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AUGUST, 2022


I hereby certify that this project was carried out by ADEDOKUN NAFISAT ADENIKE with

matriculation number ND/190369 under my supervision in the Department of Science

Laboratory, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora

____________________ ________________

Mr. Akande O.O. Date


Pollution of the environment by heavy metals has caused serious environmental problems,

which threatens the existence of various ecological system, agriculture and human health. This

study assessed heavy metals concentration of cassava tuber along Igboora-Abeokuta highway in

Ibarapa central local government, oyo state. Cassava tubers samples were collected from

farmlands along Igboora-Abeokuta highway at six different site which are 25m apart. The

samples were analyzed for heavy metals concentration using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.

Heavy metals analyzed were Cu, Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe),

Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), and Arsenic (As). The mean value obtained for Cu at site A to

F are (0.136, 0.215, 0.129, 0.042, 0.086 and 0.022ppm), for Pb (0.006, 0.005. 0.016, 0.022,

0.006 and 0.012ppm), Ni (0.004, 0.003, 0.032, 0.002, 0.002 and 0.012ppm), Mn (0.121, 0.083,

0.025, 0.022, 0.021 and 0.031), Zn (6.750, 3.840, 5.950, 4.550, 5.850 and 7.550ppm), Fe (4.230,

3.440, 3.830, 2.350, 4.430 and 3.650ppm) and Cr (0.001, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001 and 0.001ppm)

while Cd and As are beyond detecting limit respectively. Although all the heavy metals

analyzed were significantly lower than the WHO maximum acceptable limit for food, there

presence in the cassava tuber sample calls for serious health concern as heavy metals are bio

accumulative in human organs and tissues and thus causing various diseases and disorders, if

they are not properly controlled.

Key words: Heavy metals, Cassava tuber, Farmland, Highways.

This project work is dedicated to Almighty Allah, the most beneficent and merciful for his divine

favor, protection and provision during the course of this research work.


All Praise and honour be to Almighty God, He alone is worthy of all my adoration and praise

when I thought all hope were lost, when it seems all road were blocked, he paved ways for me

and manifested his sovereignty over all obstacles.

My immeasurable gratitude goes to my amiable supervisor, Mr. Akande O.O. for being a father

and mentor. You stood by me and believed in my ability to bring the best out of me even when I

thought I was not capable. My words cannot express my feelings and gratitude, thank you for

accepting me with my flaws.

My profound gratitude goes to my wonderful, incomparable, loving, understanding and caring

parent Mr and Mrs Adedokun for their full support, I really appreciate their advice and impact in

my life, morally, spiritually and financially. I pray that Almighty God continue to enrich your

pocket and may you live long enough to enjoy the fruit of your labour.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the authorities of the Science Laboratory

Technology department in general particular, the HOD of Science Laboratory Technology, Mr.

Akande O.O. I say a big thank you.

Also, my heartfelt gratitude goes to other members of the academics staff of the department for

making me what I am today, and I pray God bless you all in your setting point.

Life would have been so boring and not worth living without friendship, this makes me

acknowledge all friends who made this research a success. Thank you all for being true to me, I

love you.



Title page i

Certification ii

Abstract iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of Content vi

List of table ix


1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Justification of the Study 3

1.3 Statement of problem 3

1.4 Aim of the Study 3

1.5 Objectives of the Study 3


2.0 Literature Review 5

2.1 Cassava 5

2.2 Heavy metals 6

2.3 Heavy Metal Poisoning 6

2.4 Routes of Heavy Metal Exposure 7

2.5 Classifications of Heavy Metal Exposure 7

2.6 Mechanism of Action of Heavy Metals 8

2.7 Heavy Metals Contamination of Soils 8

2.8 Sources of Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils 9

2.8.1 Fertilizer 9

2.8.2 Pesticides 10

2.8.3 Wastewater 10

2.8.4 Metal Mining and Milling Processes and Industrial Wastes 11

2.8.5 Air-Borne Sources 11

2.8.6 Heavy Metal Contamination of Cassava 12


3.0 Materials and Methods 13

3.1 Area of the Study 13

3.2 Sample collection 13

3.3 Sample treatment 13

3.4 Acid digestion of the samples 14

3.5 Determination of Heavy metals concentration 14


4.0 Results and Discussion 15

4.1 Results 15

4.2 Discussion 16


5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 18

5.1 Conclusion 18

5.2 Recommendation 19



Title Page

Table 1: Shows the concentration of heavy metals in the cassava tuber samples 15


1.1 Background of the study

Pollution of the environment by heavy metals has caused serious environmental problems,

