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Objective: Fourth grade students will improvise rhythmically using “For Want of a Nail”,

within the parameters of one measure in 4/4 time.

Standards: MU:Pr4.2.5a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of

music (such as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for performance.

MU:Pr6.1.5a Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and
appropriate interpretation.

Materials for Instruction:

Activity Three:

Review Chant
● “Do you remember the chant we learned last time” (probably not) “Let’s go through the
words again”
○ Go over the words, address any parts that need to be relearned
Review body percussion
● “Now that we went over the chant, do you remember the new body percussion we had?
Watch me and see what you remember.” Do chant with percussion “What word did we
stomp on? What word did we snap on? Let’s try it together”
Add in improv between phrases
● “Now I’m going to do something new” Do chant with body percussion improv between
phrases “what did I do? Can we all try that?”
● Have everyone do improv between phrases, pat during the improv and be strong on the
pick up so they come back in on time, repeat if necessary
Take turns improving
● “This time we’re going to take turns doing the improv, I’ll go first who wants to do the
second line ect. When someone is improving I want everyone else to do just the pats ok?
Let’s try it!” Repeat as necessary
Final run
● “Ok let's do the whole thing but this time I’m not going to improvise with you. Ready?”
(determine who will take the first slot)

Assessment: Students will improvise on measure in 4/4 time, teacher will observe.

Closer: Great job! I loved all the rhythms you came up with and thought they really added to the

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