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All young people who have the opportunity should study in a

foreign school or college for a year

In this 21st century, most of the students have become more

interested in studying abroad rather than in their mother country. I
can totally know their opinions and I absolutely agree with them.
Because it can give them many opportunities to see the world. And
they will be able to have the great opportunities for their better
future careers and for their greater educational life.

First and foremost, they can get to learn more about themselves
during their time abroad. They will become pretty more confident
that they knew themselves than before their trip, like how they have
to react to the situations and how to deal with the problems. Thus,
this can be the way that can make them more adaptable and flexible
and that can make them become more matured.

As a study abroad student, they will automatically become a

member of a large network and they can make friends from around
the world. At that time, they will have different perspectives from
them who are from different continents. A further point is that with
the friends scattered around the world, they will never run out of
travel ideas or opportunities to visit other places and they will get
their hand in a way.

For all these reasons, studying abroad can make the students
meet people from different countries and learn their cultures and
they can widen their network. As they have to stay away from their
families and friends, they will certainly become less dependent on
them and learn new life-long lessons. Therefore, studying abroad is
the window that can broaden their various kind of perspectives.

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