which threatens the existence of various ecological system, agriculture and human health (Wang

et al., 2007). Massive loads of pollutants are being introduced into the water, air and land on a

daily basis as a result of this development in technology and its related activities (Dibofori-Orji,

and Edori, 2015). This has led tremendously to global environmental pollution. Heavy metals are

naturally present in soil in relatively low concentrations usually in milligram or nanogram level

(Nussey, 1998). However, recently, the occurrence of heavy metals in excess of natural

quantities has emerged as a result of domestic and industrial effluents, urban storm-water run-

offs, smoke from in-use vehicles and leaching of metals from solid waste dump (Biney et al.,

1994), (Idris et al., 2014). The composition of road side sediments shows that it is made up of

materials from different sources such as run-off water from surrounding soils and slopes, dry and

wet atmospheric deposition, road paint degradation, inputs from the wear of sidewalks, wear

from road surface, vehicle wear, vehicle fluid and particulate emissions. Lately, studies have

shown that the level of lead in plants and soil have increased by a remarkably large quantity as a

result of pollution from automobiles, particularly from usage of leaded petrol and combustion

from exhaust (Ano et al., 2007), Onde et al. 2007, Osakwe, 2009). The discharge of these

contaminants into water bodies, seas and land is having adverse effect on the crops that are

planted along the major highways (Ekpete and Festus, 2013). Nigerian soil particularly those

along the highways is being bio accumulated by heavy metals giving rise to serious contagious

disease to crops, animals and human beings.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) plays a vital role in terms of income generation, employment

creation and food security for families in Rivers State, mainly those in the rural environments

where these cassavas are abundantly cultivated. Cassava is an important food, sold fresh or

processed in such a way that it can easily be stored in different forms such as garri, fufu, flour

and starch for domestic use and commercial purposes. Cassava roots and leaves can also be fed

to livestock. One of the major pathways by which contaminant and heavy metals in soils enter

the food chain is through soil to plant transfer (Sparg et al., 2004). Food crops such as cereal,

tuber crops and vegetables cultivated in crude oil impacted soil take up toxic metal from the soil

(Harmanescu et al., 2011). Basically, most heavy metals are not biodegradable, have long

biological half-lives and have the potential for accumulation in different body organs leading to

unwanted side effects (Mbong, et al., 2014). (Apau et al., 2014) posited that accumulation of

heavy metals in crop plants is often of great concern due to its potential for food contamination

through the soil root interface (Apau et al., 2014). Urbanization, fast and unorganized

industrialization has contributed to the increased level of metals in the urban area in the

developing nations. These heavy metals which are non-biodegradable and are pollutant are

deposited on the soil surfaces are being absorbed into the tissues of plants. Plant takes up these

heavy metals by absorbing them (Amoah,2008). Smokes from automobiles often contains high

concentration level of heavy metals, these elements at high concentration exceeding the

physiological demand of plants could discharge toxic in the plants and also could enter the food

chain, get biomagnified and pose a potential threat to human’s health. Thus, this research was

designed to investigate heavy metals accumulation in cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta)

cultivated along east-west road in River’s state, Nigeria. 

1.2 Justification of problem

It is well known that high industrial and traffic activities contribute high levels of heavy metals

to the environments. Plants grown around such areas are likely to absorb these metals either from

the soil through the roots or from atmospheric contaminants through the leaves (Fifield and

Haina, 1997).

1.3 Statement of problem

The soil contamination by heavy metals can transfer to food and ultimately to consumers. For

instance, plants accumulate heavy metals from contaminated soil without physical changes or

visible indication, which could cause a potential risk for human and animal (Osma et al., 2012).

