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Create your own philosophy (500 words)

Honesty is the best policy, they said. Honesty is a crucial component that fosters relationships
that are dependable and trustworthy. You may show your friends and other people that you can be
trusted by being honest with them. Honesty, however, is not limited to your interpersonal interactions;
it's also critical, to be honest with yourself. Nowadays, people are more prone to mental health issues
and people devise numerous strategies on how to deal with them. One of the most prevalent things to
note is how the media, self-help books, and other sources urge individuals to ignore all other unpleasant
emotions and concentrate only on good ones. As someone who thinks that having a range of emotions
shapes a person as a whole, I don't see how this is in any way useful.
Ever had someone told you to keep an optimistic outlook? It seems like a benign message at first
glance. But in reality, what's being said to you is to disregard your shortcomings and put your attention
on the future. For those with mental illnesses, this can send a very harmful message since it suggests
that the only way out is to look forward to a better future rather than dealing with their problem head-
on. Promoting positivity in a harmful or irrational way is known as toxic positivity. It's not simply
declaring that everything will be OK; it's also employing it as a shield against when things aren't fine. An
attitude of optimism is a virtue for life. However, if you have toxic positivity, it will inevitably undermine
your existence. There are several things that need to alter in your mindset if you desire to be happy and
more fulfilled in life. The issue with toxic positivity is that it fosters a culture where individuals are
reluctant to discuss their troubles and issues, which prevents them from coming up with solutions.
Because it forces people to downplay their hardships and fosters a culture of silence, toxic positivity can
have a negative impact rather than a positive one.
One needs to go through a wide range of emotions in order to be considered a whole person.
Humans feel both positive and negative experiences, and it is these emotions that give life meaning and
purpose. You will experience a wide range of emotions as a human, just as there are different types of
weather. Beyond anything else, these feelings are just a natural aspect of being a live human being. You
acknowledge your complete humanity by embracing your emotional life. Thus, accepting your emotions
is much more effective than trying to avoid them. The discipline of emotional acceptance encourages
you to access your feelings without trying to control, modify, or judge them. Emotional acceptance can
be defined as being conscious of your feelings, accepting them as they are, and processing them without
attempting to repress them. Accepting the emotion gives you the opportunity to understand it, become
accustomed to it, develop your ability to control it, and incorporate it into your life. That cannot be
learned through avoidance since avoidance is not a method of learning.
Being honest with oneself and feelings is thus crucial as it establishes the foundation of growth
and learning. This further motivates you to evaluate these emotions and incorporate a solution to them.
Therefore, if you merely consider the positive aspects of everything, you are doing yourself damage
since you are ignoring the emotions that may teach you the most.

3. In 10 philosophies choose 1 philosophy that would relate to yourself and explain why this philosophy
you choose.

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