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Religion Midterm Notes

Adoration: the act of worship. This is the humble acknowledgment by human beings that we
are creatures of the thrice-holy creator. By obeying the First Commandment, people
acknowledge and respond to the revelation of the glory and power of God
Angel: from the Greek angelos, a translation of the Hebrew malak, meaning “messenger”; a
spiritual, personal, and immortal creature, possessing intelligence and free will, who glorifies
God without ceasing and serves God as a protector of and messenger to man
Annunciation: the visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her that
she was to be the Mother of the Savior. After giving her consent to God’s Word, the Blessed
Virgin Mary became the Mother of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit
Apocrypha: from the Greek for “hidden”; hence, used to describe writings of unknown or
spurious authorship. These writings are neither authentic, inspired by the Holy Spirit, nor part
of the canon Sacred Scripture. After the Reformation, many Protestants rejected the
deuterocanonical books as “apocrypha” but the Church has maintained these books as inspired
and canonical
Ark of the Covenant: an ornate box that held the tablets of the Law (Ten Commandments), the
rod of Aaron, and some manna; it represented God’s throne on earth
Assumption: the dogma that recognizes the Blessed Virgin Mary’s singular participation in her
Son’s Resurrection by which she was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when the
course of her earthly life was finished
Concupiscence: the disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after Baptism due
to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and that constitute an inclination to sin. This is
often used to refer to desires arising from strong sensual urges or attachments to things of this
Consubstantial: “homoousios” meaning one and the same essence. The three Persons of the
Trinity share in the same divine nature. In the Nicene Creed affirms Jesus Christ in relation to
the Father “I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ...consubstantial with the Father”
Contrition: Contrition is a true sorrow for having sinned and can be described as either perfect
or imperfect. Contrition is perfect when it arises out of love for God. Contrition is imperfect
when it results from fear of eternal damnation or consciousness of the “ugliness” of sin.
Covenant: A solemn agreement between the people or between God and man involving mutual
commitments and guarantees.
Dogma: the revealed teachings of Christ defined to their fullest extent by the authority of the
Church’s magisterium. The faithful are obliged to believe the truths of dogmas as defined by the
Ecumenical Council: From the Greek oikoumene, meaning “the whole world”; a formal synod of
all the bishops (sometimes with other ecclesiastics) in the Catholic Church convened to define
doctrine, regulate the Christian life, or apply discipline in the Church. The first Ecumenical
Council was held in Nicæa AD 325. Under current Canon Law, only the Pope can convene an
Ecumenical Council.
Grace: the free and unmerited gift from God. Grace is a share in the divine life infused into the
soul by the Holy Spirit to heal from sin and sanctify. Grace is an interior supernatural gift of god
bestowed on us through the merits of Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Guardian angel:
Hippo (In context of Sacred Scripture):
Holy of Holies:
Holiness: Spiritual perfection or purity because of likeness unto God, who is perfectly holy; the
free dedication of a Christian to the will of God and the participation in the life of grace.
Holiness is the perfection of charity.
Holy: To be whole, complete, and one with God.
Hypostatic Union:
Immaculate Conception: the conception of Mary
Magisterium: the name given to the teaching authority of the Church, entrusted to the pope
and the bishops in communion with him
Mystery: a divinely revealed truth the very possibility of which cannot be rationally conceived
before it is revealed and after revelation the inner essence of which cannot be fully understood
by the finite mind
Nature: The essence of a being, considered as the principle of activity and defining its particular
New Testament: The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in apostolic
times. The central figure of the New Testament is Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God—his
life, teachings, Passion, and glorification, and the beginnings of his Church.
Old Testament: The forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from
Creation until the time of Christ.
Passover: Pesach, Pesah, Pascha—a Jewish feast commemorating the deliverance of their
firstborn males from the angel of death by the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the doorposts
and lintels of their homes while in bondage in Egypt. The angel of death passed over their
homes while taking the lives of the first-born sons of the Egyptians. As a consequence, Pharaoh
allowed them to leave Egypt for the Promised Land. This was a type of the sacrificial Passion
and Death of Jesus Christ, saving men from bondage to sin. The Eucharist celebrates Christ’s
Pentateuch: greek for “5 books”; the first five books of the Old Testament; Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Person: In the philosophical sense, an individual substance of a rational nature, complete in
itself, incommunicable, and possessing responsibilities and rights as well as the essential
elements of distinctiveness, uniqueness, intelligence, and will.
Prayer: a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of
Protoevangelium: From the Greek proto, meaning “first,” and Evagelos, meaning “bringing
good news.” This first message of Good News—the First Gospel—is Genesis 3:15, which
promises the Messiah and Redeemer who will destroy Satan.
Saint: A member of the Church—the Mystical Body of Christ—on earth, in Purgatory, or in
St. Augustine:
St. Athanasius:
St. Joseph:
Spirit: That which is positively immaterial, having no dependence on matter for its existence or
activities. God is uncreated pure spirit; angels are created pure spirit; human souls are created
spirits. Spirits have the power to know and to love.
Tabernacle: An ornamented receptacle in the church in which the Eucharist is reserved for
Communion for the sick and dying as well as for adoration. In Israelite history, it was the
curtained tent containing the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred items. The Israelites took
this portable sanctuary with them as they wandered the wilderness. The Ark of the Covenant
was eventually housed in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Testament: Another word for covenant; the two Testaments are the revelations of the Old and
New covenants.
Thank offering: In Hebrew, todah; a sacrifice of unleavened bread and wine made in
thanksgiving for God’s deliverance. Under David and his successors, it became the primary
liturgy of the Temple.
Thanksgiving: A sacrifice/offering made out of thanks to God
Theotokos: Greek for “Bearer of God”. Used to describe the Blessed Virgin Mary