Based on its persistent and cumulative nature, as well as the probability of potential toxicity

effects of heavy metals as a result of consumption of cassava there is a need to test and analyse

this food item to ensure that the levels of these trace elements meet the agreed international


It is on this basis that this study was designed to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in

cassava harvest from farmland along highway in Ibarapa Central Local Government Oyo State.

1.4 Aim of the study

The aim of the study is to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in cassava harvested

from farmlands along highway in Ibarapa Central Local Government Oyo State.

1.5 Objectives of the study

 To determine the concentration levels of heavy metals in the cassava harvested from

farmlands along highway in Ibarapa Central Local Government Oyo State.

 To determine the concentration of Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Mn, As, Cr, Zn and Fe using Atomic

Absorption Spectrophotometer.

 To compare the values of the concentration of the selected heavy metals with WHO

standard values.




The Scientific Classification of Cassava Kingdom: Plantae, Subkingdom: Tracheobionta,

Superdivision: Spermatophyta, Division: Magnoliophyte, Class: Magnoliopsida,

Subclass:Rosidae, Order: Euphorbiales, Family: Euphobiaceae, Genus: Manihot

Cassava is a woody perennial and branched shrub that can grow up to 5 metres in height. It has

large, spirally arranged, lobed leaves of very variable forms. During growth, the shrubs produce

several tuberous roots as reserves made of up to 35% starch which may reach up to 1 m in length

and together may weigh up to 40 kg. Cassava produces small, regular female and male flowers in

small clusters. The shrub produces a form of non-fleshy fruit capsule. Cassava grows better in all

regions near the equator, at elevations below 1,500 m, rainfall between 1,000 to 1,500 mm/year

and a temperature of between 23o and 25oC. With the exception of heavy or saturated soils, it can

grow in all soil types; it prefers light, well-drained, deep soils that are rich in organic matter. It

favours sunny locations and grows in high temperatures in tropical and subtropical regions. It

tolerates long dry seasons (6 to 7 months) as well as reduced precipitation. Cassava may be

planted alone or in combination with other crops such as maize, plantain, vegetables or legumes.

The cultivation of cassava does not require much labour, typically 75 to 125 man-days per

hectare, from the preparation of the land to harvesting. Sweet cassava tubers may be harvested 8

to 10 months after planting, whereas for the bitter varieties, the harvest starts from the 12th

month. Cassava is the chief source of dietary food energy for the majority of the people living in

the lowland tropics, and much of the sub-humid tropics of West and Central Africa (Tsegia et al;



Heavy metals are generally referred to as those metals which possess a specific density of more

than 5 g/cm3 and adversely affect the environment and living organisms (Järup, 2003).

A heavy metal is not toxic per se and it is only toxic when its concentration in the plant and

animal exceeds a certain threshold (“it is the dose that makes the effect”). Some elements, called

trace elements or micronutrients, have essential functions in plant and animal cells. This has been

shown for Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni and Zn. Only when the internal concentration exceeds a

certain threshold do they demonstrate toxic effects, and then they are commonly termed “heavy

metals” (Klaus-J, 2010). Heavy metals are significant environmental pollutants and their toxicity

is a problem of increasing significance for ecological, evolutionary, nutritional and

environmental reasons (Jaishankar et al., 2013). The prolonged human consumption of unsafe

concentrations of heavy metals in foodstuffs may lead to the disruption of numerous biological

and biochemical processes in the human body.

2.3 Heavy Metal Poisoning

Metals can contaminate the general environment through many routes. Because of their stability,

they may penetrate environmental compartments, in some cases, many years after the initial

deposition pollution of the soil and water systems may also arise from the weathering of

disposed product (Nordberg et al., 2005). Heavy metal accumulations in plant and soil from

natural and artificial sources and subsequent consequences represent important environmental

pollution problems. Food safety issues and potential adverse health risks make this one of the

most serious environmental concerns (Cui et al., 2004).

Some heavy metals such as copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and molybdenum act as

micronutrients for the growth of animals and human beings when present in trace quantities,

whereas others such as cadmium, arsenic and chromium acts as carcinogens (Trichopoulos et al.,

1997). Mercury and lead are associated with the development of abnormalities in children (Gibb

and Chen, 2000). Long term intake of cadmium causes renal, prostate and ovarian cancers

(Hartwig, 1998).

