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Chapter 13

"It's not free"

[Pete Pov]

I looked into the distance aimlessly, a cold wind swooped in my face. Little by little, the random
thoughts in my heart began to calm down. The darkness that appeared before me began to see
a ray of light I was standing at a pontoon in the suburbs, surrounded by dense forests, with only
the sound of little insects competing. There are almost no cars in traffic, I don't know how long I
have been standing still like this. I don't even know What time is it now? I only know that Mr.
Kinn has the same condition as me... “Does it hurt…?” Khun Tay held out a wet tissue to gently
wipe away the stains on my face. There were no bodyguards to follow, just Only Khun Tay and
Khun Kinn. “Thank you,” I thanked Khun Tay with a wandering mind. “Arm can't get away from
you. When I found out about it, Im trying to help. But don't worry I don't know anything.” I looked
at Khun Tay and sighed. I knew arm must be very worried about me and Khun Tay was going
out so late. with you, no wonder Arm might bother Khun Tay to come and see me

“ you know anything, pete?” Kinn, who was sitting there dumbfounded asked me, just as I
said... I remained silent instead of answering. I've never been able to find any evidence of

Porsche and Vegas. Just went to the abandoned warehouse, I didn't even find anyone. until I
saw your car,” said Mr. Kinn, tiredly. “What is Porsche doing here?” choose the wrong path?
“And if Mr Kinn knows…what will you do next?” I asked. Kinn with a worried look on his face.
"Porsche will not choose the wrong way" , "That's right, what should I do next?" “Mr. Kinn

probably knows about a certain amount, Porsche maybe be fascinated with my parents. And
what's even worse would want to get rid of my father," said Mr. Kinn, suddenly interjecting.
“Would you like me to wait outside with a guy named Rey?” Khun Tay came up cautiously. "It's're my best friend. You probably already know this.” Kinn turned around. "If it's like

Mr. Kinn said....Mr. Kinn, will you get rid of Porsche?" I asked..

“and if you were me What are you going to do Pete?" "My situation might not be as difficult as
Mr. Kinn. It would have been easier for me to decide, well for me! I thought, if today I couldn't
change Vegas What I will do is.... I bit my lip tightly in pain. And say things that have been
pondered for a long time, go out by his side and understand him, because everyone has their
own reasons for their actions." “ If Vegas chooses the wrong trip Which is still next to it?..."
Vegas may not have made the wrong choice. But he just can't choose," I said out loud.
understand and begin to accept more of what is against me inside , "your life is controlled or
walking for freedom Kinn, which one will you choose?" I'm starting to understand more about
what Vegas does. But the part that he was loyal to the main family was still a fraction left in his
heart. Today seems to be the day of judgment. Which of my feelings would be more honest.

“I want the perfect family. i want vegas I Want Freedom, Me and Kinn's eyes met for a moment.
But freedom never comes for free because it comes at the cost of pain... Yes, I am in pain, pain,
that I may be labeled as unfilial to the main family who have raised me so well until today. I have
a house for my grandfather and grandmother. There was a lot of money to spend, to have a
family, to be respected, to be a pete today. “So what should I do next?” Ms. Kinn asked in
despair. "Believe it, believe in our loved ones. and stay by his side no matter what happens."
“But duty and love don't go together. Kinn said in a loud voice. slightly trembling The duty that is
meant to be the duty of a good child that Kinn can do as well. “Everything has to be exchanged.
If we do our duty well we will fail in love, If we fail in our duty we will do well in love. You can
choose to work by starting understanding porsche.” "And about dad..." "Stay in the present, Mr
Kinn," I immediately interjected. and said what I thought All “let go of the past and not be afraid
of the future. Currently, Mr. Kinn does duty to be a good child And also pay attention to Porsche,
things will be lighter.

