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I. Objectives
Towards the end of the period, the students should be able to:
 analyze the message of the story;
 value the importance of technology in today’s generation;
 employ appropriate reading strategies.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Sorry, Wrong Number
B. References: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature
Learner`s Material, pp.240-251
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
D. Values Integration: Helpfulness, Empathy
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Class Reminders
a. Come to class on time.
b. Be prepared to speak up when asked to do so.
c. Be courteous and respectful.
d. Enjoy the activity, the lesson, and the company of other
e. Listen attentively.
e. Simple Recall
Ø Before proceeding to the next topic, ask the following questions
 What was the lesson last meeting?
 Can anyone recall the important things about that particular
f. Motivation
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. Was there ever a time when someone you do not know called
you and made you feel annoyed?
2. What do you do when a strange call comes to you?
3. What if you heard a murder over a phone, what do you think
will you do?
Before proceeding to the activity, unlock first some unfamiliar
words present from the play/story so that the students will
understand clearly its message.

Vocabulary Words
1. Querulous-adj. complaining
2. Imperious- adj. authoritative
3. Bland- adj. uninteresting
4. Unnerved-adj. upset
5. Highhanded- adj. overbearing

B. Lesson Proper
In this activity, you will form a Penta group. Next, choose a
leader, readers for the assigned dialogue, and a secretary to write your
names on a ¼ sheet of paper.
Within 15 minutes, you will read, analyze, and discuss the
assigned dialogue in your group. After that, you will read it aloud in
class and select one member to explain what happened in that
Content 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Cooperation 10 pts.
Total 50 pts.

In line with the activity conducted earlier, the teacher will ask
the following questions:
1. How do you find the story?
2. Who are the characters in the play?
3. Was Mrs. Stevenson able to reach out for assistance? Why?
4. What was the problem/s happened in the play/story?
5. Would you be willing to face danger just to help somebody
in trouble? Why?
6. Who do you think planned the murder?
7. Why do you think it is entitled “Sorry, Wrong Number”?

Getting to know the story/play’s author:
 Lucille Fletcher- was born on March 28, 1912 in
Brooklyn, New York, USA.
-worked at CBS during the Great Depression as a
typist, music librarian and publicity writer.
-best known for her suspense classic “Sorry,
Wrong Number”, originally a radio play, later a
novel, TV play and motion picture.
- the author of several successful mystery novels,
including Blindfold, And Presumed Dead, The
Strange Blue Yawl and The Girl in Cabin B54.
-died on August 31, 2000 in Langhorne,
Pennsylvania, USA.
About the play/story
 Sorry, Wrong Number- was first performed as a radio
play in 1943.
Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, make a paragraph of 3-4 sentences
with the question: If you were the writer of the story, what would be
your ending?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences.
1. Who wrote the story "Sorry, Wrong Number"?
2. How long has Mrs. Stevenson been sick?
3. What is the name of the man hired to kill the victim in this murder
4. What is the setting of the story "Sorry, Wrong Number"?
5. Who is the main character of the story?

V. Assignment
Direction: Search for the word “gerund” and create 5 examples of it, in a
sentence form.

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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