Generally, at the biochemical levels, the toxic effects caused by excess concentrations of heavy

metals include competition for sites with essential metabolites, replacement of essential ions,

reactions with –SH groups, damage to cell membranes and reactions with the phosphates groups

(Okoronkwo et al., 2005).

2.4 Routes of Heavy Metal Exposure

Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes which are inhalation and

ingestion. Ingestion is the main route of exposure to these elements in human population

(Türkdogan et al., 2003). Absorption through the skin is another route of exposure when the

metals come in contact with humans in agriculture and in manufacturing, pharmaceutical,

industrial, or residential settings. Industrial exposure accounts for a common route of exposure

for adults (Ngan, 2006).

Ingestion is the most common route of exposure in children. Children may acquire toxic levels

from the normal hand-to-mouth activity with contaminated soil or by actually eating objects that

are not food (Dupler, 2001). Less common routes of exposure are during a radiological

procedure, from inappropriate dosing or monitoring during intravenous nutrition and from

broken thermometers (Smith et al., 1997).

2.5 Classifications of Heavy Metal Exposure

Exposure to toxic heavy metals is generally classified as acute, 14 days or less; intermediate, 15-

354 days; and chronic, more than 365 days. Heavy metals are not easily biodegradable and so

they can accumulate in vital human organs. Chronic low level intakes of heavy metals have

adverse effects on human beings and other animals due to the fact that there is no effective

mechanism for their elimination from the body (Bahemuka and Mubofu, 1999). Metals such as

lead, mercury, cadmium and copper are cumulative poisons. These metals cause environmental

hazards and are reported to be exceptionally toxic (Ellen et al., 1990).

Chronic toxicity results from repeated or continuous exposure, leading to an accumulation of the

toxic substance in the body. Chronic exposure may result from contaminated food, air, water, or

dust; living near a hazardous waste site; spending time in areas with deteriorating lead paint;

maternal transfer in the womb; or from participating in hobbies that use lead paint or solder.

Chronic exposure may occur in either at home or workplace. Symptoms of chronic toxicity are

often similar to many common conditions and may not be readily recognized (Dupler, 2001).

2.6 Mechanism of Action of Heavy Metals

The heavy metal ions form complexes with proteins, in which carboxylic acid (–COOH), amine

(–NH2), and thiol (–SH) groups are involved. These modified biological molecules lose their

ability to function properly and result in the malfunction or death of the cells. When metals bind

to these groups, they inactivate important enzyme systems, or affect protein structure, which is

linked to the catalytic properties of enzymes. This type of toxin may also cause the formation of

radicals, dangerous chemicals that cause the oxidation of biological molecules (Neal and

Guilarte, 2012).

2.7 Heavy Metals Contamination of Soils

The heavy metals essentially become contaminants in the soil environments, because:

 their rates of generation via man-made cycles are more rapid relative to natural ones;

 they become transferred from mines to random environmental locations where higher

potentials of direct exposure occur;

 the concentrations of the metals in discarded products are relatively high compared to

those in the receiving environment; and

 the chemical form (species) in which a metal is found in the receiving environmental

system may render it more bioavailable (D‟Amore et al., 2005).

A simple mass balance of the heavy metals in the soil can be expressed as follows:

Mtotal = (Mp + Ma + Mf + Mag + Mow + Mip) – (Mcr + Ml) (1)

where, “M” is the heavy metal, “p” is the parent material, “a” is the atmospheric deposition, “f”

is the fertilizer sources, “ag” are the agrochemical sources, “ow” are the organic waste sources,

“ip” are other inorganic pollutants, “cr” is crop removal, and “l” is the losses by leaching,

volatilization, and so forth (Alloway, 1995; Lombi and Gerzabek, 1998).

2.8 Sources of Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils

2.8.1 Fertilizer
Agriculture was the first major human influence on the soil (Scragg, 2006). To grow and

complete the lifecycle, plants must acquire not only macronutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg), but

also essential micronutrients. Some soils are deficient in the heavy metals (such as Co, Cu, Fe,

Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn) that are essential for healthy plant growth, and crops may be supplied with

these as an addition to the soil or as a foliar spray. Cereal crops grown on Cu deficient soils are

occasionally treated with Cu as an addition to the soil, and Mn may similarly be supplied to

cereal and root crops (Lasat, 2000). Large quantities of fertilizers are regularly added to soils in

intensive farming systems to provide adequate N, P, and K for crop growth. The compounds

used to supply these elements contain trace amounts of heavy metals (e.g., Cd and Pb) as

impurities, which, after continued fertilizer, application may significantly increase their content

in the soil.