Why is it that the more Grace you get, the more complete you are?
“The God who created us without our help, cannot save us without our help.” -St. Augustine.
Grace is an indwelling of the Holy Trinity/God in your soul. The ways to get grace are through
prayers and sacraments. The more sanctifying grace we get means the more indwelling of God
in our souls. The more indwelling of God in our soul makes us more holy. And the more holy we
are means the more whole, complete, and one with God we are. Grace is a free and unmerited
gift from God.
What types of grace are there?
There are 3 types of grace. These types include sanctifying grace, actual grace, and sacramental
Why is it necessary for our salvation?
Grace is necessary for our salvation because it is the main way that allows us to get to heaven.
For us to reach heaven, God gives us grace. This is the supernatural help that we need. Grace is
the supernatural life that makes it possible for us to attain the supernatural happiness in
What is Sanctifying Grace?
Sanctifying grace is a free and unmerited gift from God that makes us holy. It is a supernatural
quality of soul. It is God’s free, loving gift to us; his helping goodness. Sanctifying grace confers
on our souls a sharing in the supernatural divine life of God himself. It restores our communion
with God.
What is Actual Grace and How does its “work”?
Actual grace are the day-to-day graces we receive from God to do good works. It is an
inspiration from the holy spirit to do good and avoid evil. It helps us to know, to will, and to do
everything that leads us to what is good. It works by giving us an opportunity to do good that
we are not obliged to follow. Actual grace is the holy spirit communicating with you.

Why does Actual Grace NOT save us?

It does not restore our communion with God. We can refuse this grace which comes upon us
because of free will.

What is Sacramental Grace?

Sacramental grace is the grace particular to each of the sacraments.
Baptism: washing away of original sin and brings us into the family of God
Penance: forgiven of our sins and given the strength (grace) not to commit the sin again
Eucharist: nourishment/food for our souls
Confirmation: gives us the grace to bring as many people with us to Heaven
Matrimony: allows us to sanctify your marriage and strengthen our relationship with God
through grace
Holy Orders: The priest’s ability to help you on your path to Heaven
Anointing of the sick: healing of body and soul

Explain: What is the Relationship between the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity? How do we
explain how each is related?
- They are a family
- Each of them are individual. Three different persons with one divine nature. Each member
works in harmony. 3 persons in one God.
- God the father is the father. He is existence (his nature is to exist). “I am who I am” (Ex
- God the son is the contemplation of the father. He is the image of God’s knowledge and
wisdom of himself. Reflection of God the Father because of existence. From all eternity, he
is generated. He is consubstantial and begotten of the Father. It is the input of God to exist
and the output of this is the existence of God the Son.
- Perfect existence (God the Father) looking at Perfect existence (God the Son) results in
Perfect existence and perfect love. This is the Holy Spirit. This love is sacrificial and life
Where in Sacred Scripture is it reinforced for us to pray to and honour Our Blessed Mother?
- St. Luke
- St. John
- Exodus

Describe how self-denial and mortification promote spiritual discipline and growth in virtue.
Denying oneself for benefit is self-denial ex: Lent
Self-denial brings self-control
- The spiritual benefit to it is grace
- Another benefit is growth in self-control
Mortification: putting our will to death
God’s will = happiness

Sacred Scripture
What are the two Rules of Thumb for the study of Sacred Scripture?
- Prayer, read the prayer before saying it out loud
- Meditate, place yourself in the scene
What are the divisions of Sacred Scripture?
The Old Testament – 39 books
The New Testament – 27 books
- Law
- First 5 books of Moses (Pentateuch); the foundation of everything in the Old Testament.
Tells how Israel began and gives rules for life and worship
- History
- The story of Israel in the Promised Land, from the conquest
- Wisdom
- Include a reflection on the order of creation, moral instruction, personal virtue, family
life, fear of God
- Prophecy
- The word of God – his judgement on the wicked and his promises of comfort to the

- The Gospels
- 1
- The Acts of The Apostles
- The Epistle
- The Book of Revelation
What is a Covenant?
- It is a solemn agreement that established a family bond between the two parties.
Exchange of persons.

