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ThermalConductance: The rate of heat transfer per unit temperature difference.

unit is W/K (watt per kelvin)1.
ThermalDiffusivity: The ratio of thermal conductivity to volumetric heat capacity.
The unit is m2/s (square meter per second)1.
DynamicViscosity: The resistance of a fluid to shear or flow. The unit is Pa.s
(pascal second)1.
KinematicViscosity: The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density. The unit is m2/s
(square meter per second)1.
Pressure: The force per unit area exerted by a fluid. The unit is Pa (pascal)1.
VolumeFlowRate: The volume of fluid that passes through a given surface per unit
time. The unit is m3/s (cubic meter per second)1.
Heat: The amount of energy transferred due to temperature difference. The unit is J
HeatFlowRate: The rate of heat transfer per unit time. The unit is W (watt)2.
HeatFlux: The rate of heat transfer per unit area. The unit is W/m2 (watt per
square meter)2.
ThermalConductivity: The ability of a material to conduct heat. The unit is W/m.K
(watt per meter kelvin)2.
SpecificHeatCapacity: The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a
unit mass of a substance by one degree. The unit is J/kg.K (joule per kilogram
ThermalExpansionCoefficient: The fractional change in length or volume of a
material per unit change in temperature. The unit is 1/K (per kelvin)1.
ThermalResistance: The ratio of temperature difference to heat flow rate. The unit
is K/W (kelvin per watt)1.
ThermalResistivity: The reciprocal of thermal conductivity. The unit is m.K/W
(meter kelvin per watt)1.
ThermalCapacity: The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a
substance by one degree. The unit is J/K (joule per kelvin)1.
ThermalPower: The rate of heat transfer or generation. The unit is W (watt)2.
ThermalEfficiency: The ratio of useful output to heat input. The unit is 1
HydraulicDiameter: The equivalent diameter of a non-circular duct or channel that
gives the same pressure loss as the actual duct or channel. The unit is m (meter)3.
HydraulicHead: The height of a column of fluid that exerts a given pressure. The
unit is m (meter)3.
HydraulicConductivity: The ability of a porous material to transmit water under a
hydraulic gradient. The unit is m/s (meter per second)3.
HeatTransferCoefficient: The ratio of heat flux to temperature difference between
two media. The unit is W/m2.K (watt per square meter kelvin)1.
ThermalResistanceCoefficient: The reciprocal of heat transfer coefficient. The unit
is m2.K/W (square meter kelvin per watt)1.
ThermalConvectionCoefficient: The heat transfer coefficient due to convection
between a fluid and a solid surface. The unit is W/m2.K (watt per square meter
ThermalRadiationCoefficient: The heat transfer coefficient due to radiation between
two surfaces. The unit is W/m2.K (watt per square meter kelvin)1.
HydraulicPower: The rate of work done by a fluid. The unit is W (watt)2.
HydraulicEfficiency: The ratio of useful output to hydraulic input. The unit is 1
HydraulicHeadLoss: The decrease in hydraulic head due to friction or other causes.
The unit is m (meter)3.
HydraulicGradient: The change in hydraulic head per unit distance. The unit is 1/m
(per meter)3.
HydraulicResistance: The ratio of pressure drop to volume flow rate. The unit is
Pa.s/m3 (pascal second per cubic meter)3.
HydraulicConductance: The reciprocal of hydraulic resistance. The unit is m3/Pa.s
(cubic meter per pascal second)3.
ThermalMass: The product of mass and specific heat capacity. The unit is J/K (joule
per kelvin)1.
ThermalTimeConstant: The ratio of thermal mass to thermal conductance. The unit is
s (second)1.
ThermalAdmittance: The reciprocal of thermal resistance. The unit is W/K (watt per
ThermalImpedance: The ratio of temperature difference to heat flow rate in an
alternating current circuit. The unit is K/W (kelvin per watt)1.
HydraulicPressure: The force per unit area exerted by a fluid. The unit is Pa
HydraulicFlowRate: The volume of fluid that passes through a given surface per unit
time. The unit is m3/s (cubic meter per second)2.
HydraulicWork: The product of pressure and volume change. The unit is J (joule)2.
HydraulicTorque: The product of pressure and angular displacement. The unit is N.m
(newton meter)2.
HydraulicForce: The product of pressure and area. The unit is N (newton)2.
HydraulicVelocity: The distance traveled by a fluid per unit time. The unit is m/s
(meter per second)2.
ThermalCapacityRate: The product of mass flow rate and specific heat capacity. The
unit is W/K (watt per kelvin)1.
ThermalCapacitance: The product of volume and volumetric heat capacity. The unit is
J/K (joule per kelvin)1.
ThermalInductance: The ratio of heat flow rate to temperature gradient. The unit is
s (second)1.
ThermalInertia: The product of thermal mass and thermal resistance. The unit is s
HydraulicPotential: The sum of pressure head, elevation head and velocity head. The
unit is m (meter)2.
HydraulicEnergy: The product of hydraulic power and time. The unit is J (joule)2.
HydraulicMomentum: The product of mass flow rate and velocity. The unit is N.s/m
(newton second per meter)2.
HydraulicImpulse: The product of hydraulic force and time. The unit is N.s (newton
HydraulicReynoldsNumber: The ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in a fluid
flow. The unit is 1 (dimensionless)2.
HydraulicFroudeNumber: The ratio of inertial forces to gravitational forces in a
fluid flow. The unit is 1 (dimensionless)2.
ThermalStress: The stress induced by thermal expansion or contraction. The unit is
Pa (pascal)1.
ThermalStrain: The fractional change in length or volume due to thermal expansion
or contraction. The unit is 1 (dimensionless)1.
ThermalElasticity: The ratio of thermal stress to thermal strain. The unit is Pa
ThermalRelaxationTime: The time required for a material to reach thermal
equilibrium. The unit is s (second)1.
HydraulicAccumulator: A device that stores hydraulic energy by compressing a gas or
a spring. The unit is J (joule)2.
HydraulicActuator: A device that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical motion.
The unit is N.m (newton meter)2.
HydraulicValve: A device that controls the flow of fluid in a hydraulic system. The
unit is m3/s (cubic meter per second)2.
HydraulicFilter: A device that removes impurities from a fluid in a hydraulic
system. The unit is m3/s (cubic meter per second)2.
HydraulicPump: A device that converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. The
unit is W (watt)2.
HydraulicMotor: A device that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. The
unit is W (watt)2.

- `Length`: A measure of distance. The base unit in SI is the meter (m).

- `Mass`: A measure of the amount of matter in an object. The base unit in SI is
the kilogram (kg).
- `Time`: A measure of duration. The base unit in SI is the second (s).
- `Force`: A measure of the interaction that changes the motion of an object. The
derived unit in SI is the newton (N).

- `Energy`: A measure of the ability to do work. The derived unit in SI is the

joule (J).
- `Power`: A measure of the rate at which energy is transferred. The derived unit
in SI is the watt (W).
- `Temperature`: A measure of hotness or coldness. The base unit in SI is the
kelvin (K).
- `Volume`: A measure of space occupied by a three-dimensional object. The derived
unit in SI is cubic meter (m³).
- `Area`: A measure of space occupied by a two-dimensional object. The derived unit
in SI is square meter (m²).

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