Metals, such as Cd and Pb, have no known physiological activity. Application of certain

phosphatic fertilizers inadvertently adds Cd and other potentially toxic elements to the soil,

including F, Hg, and Pb.

2.8.2 Pesticides

Several common pesticides used fairly extensively in agriculture and horticulture in the past

contained substantial concentrations of metals. For instance in the recent past, about 10% of the

chemicals have approved for use as insecticides and fungicides in UK were based on compounds

which contain Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, or Zn. Examples of such pesticides are copper-containing

fungicidal sprays such as Bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate) and copper oxychloride (Jones and

Jarvis, 2000).

Such contamination has the potential to cause problems, particularly if sites are redeveloped for

other agricultural or non-agricultural purposes. Compared with fertilizers, the use of such

materials has been more localized, being restricted to particular sites or crops (McLaughlin et al.,


2.8.3 Wastewater

The application of municipal and industrial wastewater and related effluents to land dates back

400 years and now is a common practice in many parts of the world (Reed et al., 1999).

Worldwide, it is estimated that 20 million hectares of arable land are irrigated with waste water.

In several Asian and African cities, studies suggest that agriculture based on wastewater

irrigation accounts for 50% of the vegetable supply to urban areas (Bjuhr, 2007).

Farmers generally are not bothered about environmental benefits or hazards and are primarily

interested in maximizing their yields and profits. Although the metal concentrations in

wastewater effluents are usually relatively low, long-term irrigation of land with such can

eventually result in heavy metal accumulation in the soil (Bjuhr, 2007).

2.8.4 Metal Mining and Milling Processes and Industrial Wastes

Mining and milling of metal ores coupled with industries have bequeathed many countries, the

legacy of wide distribution of metal contaminants in soil. During mining, tailings (heavier and

larger particles settled at the bottom of the flotation cell during mining) are directly discharged

into natural depressions, including onsite wetlands resulting in elevated concentrations

(DeVolder et al., 2003). Extensive Pb and Zn ore mining and smelting have resulted in

contamination of soil that poses risk to human and ecological health. Many reclamation methods

used for these sites are lengthy and expensive and may not restore soil productivity. Soil heavy

metal environmental risk to humans is related to bioavailability. Assimilation pathways include

the ingestion of plant material grown in (food chain), or the direct ingestion (oral bioavailability)

of, contaminated soil (Basta and Gradwohl, 1998).

Other materials are generated by a variety of industries such as textile, tanning, petrochemicals

from accidental oil spills or utilization of petroleum-based products, pesticides, and

pharmaceutical facilities and are highly variable in composition. Although some are disposed of

on land, few have benefits to agriculture or forestry. In addition, many are potentially hazardous

because of their contents of heavy metals (Cr, Pb, and Zn) or toxic organic compounds and are

seldom, if ever, applied to land. Others are very low in plant nutrients or have no soil

conditioning properties (Sumner, 2000).

2.8.5 Air-Borne Sources

Airborne sources of metals include stack or duct emissions of air, gas, or vapour streams, and

fugitive emissions such as dust from storage areas or waste piles. Metals from airborne sources

are generally released as particulates contained in the gas stream. Some metals such as As, Cd,

and Pb can also volatilize during high-temperature processing. These metals will convert to

oxides and condense as fine particulates unless a reducing atmosphere is maintained (Smith et

al., 1999).

2.8.6 Heavy Metal Contamination of Cassava

Cassava are an important part of a human beings diet because they are a source of nutrients.

Vegetables constitute important functional food components by contributing protein, vitamins,

iron, calcium and other nutrients which have marked health effects (Arai, 2002). There is an

inherent tendency of plants to take up toxic substances including heavy metals that are

subsequently transferred along the food chain (Singh et al., 2010). And as such, heavy metal

contamination in vegetables cannot be underestimated as food stuffs are important components

of human diet. Heavy metal contamination of the food items is one of the most important aspects

of food quality assurance (Khan et al., 2008).

