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The recipe


 Six nopales in cubes.
 Large container.
 Half a teaspoon of salt.
 Spoon.
 Half chopped onion.
 Knife.
 Two chopped tomatoes.

 Squeezer.
 Cilantro.

 Chopping board.
 Lemon juice.

 Small container.
 A pack of salad cookies.
How to make nopal salad

1. - First cut the nopales in cubes and boil for twenty minutes. (I did this
in my house).

2. - next place the nopales in a large bowl.

3. - after that sting the tomatoes, the onion, the cilantro and also
squeeze the lemons.

4. - then mix the nopales, the tomato, the onion, the cilantro and the
lemon juice. Also add salt.

5. - finally serve the nopal salad in the salad cookies. Ready! To enjoy!

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