in school.)
Rose seconded Ellaine answer by sharing her experience with regards to her

role as SK secretary. She shared:

“Kadtong na misplace nako ang papel nga dapat e

report so isip is aka SK secretary kabalo unta ka sa
mga plano ug dapat e take note nimo na. Ahm
unya pag nay mawala or mamali ikaw ang basulon
or ikaw
ang pangitaan ato nga report. Moang kailangan naka
organize akoang trabaho kay dili malikayan nga nay
urgent nga mga report so isip is ka SK secretary naa
jud kay copy ana sa mga meetings. Kay kong ma
problema na ikaw ang pangitaan ug ikaw ang mangita
ug solusyon para maka provide ka sa copy o report na
kailangan. Maong hago kaayo ma SK secretary per
okay position ko man ni ug gusto man nako ni so
lesson learn nato nako sa akong sarili.” (IDI-03)
(Those who misplaced the paper should be reported,
so I think the SK secretary should know about the plans
and you should take note. Then, when things get lost or
go wrong, you are the one to blame or you are the one
to find the report. I need to organize my work because
urgent reports cannot be avoided, so if you are the SK
secretary, you will have a copy in the meetings.
Because it is a problem that you are the one to find and
you are the one to find a solution so that you can
provide the copy or report needed. That's why being a
secretary is hardest thing, but I am okay with this
position and I like it, so that’s a lesson to learn from
Encountering Insecurities of Self

The three cases encountering insecurities of their self with regards to their

role as an SK secretary.

It is approbated by Ellaine stating the problems that they frequently

encountered. She shared that sometimes she doubts her skills and capabilities with

regards to her role. She confirmed:

”Many times, I think that, I am not enough or basin

tama sila basin dili jud ni para saakua. Although I know
my capabilities but sadly, naa jud mga times, I mean sa
maka daghan na times na madala nako na sakung
roles as secretary sa Sangguniang Kabataan ang
personal problem na akung gina dala and it will
definitely affect my performance. Labaw na ug dili nako
ma tarung ug dala akung position, ug kanang usahay
naa koy mga makalimtan na details sa meetings. Labi
najud ang mga schedules na dapat e set.” (IDI-01)
(Many times, I think that I am not enough or maybe
they are right maybe this is not for me. Although, I
know my capabilities sadly there are times and there
have been many times when the personal problem that
I am carrying into my role as secretary of the
Sangguniang Kabataan will definitely affect my
performance. More than that, and I cannot correct my
position and sometimes I forget details in meetings.
Most especially in schedules that should be set.)
Additionally, Mariane supported this by confirming that she encountered

insecurities to herself with regards to her role. She shared:

“Ang akoang na encountered is when I doubt my

capabilities feeling nako dili nako kaya na nga posisyon
basin lisod, basin dili nako kaya ug basin ma-
disappoint sila sa akoa.” (IDI-02)
(What I encountered is when I doubt my capabilities, I
feel like I can't handle the position, maybe it's difficult,
maybe I can't do it and maybe they will be disappointed
in me.)
The researchers believed that the remaining informant had experienced it in

context through being asked impromptu questions but she had just not said it


Research Question No. 2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries cope

with their challenges with regards to their roles?

In the data the researchers has gathered two emerging themes - Setting

adjustments regards to role and asked guidance to others.

Setting Adjustments Regards to Role

For them to be a productive secretary they set adjustments and strategies to

handle with regards to their role. Even if it is hard for them to adjust because they

have also a work aside from being an SK secretary but still, they are doing their best.

In order to overcome the challenges regards to her roles, Mariane set her

mind to that she need to accept whole heartedly her position without any hesitation.

She said:

“Sa tinuod lang dili jud lalim akong posisyon as a SK

secretary, pero gina set lang nako akong mind nga kay
gi dawat man nako ni nga posisyon kinahanglan nako
panindigan.” (IDI-02)

(To be honest, my position as a SK secretary is hard,

but I just set my mind that because I accept this
position, I have to stand up for it.)
Table 3

