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: BSED-FIL 1-4 DATE: MARCH 7, 2023

Answer the following:

1. In your own words, define and give two examples/scenarios of the following:

EXCLUSION - an instance of leaving someone out.


o Jairo was excluded from the 40m sprint because he have disabled legs.
o Dhen was an outcast so she is always excluded from the class outing.

SEGREGATION - the state of setting someone apart from others. Or separating them.

o Regular students and students with impairment have different assigned

classrooms/buildings in CTU.
o During religious services, women are segregated from men.

INTEGRATION - combining two or more things so that they work together.


o An integrated Elementary and High School campus.

o The majority of normal school events, such as lunch, assemblies, clubs, dances, or
recess, should be accessible to a student with disability and impairments.

INCLUSION - people are all invited to be part of a group.

o In an inclusive classroom, brilliant children, auditory learners, visual learners,

and students with disabilities like ADHD, wheelchair users, and executive
functioning problems may all be present.
o The child is given access in lessons and activities that have been changed or
altered to accommodate his or her special needs.

2. In your own words, define Mainstreaming and how different it is from Inclusion. Give
maximum of 2 examples of their differences.
✓Mainstreaming is the exceptionality in a general education classroom. It is the placement of a child
with a disability along with regular students. Inclusion is also a placement of a child with disability in
a general education classroom. However, in an inclusion, special education teachers frequently
modify assignments and provide additional support to students with impairments.

• For example, Jennie who have ADHD was placed into a general education classroom along
with the regular students. (mainstreaming) But one time her adhd activated and her
hyperactivity behavior seems uncontrollable so a special education teacher or a professional
not in a field of a certain disorder was called and assessed or provided extra support to
Jenny. (inclusion)

3. Which do you prefer mainstreaming or inclusion? Give your explanation with examples.

✓ In deciding to choose between mainstreaming and Inclusion, the needs of the child must
be taken into consideration since every child is different. One student may perform
academically well when placed in a classroom with peers, so the mainstreaming strategy
might be more appropriate for that child. Another student might find it difficult to keep up
since he or she is unable to comprehend the material being taught at the needed pace, thus
inclusion might be a better option for that student. So totally depends on each child.

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