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Modal Verbs (verbos modais) - 30 Exercícios

01. (UFRGS) Consider the text extract below:

And another thing: whatever else you may say, Do keep personalities out of the way; Don´t
try every sentence to make people see What a dear,charming creature the writer must be!
O verbo modal must estabelece uma relação de:
a) obrigação
b) sugestão
c) dedução
d) permissão
e) proibição

02. (FIEB-SP) In the fragment from the second paragraph – These connections may
allow access to the Internet, for example to show computers in a store…” – the word in
bold indicates
a) need.
b) advisability.
c) request.
d) possibility.
e) permission.

03. (MARINHA-EAM) Read the sentences below.

Jane is a very good pianist. She can play the piano very well.
In the previous sentence, the modal verb can is used to express:
a) prohibition.
b) ability.
c) permission.
d) order.
e) recommendation.

04. (ESCOLA NAVAL) Which is the correct option to complete the text below?
Social engineering: here's how you _______ be hacked
Lean how social engineering ________ affect you, plus common examples to help you
identify and stay safe from these schemes.
Social engineering is an important term in the security world, but you _______ not be
familiar with exactly what it means. While it is a broad subject, there are specific types of
social engineering that we _______ examine to leam more. Let's look at social
engineering as a concept so you _______ avoid falling victim to it. Social engineering
is the act of manipulating people to steal private information from them, or make them
give up such confidential details. (Adapted from https:/
a) could / can / might / can / can
b) must / should / must / could / must
c) should / must / might / ought to / can
d) must / can / must / can / should
e) could / should / must / ought to / must

05. (EsFCEx) No trecho “because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in
response to the actuality of the classroom.”, o verbo destacado traz a ideia de
a) necessidade.
b) conveniência.
c) capacidade.
d) probabilidade.
e) sugestão.

06. (UFRGS) Consider the clauses below.

I – One must reconsider what one means by taste.
II - We must reconsider what is meant by taste.
III - We may reconsider what taste means.
Which could replace, without significant changes in meaning, the clause we must
reconsider what we mean by taste?
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only I and II
d) Only II and III
e) I, II and III

07. (CESGRANRIO) Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of
self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials and glossy
The modals could, might and may appear in the text to express the idea of:
a) permission.
b) possibility.
c) intention.
d) prohibition.
e) ability.

08. (UNIRIO) Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped at
preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long hours in the sun with a false sense of
The word may expresses the idea of:
a) permission.
b) possibility.
c) prohibition.
d) obligation.
e) expectation

09. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:
- “Excuse me, sir. __________ you tell me the time?”
- “Sure, it’s 5:20.”
a) May
b) Do
c) Can
d) Have
e) Shall

10. (UEL) Assinale a tradução correta da frase entre aspas apresentada no diálogo a
- “Can you tell me how to get there?”
- Of course I can.
a) Você pode me dizer como se consegue isso lá?
b) Quem pode me contar como se faz isso?
c) Você pode me ensinar o caminho?
d) Como se pode ir de lá para cá?
e) Você consegue atravessar para o outro lado?
11. (UEL) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a
lacuna da frase apresentada:
Bob, __________ you do me a real favor?
a) may
b) could
c) must
d) ought
e) should

12. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:

Could I __________ earlier tomorrow?
a) to leave
b) leave
c) leaves
d) left
e) leaving

13. (UNIRIO) The word can in “Loneliness itself is hard to define. People aren’t always
lonely when they’re alone, but they CAN feel lonely when surrounded by other people”
a) obligation.
b) necessity.
c) permission.
d) possibility.
e) intention.

14. (CESGRANRIO) The phrase be able to in “the laser light signals will also be able
to transmit video telephone conversations in the future” expresses the idea of:
a) permission.
b) assumption.
c) obligation.
d) ability.
e) necessity.

15. (CESGRANRIO) In “servilities that must be avoided” the modal

auxiliary must expresses an idea of obligation. The form which would not express the
same idea in this same context is:
a) had better.
b) have to.
c) need to.
d) ought to.
e) have got to.

16. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:
“He might have done it.” So, __________.
a) he was permitted to do it.
b) we don’t know whether he did it or not.
c) he didn’t do it.
d) he did it.
e) he wasn’t able to do it.

17. (UFRGS) In “he should have reached the door of 10 Downing Street”, the form
“should have reached” indicates the same as:
a) must have reached.
b) was expected to reach.
c) will have reached.
d) can have reached.
e) was going to reach.

