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Marianna Dionysiou

(513) 638-5536 | | |

Selected Experience
Editor, Junior Authors | Feb. 2023–present
 Copyedit and proofread books according to the CMS using track changes in Word
 Check for grammatical inaccuracy, inconsistency, and awkward phrasing
 Fix formatting issues, including spacing and dialogue tags.

Social Media Assistant, Journal of Environmental Engineering | Oct. 2022–present

 Monitor the journal’s email and website to check for recent publications, contest
updates, and questions
 Update social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter
 Promote the journal by reaching out to relevant social media connections

Short Vine Literary Journal | Aug. 2022–present

Intern & Associate Editor | Jan. 2023–present
 Design social media posts in Canva and Illustrator to update Twitter, Facebook,
TikTok and Instagram
 Promote the journal by creating and distributing marketing materials like flyers
 Assist with managing the website and Submittable page
Editor | Aug. 2022–Dec. 2022
 Helped select and copyedit nonfiction pieces according to the CMS
 Provided feedback and suggestions for developmental edits
 Evaluated and transformed the journal’s aesthetic criteria

Intern, Cincinnati Public Radio | Oct. 2022–Dec. 2022

 Researched local topics, wrote articles, and edited other journalists’ writing
 Shadowed reporters, marketing managers, social media experts, and website managers
 Analyzed potential ways to promote radio growth and produced marketing materials

Intern, Human Rights Quarterly | Jan. 2022–Aug. 2022

 Copyedited articles using track changes and the comment feature in Word
 Examined articles for grammatical errors, inaccurate in-text citations, poor word
choice, and plagiarism
 Ensured citations were complete and accurate according to the Bluebook citation guide

Bachelor of Arts in English, University of Cincinnati | April 2023
 Majors: Rhetoric and Professional Writing, Creative Writing (4.0 GPA)
 Cincinnatus Scholarship Recipient, Dean's List Honoree, Honors Student
 Staples Capstone Prize, Literary Nonfiction Prize, Professional Writing Prize (2 nd)

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