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Title: Narrative Techniques (English 2)

Relevant SC Standards:
Standard 3.1- Gather ideas from texts, multimedia, and personal experience to write narratives
3.1c- Use narrative techniques of dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines
to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.

This app lesson will develop English 2 students’ understanding and use of narrative techniques to
be used when writing a story.

Instructional Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the different types of narrative techniques and how they
differentiate from one another.
Students will be able to identify the different types of narratives used when they appear in a
specific text.

Step 1: Students will use Jamboard (Online Whiteboard) to provide their inferred definitions or
prior knowledge of the narrative techniques (dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, etc.)

Step 2: Students will use Pear Deck to drag lines to connect the narrative technique to its correct

Step 3: Students will use SimpleMind-Mind Mapping App to create a web/map of at least one
example for each narrative technique (dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot
lines to develop experiences, events, and/or characters) from assigned text for class. They will
then submit a screenshot of their work for the assessment.

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