Today if you lucky in love you unlucky in game if you lucky in game you unlucky in love. that's
“I said that because love makes people weak.” Mr. Kinn sighed. Choose bigger than it really
is…” But love always gives me hope. I believe that my love will make me Get out of the pain.” I
let out a huge sigh of relief before turning around. straight to the car That's why I chose Vegas."
Before my feet stepped out. I paused for a moment before speaking. “I turned my back on the

world to choose just one Vegas for a long time.” I tilted my head slightly to the side before
bowing my head, humbly saying goodbye to Mr. Kinn, and walking out of there. I got out of the
car with a wandering mind and was able to understand more. today if I can't change Vegas I

was ready to be beside him. because before I did everything for him so I shouldn't hesitate any
longer. “Give it to me, Ray,” I told Ray, handing over the keys to the BMW I parked. Around the
abandoned warehouse for him to bring back. “About the car, I've dealt with it.” Before I turned
my back and walked into the house, I Stop thinking about Ray's words for a moment. Ray

handled everything that quickly. really ? “So…let's go and rest. Even though I have a lot of
questions about Ray in me, let's fold it all together. Porsche should have destroyed all the
evidence in time. Then the eyes of Vegas are about to transform into another If I guessed wrong
He should have come back and waited for me at home for sure.

I stepped into the house in an atmosphere that was quieter, gloomy, more awkward than ever.
The bodyguards watching the people in the house averted my gaze, as if afraid of something.
And as soon as I heard the noise coming from the Vegas room, I was immediately cleared of
this terrifying behavior and mass of energy. But I don't know why I didn't feel tensed at all. Even
knowing that Vegas is Vegas in the form of a demonic throwing scattered objects. But I was
relieved that he come back home “love... Where have you been?” my arm was right Snatched
until the body floated into the wall with force. “I chose to remain silent and not answer. Let
Vegas snatch me hard into the wall over and over. you hear me asking! ?” Vegas looked at me
fiercely. look angry inability to control emotions “Calm down, Vegas.” I, who had been thrown by
the force and fell to the floor, turned to Vegas. with equanimity "Who sent you? !!!" Vegas yelled
at me loudly, “Who was it huh?” Vegas grabbed my shoulder with both hands and squeezed it
with all his anger. "Who? ... Rey?" I tried to sound as normal as possible. Even the sentence
Vegas asked me a moment ago would hurt my heart a lot. "Ray?" that sentence of Vegas. I
couldn't hold back my tears any longer. I tried to swallow the sobbing lump and tried to control
the situation. in front of you “What did you say Vegas? So what did you say!!!” I yelled back with
tears in my eyes. "Finally, you cheated on me!!" Vegas walked up to me and pointed at me
angrily. "He's my bodyguard. I hired him to take care of us to get us out of the main family. I
closed my eyes and explained to the person in front of me. A feeling of fussiness came along.
with the retardation of his heart that he almost choked

“You think I will fall for your lies ? Stop dont say i have other “Why can't I say it! ?” I stood up
and faced the Vegas and slapped him hard in the face with a lack of consciousness. Vegas's
face turned to the other side and stood still. side like that As for me, I looked at my hands with
trembling and couldn't believe it. What did you do? "Vegas..." "Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vegas gathered
all his strength and knocked everything down. Stumbling and pushing me, not caring about what
I'm going to fall on me. "stop!!! Stop it, Vegas!!!” I cried as I defended myself from everything,
but I missed the metal vase and smashed it into my mouth. blood and wounds "Get the Fuck
out!!!" Vegas continued to throw things down before I rushed to the drawer and picked up the
syringe. Suck up the pills and walk. Quickly approach Vegas from behind and pin that pin down
the line. Blood on his neck without hesitation..... Vegas began to slow down. The glass in his
hand that he was trying to throw fell to the ground. Slowly before his body passed out and I held
him in guilt

I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I slowly sat down on the floor with a hug. Pat his head, held it tightly. My
heart skipped a beat as I buried my face in my knees, you ready to let go of the pain... It hurts a

lot, isn't it? I didn't like it...I'm sorry.” I lifted my head. I placed my hand on the cheek of Vegas,
who I slapped until it was red. * Today it hurts...all day. Forget it already, Vegas...forget it. I'm
here." I hugged him tight as if afraid he would disappear.....