Themes and Supporting Statements on Coping with their Challenges with

Regards to their Role

Emerging Themes Supporting Statements

 Sometimes I feel insecurities and

frustrations but I did not take him
as negative but it does not mean
that I neglected my roles as SK
secretary in the same barangay.
 To be honest, my position as a SK
Setting Adjustments Regards to Role secretary is hard but I just set my
mind that because I accept this
position, I have to stand up for it.
 I am also studying my role to
understand and make my work
easier, this is the strategy I came
up with so I can learn and help
me, so that I can know more about
my work, not everything is just
basic. (IDI-03)
 Ask for guidance from fellow
officials especially our barangay
secretary, who has more
experience. (IDI-01)
 I am asking for advice from my
fellow SK Officials about this
position after it I remembered (IDI-
Asked Guidance to Others 02)
 I approached people who knew
enough at least I knew something
more about those tasks. (IDI-03)
 The people who have experience
with the previous SK Officials I
have approached them. (IDI-03)
 I always make a planner of what I
should do every now and then
 The planner is very effective for
me because it is a great help
Set a Reminders for Purpose because it can be a guide in what
I do. (IDI-01)
 I set reminders for myself; it helps
a lot to me to overcome the
challenges as an SK secretary.
Rose further elaborated on how to improve with your role. She said it begin to

yourself. Another strategies Rose did is to study regards to her role. She confirmed:

“Gina studyhan sad nako akoang role para masabtan

5ug mapadali akong trabaho, kani nga strategies nga
akong gi buhat maka ingon jud ko ngaa naa koy na
learn ug maka tabang sa akoa para mas makabalo
pako sa akoang trabaho dili kay basic ra tanan.” (IDI-

(I am also studying my role to understand and

make my work easier this is the strategy I came up
with so I can learn and help me so that I can know
more about my work not everything is just basic.)

Asked Guidance to Others

The three cases admitted that the important things to cope up these

challenges and in order to achieve role as SK secretaries is asking guidance to


Ellaine said that she asked for guidance on her co-workers about her role and

no hpow to improve her performance inside the office. She confirmed:

“One of my strategy to cope up those challenges is

naga ask kog guidance sa mga kauban officials,
especially sa among barangay Secretary mismo
na mas daghan ug experiences na naagian. Ug gi
take jud nako ang tanan nga mga advices ug
suggestions to improve my performances, to be
became more open, and efficient, through that, na
cope up nako akung challenges every step of the
way. I always considered it, as a stepping stone, or
accomplishments” (IDI-01)

(One of my strategies to cope with those

challenges is to ask for guidance from fellow
officials especially our barangay secretary who has
more experience. And I took all the advice and
suggestions to improve my performances to be
more opened efficient, and through that I coped
with my challenges every step of the way. I always
considered it a stepping stone or an

In addition the researchers asked about her actions in order to cope up the

challenges. Marriane seconded that she will aslo ask for advice on her colleagues.

She shared:
“Ahh ga pangayo ko ug advice sa kauban nako SK
Officials about ani nga posisyon human gina timan
an nako ug gina apply nako sa akong
kaugalingon.” (IDI-02)

(I am asking for advice from my fellow SK Officials

about this position after it I remembered and I am
applying it to myself.)

Lastly, Rose said she help herself to be a productive secretary and by asking

for help to others. She said:

“Ang action nga akong gi himo para ma cope up

nako to nga mga challenges kay ahhh gi hatagan
sa nako ug enough time akoang self nga mag tuon
ug syempre nag duol jud ko ato sa mga tao
nga nay enough nga kaalam atleast nga naa koy
nahibal-an pa about ana nga mga buluhaton. Ug
syempre sa mga tao nga naay experience sa mga
previous nga SK Officials mga ing-ana, gi-duol
nako na sila so mao to ang best way para mas
masabtan nako akong trabaho, akoang duties isip
is aka SK secretary.” (IDI-03)

(The action I took so that I could cope up with these

challenges was that I gave enough time to focus on
myself and of course I approached people who
knew enough, at least I knew something more
about those tasks. And of course, to the people
who have experience with the previous SK Officials
I have approached them this is the best way for me
to better understand my job my duties as SK

Set a Reminders for Purpose

Each secretary made alternative ways in order to them to become an

effective to their task. They used reminders and set planners for them to become

productive in work.

.Ellaine do this to achive her goal as an SK secretary. She said:

“Ga himo jud ko always ug planner kung unsay dapat

nakong himuon every now and then para dili ko
makalimot sa angay nkong buhaton. Kada mata nako
kada buntag, ako ng syang tan awon akong gi himo
para ig abot nako sa office diritso nako sa akong
buhatunon. Effective kaayo ang planner sa akoa kay
dako mn syang tabang para kibali mahimo syang guide
mn gud sa akong mga himuon.” (IDI-01)
(I always make a planner of what I should do every
now and then so that I do not forget what I should do.
Every morning, I look will look my planner so that when
I get to the office, I will go straight to do my task. The
planner is very effective for me because it is a great
help because it can be a guide in what I do.)