How are the two divisions organized?

They are separated by the time before Jesus being born (Old Testament) and after Jesus is born
(New Testament) Old Testament lays groundwork for Jesus. Old Testament revealed in the New
and the New Testament is hidden in the Old.

What books are in the Pentateuch?

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (GELND)
- They are the first 5 books in the Holy Bible.
- Foundation of all in the Old Testament.
- It tells us how Israel began and gives rules for life and worship.

Who are the Major Prophets?

Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Lamentations.

What is Typology?
Typology is the foreshadowing of things in the Old Testament into the New Testament.
Typology is the study of types in scripture.

What types of souls are there?
- Eternal soul (no beginning no end, ex. God)
- Terminal/finite (beginning and end, ex. pet/animal)
- Aveo-eternal (has beginning but no end, ex. angels)
What evidence do we have that Humans have a different soul from the animals?
The existence of human souls is demonstrated by the ability to grasp abstract concepts.
Animals cannot do this.

What gifts do we have that animals do not? Why is that?

Our soul gives the capacity for spiritual operations. Knowledge, acts of faith and love, and
supernatural life. We are made in the image and likeness of God

How do we know that God created the universe for us Humans?

• Genesis shows God is the creator
• God is orderly
• Humans were the last things created
• Creation is good
• We can create a timeline, piecing together evidence from now back to the origin
of the universe using the physical world and human reason
o Things in the physical world operate a certain way and understand laws
o The creator would have left evidence of Himself in his work
o The beauty and order in the world point to an intelligent creator who
brought everything into existence
o Human reason attached facts together that there is a creator
o Physical world + human reason
o Creating out of nothing is not irrational
o God did not pop into existence
o Something had to exist before us
Other arguments
• Design Argument
o The universe is orderly, and we are intelligent
o Things with intelligence work for an end
o A creator influences everything
• Kalam Argument
o Universe must have a beginning
• Philosophical Argument of Infinite Task
o There has to be a process for something to be complete
o There has to be a purpose
• Ontological Argument of St. Anslem of Canterbury
o It is better for something to exist in mind and reality
o God means, “Than that which a greater cannot be thought”
o God exists in mind and reality
• Moral Argument
o We are obliged to do good and avoid evil
o There are no moral roots without God
• Argument from Conscience
o You can’t be obliged to something less than
o God is the only authority we make absolute moral obligations to
• Argument from Desire
o We have a desire nothing on earth can satisfy
o We desire happiness/ God
• Argument from Aesthetic Experience
o There is a beauty in music/art/nature
• Argument of Consequence
o If there are no consequences, why be good?
• Pascal’s Wager
o There is nothing to lose by worshipping a God and He doesn’t exist
o There is a lot to lose by denying a God and He really does exist

Original Sin
What is it?
Original Sin is the Sin of Adam and Eve committed by disobeying God which lost them
supernatural life, communion with God and natural order, and their descendants lose the same
and inherit concupiscence. Adam and Eve suffered spiritual death and then physical death. It
corrupts our human nature and gives us the tendency to sin.

What was the Temptation?

The Devil, or serpent, convinced Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge which God
told them exactly not to do and the serpent said to them “you will be like gods.” Sin of Pride.

How do we know that Mortal Sin actually exists?

Mortal Sins are a grievous matter, have sufficient reflection, and are fully consensual. Adam and
Eve committed Mortal Sin when eating from the tree of knowledge and we know sins are
mortal from Holy Scripture; from the teaching of the Church, and from the writings of the
Fathers and Doctors of the Church

What was the consequence that Adam and Eve brought upon themselves as a result of
Original Sin?
They lost supernatural life, communion with God and natural order, and their descendants
would lose the same and inherit concupiscence. Also, hard work is toil, we experience suffering
and physical death, childbirth is painful,

What does “Angel” mean?
It means servant or messengers of God
They are purely spiritual creatures, they have intelligence and are personal and immortal
creatures, surpassing in perfection all visible creatures
Not limited because they have no body

What are the names and patronages of the Archangels that we know?
St. Michael the Archangel (He who is like God)
- Exorcise evil
St. Gabriel (God has shown himself mighty)
- To understand the Holy Will of God
St. Raphael (God Heals)
- Youth
- Healing
- Travellers
- Those seeking a good surprise

What are the Orders of Angels and their duties?