[morning]'s not a big deal, is it?" I was in a paranoid state, sitting beside Vegas watching over the
bed. A moment later, Dr. Top brought Macau and Venice to send back to me. Then the

condition that all saw It's still me hugging Vegas in the middle of my office. without seeming to
get up anywhere And I didn't even know the time had passed until the morning of the next day.
"It's nothing. I'll give you Vegas saline for a while, it will be better.” Good thing Dr. Top has. All
medical equipment is in the car. And he's giving him Vegas saline and injecting some headache
medicine into it. “What happened, Pete?” Macao asked me worriedly. "Probably an accident?
“Pete....come on. I'll heal wound for you." Dr. Top took a cotton ball. Soaked in salt water, trying
to wipe away the blood stained on my lips

Was it an accident, Pete? Macau continues to question until Dr Top eyes go to him “vegas
have multiple personality disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder,” I said in a flat tone. "Pete" Dr.
Top tried to stop me. “If we are one family We shouldn't keep secrets from each other," I said,
looking at Macau until tears began to flow again. “Hey…” Macau looked at Vegas in shock. “But
don't worry, it can still be treated. “Why?” Macau asked, his voice trembling. “Vegas has had
depression for a long time. and then started showing Dissociative Identity symptoms when he
lost Khun Kan The pain had spurred him to form himself. that is clearly separated from the other
person to be a shield to prevent him from forgetting about something,” Dr. Top explained. "Then
why..." “ Pete is trying hard to save Vegas, Macau. he did everything Don't worry”

Why Pete didn't tell me...why didn't you tell me?” Macau cried out as he came down and hugged
me in regret, and I knew how broken inside he was. because I macau need to be healed so i
didn't tell you this." I hugged and comforted my brother with affection “So how can you keep this
kind of matter alone, Pete?” How can you handle it... Let's help take care of vegas. Macau is
also a big part of the damage.” I lightly stroked Macau's head. "Yes, family therapy is very
important. In addition to medicine, we have to help restore his state of mind. In addition to the
medication he has to take on a regular basis, the family, Pete, Macau, Venice, have to cheer
him up to get through this difficult situation. “What am I supposed to do?” Macau pulled away
from me and appeared to hug Vegas. a feeling of pity Listen to him, create good atmosphere,
good memories, take him to exercise, play music, let him come out of his sorrow. “Hey...I'm here
now. I'll help you." Macau sobbed and sobbed until I held back. Tears could not hold back, he
had to cry along with the sight in front of him. “It hurts a bit…” Dr. Top tried not to focus on the
picture in front of him because he was afraid he would Cried another person, so anxiously
turned to hurt me.

"Pete didn't sleep at all, right? Do you have any vitamins that i gave you?” Dr. Top asked me,
but he received a shake of my head instead. “No, I don't want to eat , I have a lot to think

about”. until he completely forgot about himself "Let's eat. So I can sleep better." Dr. Top
handed me water and medicine. And I took it and ate it easily. crooked.. “Mr. Venice is asleep. I
told a person named Nop. Ray came in to report. When he took Venice to sleep in another room
"Then give Ray to see Venice and Macau as well. You can call me if anything happens. Macau

goes to stay with Ray. I'll let Pete and his vegas rest, okay?” Macau nodded and obeyed easily.
I slowly crept up to sleep next to him with a blanket The same cloth and my hands slowly
embraced and buried my face in his arms. Macau, Dr. Top Ray closed the curtains. and adjust
the air temperature handle everything Finish everything before walking out of the bedroom.