3. What are the insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries that can be

shared for the improvement of the secretarial role?

After conversing with the informants, the researchers gathered the following

emerging themes - the need to stand for your role, the need to improve your role

and be meticulous regards to role.

The Need to Stand for your Role

Dealing with SK secretary role is crucial, you need to defend and stand for

your profession not because it is needed but because it does. Do what you love, and

love what you do.

Mariane shared her lessons and realizations upon reflecting on her

experience as an SK secretary. In this way she can conclude that even she can’t

fulfill her duty but committed with her position.

“Ahm bisan lisod sa akong part nga mahimong SK

secretary pero nindot nga mka tabang ug maka serve
sa laing tao nga kinasing-kasing ug dili mangayo ug
bayad. Na realize bahala ug lisod pero dili kamahayan
mahimong part sa SK federation kay dako ni siyang
hagit sa akong kinabuhi.” (IDI-02)

(Even though it is difficult for me to be the SK

secretary, it is nice to be able to help and serve other
people willingly and without asking for payment. I
realize that it even it is hard, but there is no regret to be
part of the SK federation because this is the challenge
in my life.)
Table 4

Themes and Supporting on the Insights of Sangguniang Kabataan secretaries

with regards to their role

Emerging Themes Supporting Statements

 Even though, it is difficult for me to

be the SK secretary, it is nice to
be able to help and serve other
people willingly and without asking
for payment. (IDI-02)
 I realize that it even it is hard, but
there is no regret to be part of the
The Need to Stand for your Role SK federation because this is the
challenge in my life. (IDI-02)
 You are committed to your work,
then you are willing to take risks to
help everyone and you should
focus on it and not be shy to ask
people who are experts in this
work. (IDI-03)
 It is not an easy job, it needs
commitment and passion to serve
because there is no honorarium
and the workload is heavy. (IDI-
 Need to improve their vocabulary
and understanding in order to
decode and encode properly and
The Need to Improve your Role easily. (IDI-02)
 It must plan our time and make
reports. (IDI-03)

 Even though this role is difficult for

me, I should still play it right and
work right. (IDI-02)
 Aside from that, always be
responsible for your role because
Be Meticulous Regards to Role otherwise it is like you have
become a role model. (IDI-02)
 We must be meticulous in our
work as SK secretaries and we
must do it right. The important
thing is we should love our work.

Rose seconded such even taking risk is possible with regards to their role but

it doesn’t mean you need to stop but you need to pursue with it. She said:
“Kay kanang commited ka sa imohang trabaho unya
willing kaayo ka mag take risk para makaayo sa tanan
ug dapat mo tuon pjud ug dili maulaw mangutana sa
mga tao expert na ani nga trabaho” (IDI-03)

(You are committed to your work, then you are willing

to take risks to help everyone and you should focus on
it and not be shy to ask people who are experts in this

In addition Rose supported that she wished to have a salary soon because

she said being a secretary is difficult position.

“Kay unta naa nay sweldo sunod tuig hahaha. Bitaw

kay kabalo man ta nga akong position kay wala ga
dawat ug sweldo sa Barangay. Ahh dili siya lalim nga
trabaho, need jud ug commitment ug passion sa pag
serve because walay honorarium and grabe ang
workload.” (IDI-03)

(I wish I had a salary next year. Because we know my

position doesn’t receive a salary in the Barangay. It is
not an easy job, it needs commitment and passion to
serve because there is no honorarium and the
workload is heavy.

The Need to Improve your Role

There are a lot of things that we need to improve to be considered because

as SK secretaries it could not learn easily without determination and patience to

achieve what we want to achieve.

Mariane said that it is need to improve their skills and capabilities in order to

become effective secretary. She said:

“Ahh sa akoa lang opinion nu kay kuan sa akoa lang

pong nakita ahh the things that they need to improve
ahh kuan their vocabulary and understanding in order
to decode and encode properly and easily. Kay, naa
uban mga ahh SK officials dili kay kabalo mag decode
ug encode bisag basic lang dili sila kabalo so mao na
dapat ang e improve. Kay mao baya jud na ang kanang
basic na as a secretary kabalo jud ka kung unsaon pag
encode ug decode.” (IDI-02)
(In my own opinion and based on what I have just saw
the things that they need to improve their vocabulary
and understanding in order to decode and encode
properly and easily. Because, there are some SK
officials who do not know how to decode and encode,
even if it is just basic, they do not know, so that is what
needs to be improved. Because that is the basic right,
as a secretary you know how to encode and decode.)
In addition, Rose said that they must know how to engage in paper works and

daily tasks in order to become effective SK secretary. She shared:

“Ahm kailangan nato e improved kay dapat metikuluso

ta, dapat planado ang oras ug reports na akong
buhaton. Ahh e hanay or han-ay ang mga papers kay
para incase kailangan gina retreat or kailangan
pangitaon so atleast ready na ug dili ka maglisod
mangita sa mga papers. Dapat sad hawd mo keep ug
mga papers ang secretary jud kay naa diha ang pag
take notes or copy sa tanan report.” (IDI-03)

(The need to improve is being meticulous; we must plan

our time and make reports. The papers are lined up or
in order in case they need to be retreated or need to be
stored, so at least they are ready and you won't have a
hard time looking for the papers. The secretary should
also keep papers because it is there duty to take notes
or copy all the reports.)

Be meticulous Regards to Role

The participants shared their insights regars to their role as a SK secretary.

Marriane confirmed that:

“Bisan paman lisod para sa akoa ni nga role, dapat

gihapon gampanan ug tarong ug mag trabaho ug
tarong. Ahh aside ana, be responsible jud permi sa
imong role kay kibali murag nahimo naman kang role
model ana” (IDI-02)
(Even though this role is difficult for me, I should still
play it right and work right. Aside from that, always be
responsible for your role because otherwise it's like
you've become a role model.)
Rose seconded, that you should love your work and role in order to perform

well inside the workplace. She said:

“Ahh dapat metikuluso ta sa atong trabaho as SK

secretaries ug dapat gampanan nato syag taraong. Ang
mas importante dapat sad palang-gaon nato atong
trabaho.” (IDI-03)
(We must be meticulous in our work as SK secretaries
and we must do it right. The important thing is we
should love our work.)
Chapter 8


This chapter deals with the discussions and conclusion of the major themes

and analysis, which are drawn from the research questions.

As this study has clearly indicated, its purpose is to know and analyze the

Secretarial roles of Sangguniang Kabataan of 3 selected Barangay of Municipality of

Asuncion, It aims to go deeper into the core of the experiences to bring the insights

of the participants to the surface and to find out what constructs may be derived from

the findings.

We personally accentuated confidential approach is ideal at bringing to for

educational features such as those hardships and difficulties as well. It is also in line

with the said framework that the 3 participants, who undergo for the in-depth

interview, were invited to share their thoughts in their experiences, coping

mechanism, and their insights towards going back to study. The participants in this

study is the SK secretary of Sangguniang Kabataan of Municipality of Asuncion

namely, camoning, Magatos and Publacion Cambanogoy. These participants are

knowledgeable both in their practices and in their experiences. It is in this context

that we were taking the cue from (Lester 1999)

Experiences of the SK secretary with regards to their secretarial roles

The emerging themes from results derived through in-depth interview about

the challenges and experiences by the SK secretaries who deal with their secretarial

roles and have been experiencing difficulties struggling due to time conflict,

encountering blamming from others, encountering insecurities of self.

Firstly, the study exposed the truth that SK secretaries in three (3) selected

barangay of Municipal of Asuncion Davo del Norte experience struggling due to

time conflict. Working hours or flexible schedules is an arrangement where in the

working schedule is arranged between the employee and the employer so that it is
beneficial to both. The employees are afforded the autonomy to vary starting time

and finishing time such that it does not affect the smooth working of the organization.

The idea behind about flexi-time is that giving employees the freedom to manage

their working time is more beneficial than limiting their work (Chung & Lippe, 2020).

According to (Leon et al., 2019) continuous time working days or annual

hours strategy where in the total number of hours that an employee has to work is

calculated for a given period week, month and year. The employee is given the

choice and organizes the working schedule for that period provided he or she works

for the stipulated time in which the three cases mentioned that they encountered time

conflict because of other priorites.

Another variation of this, organizations are known to provide amenities which

are grouped under the term workplace social support which is defined as the

perception of the employees that the time management cares about their well-being

by providing resources and exchanges. The policies under this heading include

social activities, sports, psychological and physical health, community service, health

promotion, confidential help, and financial advice among those struggled due to time

conflict. This related study is useful among other to manage their time in a workplace

(Kossek et al., 2018).