18. (UFSM) Research suggests the cause may lie internally, in terms of abnormal
biological functioning.
A melhor tradução para o segmento “may lie” é:
a) pode estar.
b) consegue revelar.
c) parece encobrir.
d) deixa passar.
e) permite enganar.

19. (MACKENZIE) Your government check may not arrive, your insurance policies may
have expired.
In the sentence above, “may have expired” has the meaning of:
a) permission.
b) real deduction.
c) unreal future.
d) uncertainty.
e) logical conclusion.

20. (UNESP) Yoshinori Haga said that __________ a great potential and that, among
other reasons, toys __________ used for entertainment.
a) there was – can be
b) there is – were
c) there were – couldn’t be
d) there was – could be
e) there wasn’t – can’t be

21. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta idéia equivalente a “it may lead to more
a) It may be due to more confusion.
b) It may be caused by more confusion.
c) It may be the result of more confusion.
d) It may result in more confusion.
e) It may result from more confusion.

22. (UEL) The mummies may also provide anthropologists with new knowledge about
capac cocha, the lncas’ ritual sacrifice of children.
O uso de may, na frase acima, indica que o autor:
a) tem certeza do que afirma.
b) evita fazer afirmações categóricas.
c) pede permissão do leitor para fazer afirmações.
d) quer a confirmação para suas afirmações.
e) procura convencer o leitor sobre suas afirmações.

23. (PUCSP) Nas frases:

- Knowledge about the effects of DNA variations among individuals can lead to
revolutionary new ways to diagnose, treat, and someday prevent the thousands of
disorders that affect us.
- DNA sequences can lead to an understanding of their natural capabilities.
A palavra can indica a idéia de:
a) conhecimento.
b) permissão.
c) habilidade.
d) confirmação.
e) probabilidade.

24. (MACKENZIE) In which of the statements does the modal MUST express necessity?
a) There’s somebody in the other office. It must be my boss!
b) You mustn’t smoke here!
c) She must be a very good student. She always gets A’s.
d) I must go right now!
e) Who must he be? There are lots of people around him!

25. (UFRGS) Consider the following sentences:

I. The magic should come from another place.
II. It would be necessary for the magic to come from elsewhere.
III. The magic had to come from any other place.
Which of them means the same as the sentence The magic would have to come from
somewhere else?
a) Only I.
b) Only II.
c) Only III.
d) Only I and III.
e) Only II and III.

26. (UNESP) Indique a sentença que expressa um conselho:

a) When depressed, teens always ask for adult guidance.
b) Teens see more of what life has to offer and then they become depressed.
c) Adolescents who never make new friends become depressed.
d) Adolescents don’t try to make new friends when they feel depressed.
e) When teens become depressed, they should try to ask an adult for help.

27. (ESCOLA NAVAL) Which option completes the text below correctly?
Tips for a Healthy Diet
You ________ eat vegetables every day. Vegetables contain essential vitamins and
substances that are very important for your organism. You ________ only eat what
you like to eat because to stay healthy you also need to eat what your organism needs you
to eat.
(Adapted from
a) can’t / can
b) should / can
c) shouldn’t / can’t
d) should / shouldn’t
e) shouldn’t / should

28. (EsFCEx) Choose the alternative according to the right use of modals.
a) Do you can close the door, please?
b) Would you please bring me some tea?
c) We must go to the beach yesterday.
d) I can to go with you.
e) I needn't to do this now.
29. (MARINHA) What is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?
Robots and writers
This article wasn't written by a robot - but the next one you read______have been. Robots
are already in our midst, and you______be surprised what they______ do. Robots are
reporting on earthquakes, sports, and writing huge numbers of Wikipedia articles. Odds
are pretty good you’ve already read articles written entirely by robots without realizing it.
(Adapted from https: / / www, makeuseof. com)
a) mightn’t / can’t / should
b) can’t / might / can
c) should / can’t / can
d) can / could / should
e) might / might / can

30. (IOBV) Complete the slots with the best modal verb according to the idea suggested
in parentheses:
I. I ______ drive well. (ability)
II. Internet _______ be public (obligation)
III. In case of fire, you ________ take the stairs (recommendation)
a) Can – Might – Will
b) Must – Must – Should
c) Could – Will – May
d) May – Should – Need
e) Can – Must – Should

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