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Licenciatura en
Administración de Empresas

Modalidad Virtual

Actividad 5: Ejercicios

Nombre: Carlos Iván Fernández Elvira

Catedrático: Stephany Sophia González Domínguez

Materia: Ingles II

3er cuatrimestre
Guadalajara, Jalisco


Actividad 1:
My usual route to work is the following, I go on a straight line right
out of my house for 700m, once I’m at the roundabout I take the 4th
exit and take Paseo de la Cañada, go down the road for 1.2 km and
then turn right on Orquidea Street to turn left on Av. Manuel Acuña
right after; once I get to the second roundabout I take the 1st exit
onto Av. Aztecas and go on for 2 blocks to take a slight left on Diag.
Golfo de Cortez, once you’re there go on straight line until you get
the 3rd roundabout to take the 4th exit on Av. Mexico, continue on
that path for 2.5km and then turn right on Av. Chapultepec, 5 blocks
down that road right abobe a delicious Carls Jr place I go to work.

Actividad 2:
1. Do you believe in life after love?
2. He was accused of fraud.
3. The teacher congratulated his students for the play.
4. I don’t feel capable enough
5. She married her old boyfriend.
6. I’m not afraid of anything!
Actividad 3:
1. There are lots o birds nesting under the eaves.
2. After school, the children played tag roughly.
3. Come over with me
4. Sad yo say, the chair sat mouldering in the attic.
5. I gave the children pizza instead of pancakes for breakfast

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