The next result exposed the truth that SK secretary were challenged in

encountering blaming from others. Most of them have lack of determination to

continue to their profession as public servants, because of the risk of duties and

responsibility that has been through to them the confidentiality of their elected

position most especially when everyone notice only the mistakes that have been


It revealed also that, dealing with blames and consequences of every failure

action seems likes you’re the worst person ever, because of the confidentiality of the

position. Additionally, ellaine one of the participants admitted she said Once you
make a mistake, as elected SK secretary, even if you are not the one who made the

decision, there is a big possibility that you will be the one to blame. She elaborates

her experience dealing with blames.

According to (Abugre, 2017) blaming towards others showed that social

interaction at work was a major risk factor for stress, depression, and psy-chiatric

disorder. In the management literature, researchers showed that the perception of a

difficult co-worker would have an impact on an employee even when she or he might

not need to work with that difficult co-worker. The presence of difficult co-workers

leads to cyni-cism and disloyalty in an organization. An undesirable out-come could

be high employee turnover intention. In which, the 3 cases revealed that they

experiencing encountering blaming from their co-workers because sometimes they

could do mistakes inside the workplace.

Additionally, this research seeks to open up the theme which is encountering

blaming fro others can lead two disciplines the encounterd difficult people at work

and social settings. The difficult co-workers drive people frustrated they affect how

employees interact and perform tasks. It also investigates employee’s attitudes

toward difficult co-workers and explored whether and how difficult co-workers might

cause employee intention to which is the participants experiencing this kind of

approach (Bock et al., 2019).

The social blaming relationships are grounded on the concept of reciprocity in

interactions. The social exchange theory has been widely used to understand

employees work attitudes, behaviors, and intentions. Specifically, the theory has

been adopted to explain organizational citizenship behaviors, deviant and counter-

productive work behaviors and turn over intentions (Liu et al., 2018).

The study also exposed the truth that SK secretaries regard to their role

experience encountering insecurities of self. It initiated that the empirical

investigation of self insecurity is an aspect of self evaluation as a continuum ranging

from being absolutely self-insecure utterly rejecting one’s own weaknesses (Huang

and Berenbaum, 2017).

Accoding to (Eckland et al., 2020) found out three aspects to began validate

self insecurity as a construct distinct from other. The aspects of self-evaluation found

evidence for selfs insecurity that links with important interpersonal outcomes and

raise the possibility that self insecurity holdsmajor implications for mental health. It

also found out, that the more self insecure participants were behaviorally less likely to

help a confederate in need.

Additionally, this study found out that perceived insecurity is an internal

feeling and not an actual event like job loss or unemployment, but an individual

worried about losing a job or to be not easily re-employed may experience stress,

mental strain and uncertainty for the future due to the a5nticipation of the

consequences. Often, these circumstances can be as stressful as actual working

problems which are also the results derived through our in-depth interview

(Dickerson and Green, 2018).

Challenges of SK secretaries with Regards to their Role

The emerging themes from results derived through in-depth interview, about

the the challenges experienced by the SK secretary regards to their role are setting

adjustment regards to roles, asked guidance from others and set reminders for


First, they are setting adjustment regards to roles. This is really important

especially to them that elected as SK secretary, the adjustment of their personal

time, emotions and adjustment through their works is essential.

According to setting adjustment role theory (Kim, et al., 2017) roles are

generated by normative expectations and are related to identifiable social positions in

organizational context. Role theory argues that individual’s behavior is based on how

their roles evolve and are defined. However, when duties and role requirements are

not defined clearly enough to guide the role-holders behavior, may slump into a state

termed role ambiguity. Role theory suggests that role ambiguity will increase an

individual’s dissatisfaction with his or her role, hesitation over decisions, anxiety and

confusion, resulting in ineffective performance.

In addition, expatriates who adjust to the work in the organization in host

country culture are the ones who can achieve job performance similar to their job

performance in their home country. It happens because the higher the level of work

adjustment, the lower the experienced work-related stress in the host country

workplace which in turn shows on performance on the assigned tasks which is useful

in setting adjustment regards to role in workplace(Becton et al., 2017).

Furthermore, ambiguous roles in an organization are a hindrance stressor,

negatively influencing employees' work adjustment and job satisfaction. In contrast,

role novelty is a challenge stressor that positively influences task performance and

work adjustment in the host country. On the other hand, a significant role in bonding

employees and organization together and that in a way enhances and sustains

employees' well-being for developing favorable orientations towards the organization

(Kurtessis et al., 2017).

The next result revealed that in coping with the challenges they have

encountering in secretarial roles is ask guidance from others. This was one of the

factors that highly affected to their encouragement to continue what was started, to

cope their challenges despite of the hardship of their roles.