Contamination of foods by heavy metals has become a challenge for producers and consumers.

The main sources of heavy metals to vegetable crops are their growth media (soil, air, nutrient

solutions) from which these heavy metals are taken up by the roots or foliage (Lokeshwari and

Chandrappa, 2006). The toxic and detrimental impacts of heavy metals become apparent only

when long-term consumption of contaminated vegetables occurs. Regular monitoring of heavy

metals in vegetables and other food items should be performed in order to prevent excessive

buildup of these heavy metals in the human food chain (Khanna, 2011). Vegetables can take up

and accumulate heavy metals in quantities high enough to cause clinical problems to humans

(Alam et al., 2003). Daily metal intake estimate does not take into account the possible metabolic

ejection of the metals but can easily tell the possible ingestion rate of a particular metal.



3.1 Area of the Study

The experiment was carried out at the research laboratory, Oyo State College of Agriculture and

Technology, Igboora, Oyo state.

3.2 Sample collection

Fresh cassava tubers were randomly collected from six spots (25 meters apart) from three

different farmlands cultivated along Igboora-Abeokuta highway in Ibarapa Central Local

Government Oyo State. The samples were identified and packed into polyethylene bags. Each of

the cassava samples were pooled together to obtain good representation and then divided into

three portions for composite replicate analyses

3.3 Sample treatment

The samples were washed with tap water to remove any surface deposits (dust and any other

particles that may act as contaminants), and rinsed with distilled water. They were sliced using

knife to aid drying at room temperature. The samples were air dried for four days in the

laboratory to remove moisture and oven-dried at 60 o C to a constant weight. The dried samples

were pulverized to fine powder using a mortar and pestle and stored in air tight containers until

required for analysis.

3.4 Acid digestion of the samples

A measured weight (2 g) each of ground samples was put into separate beakers, digested with 12

ml of aqua regia HNO3/ HCl (1:3) on a hot plate at 70 0 C until the brown fumes disappeared.

Heating was continued until the brown fumes turned to white. 20 ml of distilled water was added

and heated until a colourless solution was obtained. The solution was allowed to cool and after

cooling, the digested samples were filtered using Whatman No1 filter paper. The filtrates were

made up to 100mls mark in volumetric flasks with distilled water.

3.5 Determination of Heavy metals concentration

The concentrations of the following heavy metals Copper(Cu), Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr),

Arsenic(As), Nickel(Ni), Manganese (Mn), Zinc(Zn), Iron(Fe) and Lead (Pb) in the cassava

samples were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.




Table1: Shows the concentration of heavy metals in the cassava tuber samples

Heavy Site A Site B Site C Site D Site E Site F

Cu 0.136±0.002 0.215±0.004 0.129±0.005 0.042±0.002 0.086±0.002 0.022±0.002

Ni 0.004±0.001 0.003±0.002 0.032±0.002 0.002±0.002 0.002±0.002 0.012±0.002

Pb 0.006±0.004 0.005±0.003 0.016±0.004 0.022±0.002 0.006±0.004 0.012±0.002


Mn 0.121±0.002 0.083±0.009 0.025±0.003 0.022±0.001 0.021±0.002 0.031±0.002


Cr 0.001±0.000 BDL 0.002±0.000 0.001±0.000 0.001±0.000 0.001±0.000

Zn 6.750±0.026 3.840±0.002 5.950±0.027 4.550±0.025 5.850±0.026 7.550±0.025

Fe 4.230±0.042 3.440±0.030 3.830±0.042 2.350±0.021 4.430±0.042 3.650±0.021

Results expressed as mean ± standard deviation

BDL= Beyond Detection Limit


The mean concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Mn, As, Cr, Zn and Fe) obtained from

the cassava tuber samples planted at site A to F (25 meters apart) distances from the highways

are shown in Table 1. The levels of heavy metals in the tuber ranged between 0.001ppm to

6.750ppm at site A, 0.003ppm to 3.840ppm at site B, 0.002ppm to 5.950ppm at site C, 0.001ppm

to 4.550 ppm at site D, 0.001ppm to 5.850ppm at site E and 0.001ppm to 7.550ppm at site F. Zn

recording highest value (7.550ppm) in samples from site F and Cr, the least (0.001ppm to

0.002ppm) in samples from all the sites except site B where Mn is the least with value

(0.003ppm) while Cd and As are beyond detecting limit. The levels of heavy metals

bioaccumulation in cassava tuber reported in this study are generally lower than the WHO/FAO

(2001) safe limit. There were also evidences of decrease in concentration between each site.