1st: Seraphim, Cherubim, thrones
- Serve in the royal court of God
2nd: Dominations, virtues, powers
- Reinforce 1st and 3rd order
3rd: principalities, Archangels, Angels
- Are responsibilities for the administration of the material universe

What is our mission / purpose in life? What specific graces do we receive in order to fulfill this
Our mission/goal in life is to get to heaven, and as we do it, bring as many people as we can
with us. In order to fulfill this task, we need to get grace, we can get this necessary grace
through sacraments, and prayer. The necessary grace that we need is sanctifying grace,
sacramental grace, and sometimes penance.

Sanctifying Grace: Free and unmerited gift from God that makes us ‘holy’(Holy= One with God)
- Supernatural quality of soul
- God’s free, loving gift to us. His helping goodness.
Sacramental Grace: Grace particular to each of the sacraments
- We get this from sacraments
Penance: Restores our communion with God, and not committing the same sin again.

What is THE FALL? What is Sin? What types of sin are there? Why did God give us The
THE FALL was when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and committed Original Sin.
Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience. Offense against God.
- Failure to genuine love of God and neighbour
- Wounds nature of man
Sin sets itself against God’s love for us
- Disobedience against God to be “like gods”
- Opposes Jesus by loving ourselves
There are two types of Sin. Mortal and Venial Sins. God gave us the Commandments to give us
a law to follow in order to reach Heaven.

How can we use Sacred Scripture in our prayer? What is Lectio Divina? Why is praying with
Sacred Scripture necessary in order to build a Relationship with God
Use scripture as a starting point then meditate on it
Sacred Scripture is the Word of God so we can know him if we use Sacred Scripture
Lectio Divina: using the word of God to pray
• Becoming immersed in sacred scripture
• Haggadah means “telling” (tells/retells a story)
• Ancient form of prayer
• Reflect prayerfully on His words:
1. The holy spirit is talking to YOU
2. Place yourself in the gospel scene (be INVOLVED)
3. Recognize our lord is speaking DIRECTLY to YOU
What is the Deposit of Faith
Explain its and components
- the Deposit of Faith is the totality of God’s Revelation to his people. Its sources are
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition as interpreted by the teaching authority of the
Church (Magisterium)
- It consists of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition which are interpreted teaching of
the Church (Magisterium)
- It’s important because it’s the Word of God passed down through successors and it’s

Who is the interpreter of it, and why is it necessary that there is only a singular interpreter
for it?
The magisterium and this is because it’s infallible and they are inspired by God. Our
interpretation of Scripture is with error.

Where in Scripture is this found?
It is found in Genesis 3:15

What is the promise made?

It is the promise made by God that He would send a Saviour

Why is it important?
It is important because God is promising a Saviour to redeem for Adam and Eve’s sins when
they ate from the Tree of Knowledge and lost us the gift of Heaven. Without the Saviour we
would never be able to make it to Heaven. Adam and Eve lost the Sanctifying Grace that they
had with God when they committed Original Sin. God sent a saviour (Jesus Christ) to save us.

What are the Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas?

What are the Perfections of God?
- Proof 1: First Mover
o Nothing goes into motion by itself
o Someone must have set the universe into motion
- Proof 2: Universal Causation
o Everything must have a cause
o God exists because of His own eternal nature
- Proof 3: Contingency
o Something cannot cause itself
o The ultimate cause of God
- Proof 4: Degree
o We have judgement of something being less or more
o There is a degree of perfection that we compare everything to
o God is the perfection that we compare everything to
- Proof 5: Final Cause
o Objects lack intelligence and are predictable
o Behaviour must be set by something more intelligent, serving a greater purpose
Sign of the Cross
Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God,
Let us adore him

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

St. John Baptiste De La Salle.

Pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts.

Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
(Student to bow)
and by the Holy Spirit was
incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
(Student to Stand)
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic,

and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen

V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary…
(Student to bow)
V. And the Word was made Flesh.
R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary…
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the
Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion
and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

Act of Contrition
O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell;
but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

Spiritual Communion
I wish, my Lord, to receive you,
with the purity, humility, and devotion
with which your most Holy Mother received you,
with the spirit and fervor of the saints. Amen.

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