Ellaine, one of the participants stated that, she never hesitates to ask for

guidance from fellow officials, especially to their barangay secretary, who has more

experience negative emotional and physiological reactions when someone takes

over part of a task without being asked there are reasons to doubt the suitability of

this explanation for unsolicited advice. Advice does not deprive recipients of

autonomy and control in the way that help does by definition, recipients are the final

decision-makers. In addition, when unsolicited helping occurs, helpers assume a

degree of involvement in the task whereas when unsolicited advice occurs, the

advisor is providing guidance or recommendations as opposed to taking part in the

work itself. Thus, the properties of advice are not isomorphic with help and,

theoretically, it is crucial to account for specific advice properties to further our

understanding how unsolicited and solicited advice affects employee reactions and

work outcomes (Fisher et al., 2018).

According to (Feng & Magen, 2017) in which the recipient is obligated to

acknowledge the advisor’s expertise. Thus, advisors may be motivated to give

unsolicited advice because they gain face in the interaction and feel valued by

recipients. However, recipients are likely to feel coerced into these

acknowledgements leading them to attribute self-serving motivations to providers of

unsolicited advice.

The next result is set reminders for purpose Elaine one of the participants

said that, ever since she elected as SK secretary, she become mindful of her every

schedule, and checking her schedules every morning become her hobbies. In

everyday life, we often form intentions for future actions which can only be executed

after a delay. The ability to remember to perform such actions in the future is known

as prospective memory (Einstein 2017). However, our mental abilities have

acknowledged limits we can encode and store in memory a limited amount of

informationso that we sometimes forget to execute an intended behaviour. When

establishing an intention to act later, we can alternatively choose to use physical

This implies the need for a collaborative approach on making reminders and

setting plan (Healey, 2017) which involves different partners, interests and

professions coming together to debate possible futures for a locality. In such a

process strategic discourses of different interests are ideally opened to include all

interested parties, generating new planning discourses, allowing participants to gain

knowledge of the positions and values of other participants, and creating capacity for

collaborative action to change current conditions.

The way to do this is to make planners aware of the theoretical richness of

their discipline. (Davy, 2018) making planner should be capable of understanding

and of thinking about their narratives as contributions towards good practice.

Instead of believing in a specific theory and its foundational invariants, the planner

would benefit more from understanding the diversity of stand points, and through this

obtain inspiration for his or her professional practice.

Insights of SK Secretaries with Regards to their Role

In this point, the researcher going to present the themes signifying the

insights of the informants with regards to their role the need to stand for your role,

the need to improve your role and be meticulous regards to role.

First, the need to stand for your role the informants confirmed that SK

secretaries’ regards to their role is very important and aims or goals are aroused

delegates to stand for your work more specifically. When a person recognizes that he

is good at executing the role and is motivated to finish. It also showing that objective

inspires representatives to effort well and in explicit ways (Locke and Latham, 2019).

Additionally, stand roles theories are critical because they help to understand

both how knowledge is created and how people learn from their roles. Employees
make use stand roles theories consciously or not and their related pedagogic
learning experiences (Harasim, 2017).

One who stands for their roles with a charismatic style often portrays a strong

sense of confidence and competence, and communicates high expectations. The

strengths of charismatic roles are found in their relationally focused energy and drive

to enhance the self-esteem of their subordinates. Enhancing the self-esteem of

subordinate’s workers will subsequently increase subordinates’ expended energy

and efforts to achieve the organization’s vision and goals. Additionally, charismatic

roles have an ability to cultivate an internalization of their goals among subordinates

and advance the moral commitment to the goals that transcends self-interest and

focuses on the shared interest of the organization (Lewis et al., 2017).

The second theme that emerged is the need to improve your role. This

means secretaries as someone who hold an essential role in assisting, guiding, and

preparing the needs and their right hand and has a considerable influence in

improving the quality of the of work so that, all the necessary doings are organized

(Sufriadi, 2019).

This confirmed by the two participants Mariane and Rose that secretary

needs to improve their capabilities and skills in encoding and decoding properly. The

secretary must understand in assist in facilitating their duties and must be able adapt

with changes to the work system lead to new tasks and new technologies (Cugno et

al., 2022; Galanakis et al., 2021; Saputra et al., 2022).

Lastly, as a secretary you ought to always expand your potential, gain new

knowledge, and other skills to make changes, improve, and to create opportunities to

advance to a higher level (Rosidah and Arantika, 2019).