From the result obtained in this study, it was observed that Zinc(Zn) had the highest value when

compare to other heavy metal this is an evidence of root mineral absorption. This agreed with the

work of Chiroma et al. (2003) in their study on heavy metal contamination of vegetables and

soils irrigated with sewage water in Yola, Nigeria, reported that Zn accumulated in roots and

possibly translocated gradually to the leaves. This implies that the bioaccumulation of zinc was

high in the cassava tuber and consuming this type of cassava tuber could lead to hypertension,

arthritis, diabetes, anaemia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis, reduced fertility;

hypoglycemia, headaches, osteoporosis, kidney disease, and stroke (Lokeshappa et al., 2012) due

to Zn poisoning. Furthermore, iron (Fe) was also found to have high value after zinc(Zn) but

these values were within the normal range of iron in plant sample as reported by WHO/FAO

(2001) safe limit. Fe is essential in the body and its benefits include carrying oxygen to human

blood cells. About two-thirds of the body iron is found in hemoglobin. The benefit of iron

correspond to proper growth of human body and maintaining robust health also to produce red

blood cells but in very high amount causes vomiting, abdominal pain and liver enlargement. The

copper levels found in cassava tuber were within safe limits in all site. A report by Adelasoye

and Ojo (2014) showed that cassava leaf contained higher concentration of the heavy metals at

high traffic than low traffic density roads. In the same vein, regions closer to the roads had plant

leaves higher in the metal concentrations than 20 - 30 m away from the roads. Muhammad et al.

(2008) studied the response of three vegetables to Cu toxicity and found that Cu levels in both

root and shoot increased, but root Cu concentration increased more sharply than shoot with

increasing Cu levels in growth media. Cu mainly accumulated in roots while a small fraction

(10%) of absorbed Cu was transported to shoot. Moshen and Moshen (2008) found that Cu

concentration in the shoots was significantly influenced by Cu concentration in soil. The

bioaccumulation of Ni, Pb, Mn, and Cr in the cassava tuber showed a mean value with less

significant difference for all the six sites. Plants are known to take up and accumulate trace

metals from contaminated soil (Abdul Kasheem and Singh, 1999), hence detection in plant root

samples was not surprising. Although the levels of these metals were within normal range for

plants, continual consumption could lead to accumulation and adverse health implications

particularly for Ni, Pb, Mn, and Cr (Opaluwa, 2012). Furthermore, values obtained in the cassava

tuber samples could be attributed to vehicular emission deposit on farmlands.




The overall results showed evidence of some heavy metal pollution on the soils and bio-

accumulation in cassava plants, from farmlands along highways in Abeokuta. The heavy metals

levels tended to be lower than the permissible level in the cassava tuber sample. Cu, Zn and Fe

recorded high transfer factors along different sites sampled. While Zn showed a positive

correlation, Pb showed a negative correlation. This implies that increase in the concentration of

Zn in soil causes a highly significant increase in Zn in the root of Cassava tuber. Moreover,

despite the fact that concentration of heavy metals in cassava tubers were significantly lower

than the WHO maximum acceptable limit for food, there presence in the cassava tuber sample

calls for serious health concern as heavy metals are bio accumulative in human organs and

tissues and thus causing various diseases and disorders, if they are not properly controlled.


From this research work, it shows that the values for heavy metals concentration of cassava

tubers cultivated on farmland along Abeokuta- Igboora highway were significantly lower than

the WHO maximum acceptable limit for food. It therefore recommended that other methods of

analysis of heavy metals should be adopted for the same cassava tuber samples. Moreover,

farmlands should be located far away from highway to minimize health risks associated with

heavy metals poisoning.


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