“Sleep well, Vegas. If you wake up, let all the pain in your heart go away.” I leaned forward and
kissed his cheek lightly once and began to close my eyes with the warmth beside me. body from
my lover

I woke up with difficulty because I had to endure the adjustment of the light. and an empty brain
as if all the memories in life had faded There was nothing left to remember, and I slowly
gathered my thoughts to look at the familiar bedroom ceiling. Everything in my head is empty
calm atmosphere made me think about why and i Go back to sleep in the bedroom again. And
the fuzzy memories began to flow back into my head, until I had to bounce, to get up in shock.
"Pete" my heart races. as if about to break out The last picture is an abandoned warehouse.
that I had pim and was taking her out of the country with the correct documents. All prepared It
was only left for her to regain consciousness and begin to operate because the it will continued
to rise. The main family must hunt down and kill her! But Pete came and found us first... and
Pete fell to the ground. Pete got shot, got shot, until... “Ah……!!!” I gripped my head tightly in
pain, Pete!!! Pete!!! untrue! I'm nervous Consciousness is almost non-existent with the body. I
can't help but my heart hurts like it's about to break. And as soon as I swept my gaze to the
side, a thick, round blanket wrapped up in lumps, and a sound rang out… “...Knock Knock..."
Snoring sound? Is that a snoring sound?? I furrowed my brows first. will open the blanket with
unprecedented relief

"Pete" I reached him, quickly hugging him. "Haa ... Ve ... Oh ... Oh ..." He opened his eyes for
half and spoke out almost in a language until I saw that, hurriedly took him to sleep and lulled
him. continue to sleep “Nothing, go to sleep, go to sleep…” Then he fell asleep easily,
sigh ...Damn! Why is this possible? Was it the story yesterday at the warehouse or was it just a
nightmare? Because during my sleep, I often dream that I drowned myself. So what exactly is
it? I can't remember anything... So I slowly got out of bed and put a blanket over Pete to make
him sleep as comfortable as possible. My eyes would stumble upon the salt water under the
bed. Makes me confused again...... What? I looked at the back of my hand and saw a cotton
gauze attached to it? What am I…? In my head many thoughts, these irregularities happen to
me too often. The flashy memories were nothing more than my imagination. I walked straight to
my office to find my phone. Then hurry and press to call Porsche. But before I find a number to
call The date on the phone screen came on was Monday. That means.... I can't remember the

events of Saturday and Sunday. Thud thud thud thud thud thud

try to call porsche But no matter how many calls I call It was almost noon, probably not sleeping,

so I chose a new name to call so i called the master instead..... As soon as I had to wait in line
for a long time, the master in the audio answered the call immediately. “How are you Vegas?
Master, have you bring pim safely out of the country?” I closed my eyes trying to think of the
incident on Saturday when I went to fetch my documents, passports, and everything about pim

to escape the country. Then I went straight to the warehouse. Then I met pete. and then, and
then, I don't remember anything. (Pim, Dead, Vegas) Master said in a calm voice. "Huh!! If you
can't think of anything, don't have to think about it. Go and relax. It's almost the day of the port
opening ceremony. You need to be more prepared of What will happened”, “Master, can you tell

me?" ..Hmm...Porsche makes a gun that firesto pim. The main family tried to hunt us down, but
well, it echoed in my brain, not shooting Pete, but pim?

“Vegas this isn't the time for you to ask so many questions. All you have to do now is hunt for
the rest of the committees, you know, the former founder of the harbor under Your mother's
name gradually died one by one.” Now I'm cornered "Huh!...Master...what should I do next...I
feel...tormented." I put my hand on the table. to support himself with the pain of a headache
because I try to remember various memories “Stop thinking! Pim story, don't have to think too
much. If she stays, she will suffer from drug therapy because the main family injected is a very
strong one. Maybe this is Let her rest in peace” "but..." “That's it, Vegas I'll make an
appointment” and the Master immediately cuts the call. “This is the mother of Venice, Vegas…
this is the mother of our children!” Pete's voice that day rang in my head again... pim is dead,
right? When I first snatched her I was thinking of getting rid of her as well, with a lot of anger
towards this woman. Until the day Pete paid off all my pain and I thought I would heal and leave
him in the safest place. But today...I did not succeed in my intentions. Pete...I'm sorry, and with
good feelings for Venice. Now I would like to give him once in his life to meet his mother only

