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Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas

Proyecto de ayuda para personas con discapacidad

auditiva “ESOB Tipo Collar” / Aid project for people
with hearing disabilities "ESOB Type Collar

Curso: Ingles Técnico

Docente: Mag. Nilda García Castro

Chávez Linares, Cesar Fabian (2019063854)

Tacna – Perú

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................3
2. Contenido...........................................................................................................................3
2.1. Tipos de pérdida auditiva..................................................................................................3
2.2.1. Descripción......................................................................................................................5
2.2.2. Características................................................................................................................5
2.2.3. Ventajas...........................................................................................................................6
3. Conclusiones......................................................................................................................6
1. Introduction
We want to develop a Bluetooth and digital audio amplifier to help people with
hearing difficulties to hear TV or listen to music and talk with others.
For this reason, we must understand that listening is one of the five senses that
we have, however, many people are born or acquire a hearing disability due to
various circumstances, but have you ever wondered what it really is?
Hearing disability can be understood as the lack, diminution, or loss of the ability
to hear somewhere in the hearing system, and it is not appreciated because it
lacks physical characteristics that show it.
Its causes can be congenital, hereditary, or genetic, this being the most important
and not very predictable; It is also acquired due to abnormal birth problems, fetal
or maternal cause; due to otitis media and bacterial meningitis, which cause a
gradual deterioration of hearing or due to high-intensity noise.
Of course, those who live with this condition face serious problems to function in
society, because it is difficult to detect a sound source, identify a sound, follow a
conversation and, above all, understand.
Hearing impairment has important effects in the early stages of a girl's or boy's
life because it affects their thinking, speech, language, behavior, social and
emotional development, as well as their school and work performance.
2. Content
2.1. Types of hearing loss
Hearing loss can occur when any part of the auditory system does not work
in the normal way.
2.1.1. Ear parts External ear

The external ear consists of:
 the ears, also called the auditory pavilion
 the ear canals
 the eardrum, sometimes called the tympanic membrane, which
separates the outer and middle ear Middle ear

The middle ear consists of:
 the eardrum
 three ossicles that send waves from the eardrum to the inner ear Inner ear

The inner ear consists of:
 the snail-shaped organ of hearing called the cochlea
 the semicircular canals that contribute to balance
 the nerves that connect to the brain Acoustic nerve

This nerve sends sound information from the ear to the brain.
2.1.2. Auditive System
The auditory system processes sound information that travels from the
ear to the brain, so neural pathways are also part of our hearing.
2.1.3. Types of hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss
It is a hearing loss that occurs when there is a blockage for
sound to pass from the outer ear to the middle ear. This type of
hearing loss can often be treated with medication or surgery. Sensorineural hearing loss
It is the loss of hearing that occurs when there is an alteration in
the functioning of the inner ear or the auditory nerve. Mixed hearing loss
It is hearing loss due to conductive and sensorineural hearing
loss. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
It is hearing loss that occurs when sound enters the ear normally,
but due to damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve, the sound
is not processed in a way that the brain can interpret. To find
more information visit the National Institute of Deafness and
other External Communication Disorders icon.
2.1.4. The degree of hearing loss Mild hearing loss
A person with mild hearing loss can hear some speech sounds
but cannot hear whispers clearly. Moderate hearing loss
A person with moderate hearing loss may not hear much of what
a person is saying when speaking at a normal volume. Severe hearing loss
A person with severe hearing loss cannot hear what a person is
saying at a normal volume and can only hear some loud sounds. Profound hearing loss
A person with profound hearing loss cannot hear anything
spoken and can only hear some very loud sounds.
2.1.5. Hearing loss can be described as: Unilateral o bilateral
The hearing loss is in one ear (unilateral) or both (bilateral). Prelinguistic or post linguistics
The hearing loss occurred before the person learned to speak
(pre-linguistic) or after they did (post-linguistic) Symmetric or asymmetric
The hearing loss is the same degree in both ears (symmetrical)
or different in each ear (asymmetrical). Gradual or sudden
Hearing loss gets worse over time (gradual) or occurs suddenly. Fluctuating or stable
Hearing loss gets better or worse over time (fluctuating) or stays
the same (stable). Congenital or acquired/late-onset
Hearing loss is present at birth (congenital) or occurs later in life
(acquired or late-onset).
2.2. About the project
2.2.1. Description
Bluetooth and digital audio amplifier to help the hard of hearing hear TV or
listen to music and talk to others.

2.2.2. Characteristic
• Digital amplification
• Wireless communication via Bluetooth
• Allows you to listen to audio from a smartphone remotely
• Allows remote listening with transmitters (in classrooms, to watch
television, in seminars, etc.)
• Allows you to hear in stereo when using both ears
• Compatible with cochlear implants
• Rechargeable
2.2.3. Advantage
• This three-in-one device incorporates a conventional digital audio
amplifier, a wireless Bluetooth communicator and a device for
hear from afar.
• Allows you to hear from a distance, for example, phone calls and music
played on a smartphone, and amplifies the sound for greater understanding.
• It can be used with a transmitter to hear the teacher's lectures in a class,
sounds from the television, etc. from a distance.

3. Conclusions
· The project helps thousands of hearing-impaired people and improves their
relationships with other people either physically or virtually.
· The final system that is expected to be obtained is acceptable to society.

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