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Love Letter

Stefano Logozzo Lab 6

Dear Miss Willow the Tree,
As I climb, I find the positive bond in my heart between you and me, powering and recharging

my battery. I love you so, digging my claws into your heart not scratching it but only fixing it.

As I smell the stunning leaves, fueling my cell to bring home the most romantic dinner to you

and me. My loving charge for you has only become more positive. You rock and sway the night

away, making me feel like the tiger of the world for the day. You make my electric love for a

spike, which I hope you like. The way your beautiful leaves blow in the wind makes me feel

pinned to you. Without you, it is a storm with lightning, as it is very frightening. Digging my

claws into your smooth, clean, and beautiful bark gives me a little spark. Climbing to the top of

you is like the staircase to heaven, difficult but doable and the best option in the end. Life

without you is like an electric blackout, loss of love, and all darkness inside. Your leaves give me

a magnetic feeling toward you, making me love you so much. I think we should be together as

you make me feel like the tiger of the world, giving me a source of energy. As I watch your

leaves fall, it makes me feel like I have the most efficient charger, a loving relationship between

you and me. I hope you have acknowledged my feelings for you as I fall more in love. I think we

should be together forever as our love becomes stronger together, which makes me feel like the

king of the jungle. When I see you, it activates a switch in my brain to remind me how beautiful

and loving you are. This is why I think we should be together, because of all the things I love

about you. If you say yes, it will make me feel like the happiest tiger there will ever be. The

more the days go by, the more I hope to never say bye.

Sincerely, Tyrone the Tiger

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