Venice. I'm sorry. Clack... The sound of someone's door opening made me turn around. with
eyes closed which to maintain consciousness Are you awake?" Macau carried Venice into my
room. “I didn't answer just now, trying to gather all my courage, looking at Venice with guilt.
"Dad" Venice called me and tried to look around the room and saw that he was looking for pete.
“Come to dad..” I held out my hand to hold Venice, who now doesn't resist much. Plus he can
stay with me without crying. I hugged the little boy tightly. will speak in a low voice “sorry…, I'm
sorry, Venice…” I tried to bite my lip. suppressed the trembling sound Macau looked at me
without asking any questions. will let out a sigh and rubbed my arm as comfort "Rrrr…boat." An
ignorant Venice pointed to the golden junk that stood on the deck with interest. "Would you like
it? Dad will get it for you..." I told Venice tenderly. “Hey, I'm going to go shopping and make a
report at the mall. Can I take Venice with me?” Macau asked me for permission.

"Who are you going with?" “Ray…” Macau called out someone I didn't know. "Your friend?..."
and then suddenly The sound of the door opening rang again. ready to appear male Unfamiliar

tall figure “Allow me, Mr Vegas…” I nodded in bewilderment in response, “I'm Ray, the secret
bodyguard for Mr. Pete. Ordered to take care of Mr. Macau, Mr. Venice, while Mr. Vegas and
Mr. Pete are busy. I am not a member of the main family.” I was stunned upon hearing this.

Pete hired bodyguards to take care of our family? How long has it been? So why didn't he tell
me? “Mr pete is trying to find a time to tell Mr Vegas. But here now there's people from the main
family So we have to do something carefully. And I've been working for a while, trust me
because I can see Pete's love for the three of you.” Like, my thoughts are a bit loud because

Ray answered all my questions. "Don't worry, Nop. Also, Ray, he's really trustworthy." So....if
Pete decides anything? Show that he has thought well He always chooses things The best for
our family always And he wished the best always and forever. So I sent Venice to Macau and
allowed them all to go shopping.

Give it to me, Rey bowed his head and opened the door for Macau and Venice to leave. Since I
opened my eyes I haven't stopped experiencing shocks. What is this....I walked in. bedroom
again to see my lover whether he is still sleeping well or not - When I stare in front of my lover I
saw a scar on Pete's mouth, making the picture on the day I saw the bruises on him flow back
and forth non-stop. "What happened next?..... “Pete, get it right, who did it!” "you!" The words of
Pete the day I asked about the bruises on the body... Me? I became very calm. Gradually, the
nervousness began to disappear. I spread my fingers over The wound area on Pete's lips
gently. The pain swept in My heart was so heavy that I couldn't hold back the tears. I walked
over to pick up my iPad in fear....afraid of everything. afraid of what I think will be true I'm afraid
that the person who hurt my love is.... myself