The third theme that emerged is being meticulous regards to role. The

researchers examined the positive people experiences so much hardships and

difficulties. These studies showed that such in consistency, which is often hard to

justify, amplifies regret independently of the outcomes of the behavior.

The next result reveled though in-depth interview is Mariane one of our

participants stated that even she has a hard time to stand for her role but still she still

manage and she set her mind that being an SK secretary is also a role model to

everyone which can develop role theoretical approach that applicable to all

interpersonal interactions (Salmivalli 2019).

Furthermore, the possible actions and decisions are subsumed under a role

in form of expectations which the partipants wide their horizon because of their chose

role. The possible actions and decisions inside the workplace take theme as

advantage lead to good expectaions and learning regards to their role (Gecas, 2018).

As much, the participants are highly motivated to perceive themselves as

moral and prosocial their work good inside the workplace. Thus, have a motivation to

keep their roles unfortunately since the roles lose their meaning once the interaction

is over, a solution of the conflict threatens the beneficial effect of role-taking. That is,

although the interaction conflict itself is typically evaluated negatively, the embedded

roles are typically associated with effects (Schwabe and Gollwitzer, 2019).

Implication for Practice

The result of this qualitative inquiry among 3 selected Barangay SK

secretaries in Municipality of Asuncion could be used to know and identify the lived

challenges and experiences of the SK secretaries who deal with their Secretarial


This study aims to determine the Secretarial Roles in Sangguniang Kabataan

in three (3) selected barangay of Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del Norte, and

implication to youth development will encourage them to implement more projects

and programs efficiently and effectively.

First, to the Sangguniang Kabataan officials would be significantly help to the

Sangguniang Kabataan officials of the barangays because it reflects their

performance as a Sangguniang Kabataan during their term.

If the result is not in their favor, then they can use the reasons for such to

improve their performances in the following years. If the results are positive then they

may be doing something that the people actually like and they should continue doing

it to improve some of their waterloos.

Secondly, to the The Youth are likewise considered in this study, since it

reflects the situation of the SK system, not only in their community but in the whole

Philippines. They also benefits this study by used as guidelines for further research

and expound it together with their knowledge.

Lastly, this could be helpful to the informants to realized and deeply know their

purpose of why they are pursuing secretarial roles despite of their hardships that


Implications for Further Research

Clearly, this research study was effective in achieving its, primary goals, which

was to investigate the experiences of SK secretaries regards to their roles, the fact

that important themes developed from this project were able to effectively give

information on the same phenomena is the evidence of this.

Regardless, it should be emphasized that this research study is not the apex

of all the studies on the subject. This indicates that the researchers sincerely

acknowledged that the findings of this study are only descriptions and not

generalization. Since, the researchers polled three (3) SK secretaries who have

experience difficulties deal with secretarial roles. Following the line of reasoning the

researchers, came to the conclusion that there are still uncharted territory and

chances for the future researchers.

Otherwise, researchers may replicate this research study in their own context

where the digital considerations occur according to the recommendation in this

section. For the findings we gather from our participants in this research study, we

conclude that most of them are struggling due to time conflict. As we go through this

problem, we can recommend that SK secretaries are needed to use the following

tool to lessen their problems in managing time. First, make to-do-list which they can

write the important events of Sangguniang Kabataan this tool is the best remedy in

managing time and set their priorites. Second, a calendar chart which can set the

schedule, dates, time of every meeting, seminars and training of SK councils in order

and detailed. It also help to set the personal priorities including work and studies, this

calendar is an effective ways to set reminders. Lastly, the gantt chart a kind of

timeline that can be a reminder to all the deadlines, schedules, and personal

priorities this chart is also the best way to if you struggle in managing time. This tool

helps to manage the time management and to avoid time conflict.

Also, one of the findings that we gather is encountering blamming from others;

they said that being an SK secretary is not easy, when it come to troubles that

include in the meetings, and misplaced of documents. The blames are pointed to

them because of the confidentiality of position, not only in those matters, most of

them are stated that because of the blames throwing to them their it can definitely

affect to their relationship towards to their co-officials and can cause arguments and

misunderstandings, which is a big hindrance and can affect their performance

towards to their roles as SK secretaries. We are highly recommend to write a

complain letter so that it will be settled. It is really important when it comes to

misunderstandings and arguments. Additionally, secretaries should know how to

write a proper complain letter and where to be address and it must be take a minutes

upon complaining so that it would be valid. Next, validate the agreement or complain

letter so that if there is an instances that secretary encountered blame from the

others again, that’s the time to complain in barangay and refer to DILG.
In addition, the SK federation should apply the concept of principles and

management for them to know what they do and what are need them to do.