I slide the screen over to the CCTV I secretly installed after I suspected it. many behaviors Even
though I already had the answer in mind, now I'm breathless. Leg muscles begin to weaken. His
hand was getting colder. It's like the answer I had already thought of. I probably can't take it And
I clicked to see the recording last Saturday...the moment the memory I'm missing "Where have
you been! ?" "Didn't you hear me asking!?" "Keep your mind up, Vegas." "Who sent you ....Who
was it huh! ?" As soon as the video was playing... my knee instantly dropped to the ground.
awesome action pictures my disgust Which I have done to hurt the people I love with my own
hands, with my own hands!!!! My heart is broken. It's not good. It's not true. It's not true, right?!!!
That hell beast hurt my lover like a human! why!!! Why why is everything like this!!! I was the
one who had to cherish and protect him, but today everything is clear Over and over again I
wound up Pete. How was it from the first day? I am still like that today. For the hundredth time,
millionth time, I trampled Pete's feelings. I did it without my knowledge. But I hated myself
terribly, hated and disgusted, so angry that I could never forgive myself. Pete why islike this!!!
Why do you still choose to be with a demon like me, why do you still choose to be with a devil
like me? Why didn't you run away? Why!!! I cried too An unspeakable guilt, I want to die, I want
to die right now! The way I live it hurts the people I love. I want myself to die, everything will be
over! “Vegas…” Pete called me. He slowly threw himself up from the bed in a daze. I turned to
look at him for a moment. because I did not dare to face him any longer before me. I open the
drawer and take out the gun with great speed and pointed a gun at me Without thinking,
“Vegas!!!!!” Pete jumped out of bed and snatched the gun out of the bed. my hand in shock
"Huh...Pete....let me...let me go..." I tried to resist Pete's strength to get the gun back, but now

I'm exhausted. Pete quickly threw the gun out of my hand. with a hurry to hug me tightly...don't
do this, don't do it.” Pete hugged me tightly in fear, his body trembling with the sobs that I heard
made him even more disgusted. How many times has he cried because of me? How many

times have I hurt him? How many times has I hurt him and how many times has he always
forgiven me

Why didn't you tell me....huh?" I didn't answer Pete. I let myself go until Those images that come

back and forth over and over again with no despair Strong, even breathing “I'm here,
Vegas...I'm here. I won't leave you anywhere.” Pete pulled away from me and put both hands on
my face now. Tears flowed non-stop as he closed his eyes in agony. because he did not dare to
face him directly. “Why....why didn't you leave me? Huh...I hurt you...I hurt you....I'm a person

who hurt you .I don't know what I'm doing...why are you holding on?!" I threw out my voice. The
feeling of passion is all out. “It can be cured, Vegas...huh...I'll make you heal's okay.
It's okay." Pete's fingertips kept wiping away my tears. He tried to hug me. Gently caressed me
to cool me down. But I can't take it anymore....I can't take myself, and the sight of me hurting
him eats my heart until I can't take it. I'm the devil, I'm Satan, and Pete is facing those evils.
Only to get rid of it so that Pete won't have any wounds, no more suffering, no more pain. It's
killing me!!! "I hurt you...Hug...I hurt you, Pete. How could could I do that!!" I slapped my
face with my hands as punishment. I slapped myself with all my strength to become more aware
of it. Of course, Pete tried to stop and cried. come out hard “I hate it!!! I hate it!” My
consciousness no longer existed matter how disgusting you are. No matter who you are or what, but I love you. I can
take it all. Just being you, I can really take it. Vegas...” He put his hand on my chest and put his
head on my chest. Let me go, let me go, pete...I can't take it anymore...Huh...I'm selfish...I hurt
you. "No... I'll be with you." Pete sobbed until he threw up. I feel even more pity for him to have
to go through such a situation. A good person like him doesn't deserve me at all. don't be
patient pete....don't be tolerant of me like this...Huh..." I was drowning in the feeling. actually i
got to know If I'm the cause of the wound, don't force it anymore. Don't suffer here, Pete, i beg,
come on, it's worth it, more than enough, Pete. in my life I loved him Once in a lifetime with him
by his side Once in my life I received only good things from him. It's worth more than enough....
Let go, hmm...good luck, pete...." I pushed Pete and ran out of the room

“What happened?” I ran and cried. By not caring Dr. Top and instead i run out of my house
“Pete!!!!” Dr top calling his name so loudly that I had to glance over when I saw him collapsed
onto the stairs. and let the go out pitifully "Don't go, hey." I couldn't take it anymore. I saw you
and i running until i exhausted, and I hurried out left the house so ashamed that I couldn't live.
Can live longer.... It's my fault Pete....I'm not good enough for you. Don't be patient...please.
“You are with Pete. I'll just go to by myself..."

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