Furthermore, the last data we gathered from the indepth interview to our

participants is encontering insecurities of self which is realy common problem to

them It's common for many professionals to experience moments of doubt or stress

related to their secretarial roles. It's important to understand the workplace

insecurities and what are the causes so it can find ways to address them, which can

help you, continue to have satisfaction with your career. If you're someone who feels

insecure at work, there are ways you can overcome those feelings to build

confidence in your skills and abilities.

Through this, the SK federation should implement trainings and seminars that

will help SK secretaries overcome these matters. The best examples that secretaries

should apply is to attend seminars of Basic Labor Law and Sexual Harrashment in

the workplace, Personal Development, Effective Communication Skills it helps to

avoid insecurities and they can perform they secretarial duties properly.

This research study can be a big benefit to all the SK federation not only in

Municipality of Asuncion but to all municiplities around the region. We, reachers also

open to request Kapalong Colloge of Agriculture Sciences and Technology (KCAST)

to use this study as basis for trainings and seminars not only in our department but

to all department as well together with the Public Employment Service Office (PESO)

that well be higlighten and to give more knowledge regarding to this matter.

As we go through this, we discover the new ordenance of Sanguniang

Kabataan Federation which is implementing guidelines on the grant of honorarium to

SK Officials Persuant to Section 4 of RA NO. 11768, amending Section 16 of the SK

Reform Act of 2015 (RA No. 10742), insofar as pertinent, provides that the SK

members, including the SK treasurer and secretary, shall receive a monthly

honorarium, chargeable against the SK funds, in addition to any other

compensation provided by this Act and shall be granted at the end of the month.

Since, they are compensated already we the researchers recommend to set

an proper standard for the next elected secretaries so they can guarante the

assurance, effectiveness during his/her administrations as SK secretary. A proper

standards such as organisational abilities, clear, friendly and professional

communication skills, personable phone manner, initiative and drive, IT literacy,

honesty and discretion, efficient time- management skills, a flair for championing a

team ethic, ability to cope with pressure, deadlines and multitasking, professionalism

and project management skills. Bottom line, SK federation per barangay will grow

and have a unity to the others.

They are highly welcome to use the same research approach or perhaps

attempt alternative approaches to verify or dispute the data obtained in this study.

Other researchers may explore expanding the number of participants. Future

researchers may redo the study using other research sites in order to triangulate and

provide more reliable and reputable research results.

Finally, it proposed that future students focus more on evaluating the exploring

alternative modes of instruction for SK secretarial roles. More significantly, it’s a

good idea to incorporate students input into evaluate research. Using knowledge

gained from these future studies existing learning in secretarial roles of Sangguniang

Kabataan might be improved.

To validate the findings, further research maybe conducted on the other group

of students, this which investigate the same multiple case studies to make

concretized activities and methodologist in dealing with the secretarial roles.

This research has a big contribution to give motivation to all the SK secretaries

who are experiencing the same experiences. It also helpful to the future researches

as their guide in making research.

Concluding Remarks

This thesis, as the title implies has been an attempt to study the experiences

of the SK secretaries with deal with secretarial roles.

We could not think of anything that would interest us. Then it happened that

we had a conversation of the SK secretaries. We have observed that some of them

experienced difficulty with regards to their roles. However, we have already observed

that they are all strong enough to face challenges and difficulties in pursuing their

designated positions. Upon formulating the title of our thesis, we found it interesting,

and we actually learned a lot and fully understood the reasons behind their

difficulties. Additionally, their persistent to handle their role as SK secretaries besides

of their priorities was our instrument to pursue this paper by giving attention on their

position and in order to help them by giving proper implications to apply as SK

secretaries once this paper published.

As such, we are looking forward to make this paper as a foundation and guide

to take an action the an unresolve issues of SK secretaries not only in the specific

barangay but to all SK feredarions.

With all our hearts, we got difficulties in finding participants in our studies

because even from the start we cannot assure that we can get 3 participants to this

study but some of them were communicated us that they are willing to be one of the

participants. They open their hands to impart to become our participants in this

study. We found out that the 3 selected SK secretaries of selected barangays in the

Municipality of Asuncion are positive thinkers and no matter how difficult the situation

they are in or the challenges they are experiencing, they are strong enough to face

them and are also always ready to accept them.

As we conducted the interview, we gained understanding about their condition

knowing that they are doing all the adjustments whether it caused them so many

hardships but still it is not the hindrance to do their duties and responsibilities just

because of the challenges.


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